This triangle aircraft has flown over my property like 4x now. It can change its engine sound...

This triangle aircraft has flown over my property like 4x now. It can change its engine sound, the 3rd sighting it had a propeller plane sound, and I ignored the sound. But then it flew past my FOV, perfect triangle shape with flashing lights on it. Tonight was the 4th time I sighted it, outside when I was having a smoke. Who owns these things?

They also left a clue to Mount Terra Nova, Antarctica, maybe it is their base?

Other urls found in this thread:

My farts smell like shit

archon space ship + antartica psyop confirmed, thanks

you learn more from the slide threads than the actual threads these days

Hi Saffer who called the antarctic base here. I was also the guy who did the video frame grabs for you.

He is legit and if anything you are cyber command shills.

What is man, who are they?

And also I did more frame grabs and got an identical frame of the same craft.

And also I found in the video a voice from the ship says on film "Nice securities". Complimenting the vehicles around the place.

The triangle ones are man made, so no big deal.

It's the warping, morphing donut/saucers with the aliums.

Ok who are the men that made them? An user in the Antarctica thread says they are Reptilians

America I would assume.
Who else?

They're shaped like stealth jets, have engines, and blinking lights. All human crap.

The other well documented ones change colour from metallic to bright iridescent. No need for blinking lights, and they change shape.

I had the weirdest shit happen to me whilst investigating this topic with the Antarctic expeditions and earthquakes this year.

I had cats with luminous green eyes stalk me. I had crows making predator sounds at me right outside my window looking straight at me. I had fucking black eagles appear out of nowhere as I look up in the sky with them loitering over me. I was gang stalked by a bunch of white vans with police uniforms speaking into color mics and earpieces every-time I drive one of them follows me around forcing me to drive in loops till they fuck off. I had medical research companies call me asking for my blood to boost immune systems. I had marketers attack me with calls non stop for 12 hours straight after calling there help line and saying there food packaging is going to kill people if they cook there food in it.

Fuck I even had satanist cults poison my friend and Gabriel appear to me in a Glowing Yellow orb telling me that I must stand witness to the people and tell them the following.

The whole world is being ruled by Satanic
Cult called the Temple of Seth. All power positions and other critical infrastructure is monitored and surveillance is kept on all suspected targets.

O+ blood is the ancestors of the true God where O- is the bloodline of the 200 fallen angels. The rest of the bloodlines are the line of the original Adam and Eve. White people are suppose to help and inspire the other bloodlines but we messed up and kept our knowledge to ourselves. In the end we will all be judged and found to be weighted to lightly for our selfish way of living. Why do you think all the minority movements picked up so much. The Gods will be here in February when the solar eclipse happens over North America. I wish you all goodluck I can't be myself anymore as they will lock me up like a crazy person. The Gods told me and gave me signs it's up to you to chose your path now!

All these threads sound like they were generated by some kinda babbling conspiracy markov chain.

What the actual fuck are you even talking about.

It's the Vulcans coming to congratulate Trump for beating out that bitch Hillary.

first contact won't happen until after the great war.

Here is a picture of a strange malleable rock that was stuck to the side of one of the clue cans they left.

It had a small voltage when tested with a multimeter. What is this rock made of? The bottom side of it is green.

My blood type is B-. What is going to happen to me?

God loves you user

The can landed on a dingo turd

Why don't u record it next time

I did a ritual with two meteorites and send them to Damascus to be made into a dagger. I don't know why but God told me to do it. It's really weird when you read St. Paul story of how God spoke to him.

Let them LARP, at least they stick to this thread only

>The triangle ones are man made, so no big deal.
just wrong.
This is the US military propagand.

well now you know your house is near one of their routes, set up a night camera or keep your phone with you everynight to capture some decent closeup footage!

how did the ship leave a clue?
did they drop a leaflet for you?

geez, take some photography lessons, learn how to use your camera's auto focus kek

This user in the other thread is telling me they're reptilians and they put something in my brain and are going to take it out later.

I did get video of the second encounter. It's good.

