Other urls found in this thread:
t. big bang theory catch phrase
Who cares, if it ain't Anglo then its just another subspecies
>comes from a country more irrelevant than bulgaria
Why do Northern Europeans always do pic related?
there is no mediterranean race stop with this bullshit
Relevancy is a stupid metric, anglos conquered ever corner of the world and made striving economies where ever they went.
Anglo master race.
Comes from a country named after our most shitty province
>tfw masterrace
why do you want to group youself with lessers like spain and greece
Thanks for letting me find this image, Italiano-bro
You've been all played
Nord, Anglo, Mediterranean, Slav
Our differences are irrilevant
We must stand together against the Kebabs, the niggers and the (((true enemy)))
laugh at my joke please
which scandi country was thor born in ?
which scandi country was ragnar born in ?
posting the non-ant sized version
But spains and greeks are not lesser than us
I approve this
He's German
Theres no need to be upset
Literally both Top 10 ethnicities in human history nigger
Greeks fucking created our civilization, Spaniards brought them to 3/4 of the globe
strange isn't it that superior nordic aryan man is incapable of enacting his gods or heroes...
Fucking Janitors
Not doing their job
Its not realy funny, now is it ?
where in germany is victoria ?
fucking kek you are dumb as shit. People insult each other every few minutes on Sup Forums, it's called banter there is no jew lizard people conspiracy.
the potatonigger has a point
hello schlomo
Which one is the better english?
look at europe you guys are all squished together in one landmass.
Need i remind you you have animal brothels?
AUstralia could become china size or america size we are just lazy fucks we only luve in a few places in australia and we still bigger then your euro trash one.
His ancestry is originally from Swedish vikings who went to England and later got sent to Australia to control all the scum and degenerate prisoners.
We Found (((him)))
this board is mostly Reddit now, they have no concept of such things.
>written in italic
Spain once owned 3/4 of the shithole you call home Tyrone. Not too bad for a bunch of lessers.
Where was Tarzan born?