Regardless the black triangle and the disc/donut are the only two types with mountains of solid video evidence that went through debunking.

The way they operate looks human and unknown respectively to me.

Honestly if they're both jewish traps i dont really care, bring on the culling of humanity

Looks like Santa swapped poles and upgraded his shit this year


Maybe you should take your meds

I saw a ship just like that when I was like 6 years old, it could stay still in mid sir and point to different directions, after a while of looking around it flew away at an incredible speed. I swear to god I I saw it with my big brother in front of my house, it was around 1993.

Another link of VIDEO EVIDENCE of it that I recorded

>have alien technology used for interstellar travel
>use it to make goofy looking little jet things and spook rednecks with it

story checks out

you can post it on r/ufos/ and if they verify it they will pass it on to the schizos for you.

They will also do their best to count the pixels and call you a faggot if you're trying to ruse them though.

I'll put it on JewTube. The link is clean though guys.


RH-neg here

Fuck off this world is ours, it belongs to the hellspawn and always will.


Those are navigation lights you dumbass.

Yes I know. Who owns the triangle though? I keep seeing it all the time.

Have Blue, aka The Hopeless Diamond, aka F-117

also the B-2 Spirit Bomber

the YB-35

Looks like this guys. Please assist me.

It flew under 50m over my house and I saw the whole side of it, all these white lights.

Perfect triangle shape.

the N-1M

The shape is a perfect equilateral triangle.

we use these to bomb goat fuckers on the other side of the world.

it's probably an f-117 dumbass

My frst thought when I saw it, was that it was the B2.

But does the B2 have a red running light on the underside of the tips of its wings.

And does it also have white lights along its belly in a v shape?

They are doing a christmas tree retard.

those are navigation lights

geez mate, let me get the binoculars
cant see anything

They make a christmas tree with their lights and ship for me to see?


it's called formation flying

Yeah I need to film it better. I think they are camera shy. Like what if they stop appearing because I'm waiting for them with a camera.
I prefer not to intensely focus on them, until I know more about them.

No it 's not multiple ships. It's one ship.

Imagine an aircraft as wide as an ordinary F-18, except it is just a fucking triangle.


what altitude was "it" flying at?

Just military aircraft. Stop talking about it.

1st encounter it flew under 50M, I saw it very closely as it flew over my house and down my FOV.

2nd and 3rd encounter it flew at about 100M

4th encounter it flew at about what commercial airliners fly at. 5000M.

All 4x, the only reason I saw it was because of the sound of a jet engine or on the 3rd occasion, it was the sound of a prop engine. Yes I heard a prop engine, and ignored it, it's common to hear planes all day around me. Then it flew past my FOV, in all its triangleness.


what if they stop showing up for no reason and you lose your whole chance to take a picture or video?

at least you know they'll likely fly over

also my guess is the 3rd time you saw it, maybe a prop plane was in the area? or did the sound come from the ship's position?

The triangle aliens are harmless, mostly. It's the horseshoe flying cunts that are no good, fuck those horseshoe flying assholes.

>50 meters
>under 160 feet altitude
>500 feet is the minimum flight altitude in unpopulated areas, 1000 in populated areas

you sir are either full of shit, on drugs, or saw a radio controlled model plane... while on drugs.

The voice of it saying "Nice Securities" does say Robotic.

Sound came from ship's position. It was only thing in the skies around me.

It was fucking ridiculous hearing and seeing a shitty prop plane sound belonging to a triangle ship.

Yes I'm on marijuana. But that's not the point. It flew within 50m overhead me, and it obviously doesn't give a fuck about aviation rules.

>Admits to being on drugs
Opinion discarded, I'm a pilot I know how this shit works, stop being a dumbass.

This is not Sup Forums related, and just because your retarded threads get no traction in /x/, does not mean you should post them in off-topic boards.

Go away, narcissistic shitposting emu-cuck.

Well they don't care about aviation rules, because they flew that low over my house...

well then report the indecent to the local authorities and a low flying aircraft over a populated area. give them the time and location, Tale number if you have it and the pilot will be fined. I still think you are full of shit.