I got banned after posting pic related.
Why would this specific post be removed if this was not a potentially viable attack vector?
Save img and spread it wide.
I got banned after posting pic related.
Why would this specific post be removed if this was not a potentially viable attack vector?
Save img and spread it wide.
there's a mod deleting all kinds of legit threads, probably a mole
others hate you for it, but this is actually a brilliant strategy, literally killing 2 birds with 1 stones.
So how would we do this?
A) Convince SJWs jews are ultimate privilege
B) Get muslims to complain about 'muh palestine' and openly hate on the jews
C) tell them powerful jews are republicans?
Hiroshimoot needs to crack down otherwise the containment board will be breached, and we'll spread the red-pill throughout other boards.
bump for justice
>Why would this specific post be removed if this was not a potentially viable attack vector?
You either deleted the post yourself for schizo Sup Forumsack cred or someone was doxed in your thread.
Sounds good to me
Probably seen as dox or raids, I still think it's a good idea.
when 2 enemies fight
you win
if youre not spreading these memes on tumblr, you're not doing anything worth while
If Jews are the problem what about George Soros selling out to nazis as a child
And what about breitbart and Michael Savage types
What is the point in making sjw's anti Semitic
I already know a couple that are......
This is difficult problem. Obviously we need to separate Jewish people from their two main defenses: claiming to be white and claiming to be a minority. This gives them immense power as an "oppressed" class while still being "white"
The white defense is easy if we can frame it like how nips aren't the same as chinks, Mexican's aren't the same as Latinos, etc. But the biggest problem is the minority block. As soon as you bring that up, it's anti-Semitic and therefore holocaust 2.0. I think if we could translated this into the SJW idea that white people are blind to their privileged, Jews are blind to the fact they aren't discriminated against anymore. Maybe a movement like Jewish Privilege or genital mutilation is a Jewish idea, singling them out. It entirely has to be other minorities who do this though, as no white person could get away with saying this stuff or it's anuda shoah
The one reasonable thread right here on Sup Forums right now as it's being constantly flooded.
spread pictures of fake headlines from mainstream news via twitter/facebook
stuff like "Jewish rabbis ban POC from attending private ceremony"
use the mainstream media and social media as weapons against themselves
> Selling out
> As a child
Soros was hidden (pretended to be a christian) so he didn't have to go to camp. He then helped take property from other jews. This was when he was a child, and it was to survive. I don't think this is an issue when he's 90+ years old.
Problem is: SJW are conditioned of thinking of jews only and always as victims and a "minority".
This is their holy grail. You're directly aiming at their viable center of power.
It will be very difficult. Post memes.
the SJWs are a creation (or at least byproduct) of the destructive actions of the Jews. Turning SJWs against their creators is pottery.
good post, good idea
>No white person
Just say you are slav and expose the commies.
> "Jews are super-whites"
> "Jews are the whitest"
> "Jewish privilege, the real privilege?"
> Statistics about jewish bank/media ownership
> "Jews have to own up to the fact that they can't go on hiding their newly found privilege behind the holocaust"
It will be difficult, thankfully for millenials and Gen Z their oppression more and more belongs to ancient history, whereas Israel and its crimes are much more relevant. There's definitely an angle, the Jews are scared because they know the shadow of the shoah that they could hid in is fading away, now once again instead of seeing Jews for what was done to them we see them for what they do to others.
Yeah this idea might work for a few people since I already know sjw's that are anti Semitic and think hitler dindu nuffin
And they're still stupid sjw's
It would change literally nothing
Guy from /leftypol/
The anons there told him to not be so heavy handed because we'd complain and he told them to fuck off because we're scum.
Okay. It seems none of us ever created memes . What graphical program is best (and for free)? Gimp?
Yea noticed this as well.
>legitimising the jewish menace
(((Literally))) know a cunt who's like 'hitler dindu nuffin, muh Dakota pipeline!!!'
nice proxy nigga
>Scum calling other scum scum
Tell him to get a mirror.
This is great OP. Reminder that niggers already were into all that around the late 1980s early 1990s, the Nation of Islam and rappers would talk shit about Jews non-stop
Photoshop and Illustrator are free :^)
Could be. There is a guy on /leftypol/ "claiming" that he is a mod here and deletes threads/ban posters.
Apparently for doing things like reporting raid threads by /leftypol/ etc.
Reapeat: "He claims"
I think there are already lefty movements inside Israel. We could copy their arguments.
> It would change literally nothing
Yes. It would force a few hands. Maybe turn a few tides.
Suddenly they are in a double bind.
> If promote SJWs, also promote antisemitism
This is thinking tactically. Lock an attack vector by forcing a loss whenever it is used.
OY VEY, /r/donald plz support me and gib shekels for cucking the white rac-i mean killing the mudslime scum
The thing with SJWs is that most of their arguments, while involving some sort of minority element, are mainly a class/socioeconomic argument. Take a look at how they argue in defense of blacks (under privileged, areas aren't being funded enough, not enough programs), refugees (war-torn places, don't have anything, we need to provide for them) and others. If you can somehow associate how Jews are using their privilege and show how they're stepping on/over the favored protected SJW classes, you'll probably do a better job at forming discord between the two.
The shit isn't just claims. I've been banned multiple times for things i never did and it's always after making a sharp point
Fen Bishfiend
Not even
True, you have things like B'Tselem, MondoWeiss, +972, and of course Palestinian things, all of which have good credibility and reputation among leftists who are focused on Palestine.
The thing about them I noticed is that they think Palestine is the whole problem with the kikes, they don't realise it's just the tip of the iceberg and they kikes are out to screw goyim on every continent.
The post wasn't deleted, it just got archived because no one posted in it. It slid off.
Jewish privilege, the statistics, and them hiding behind the holocaust is probably our best bet. Maybe if we start tying them to some minority massacres aswell? What does an sjw meme typically look like anyway
>Are they, dare I say it, our guys?
This is the thing. Can't infight all the time while (((someone else))) rubs his hands.
hahaha OP you newfag scum
Straight up you fags have never considered that anti Semitic is a Semitic plot to destroy your movement
>Palestinian Lives Matter!
Two iterations I've been thinking of;
Copying BLM anti-White rhetoric and exchanging it for pro-Palestinian rhetoric aimed at Jews and creating pro-BLM, anti-White posters in the style of Occupy Democrats pieces, that are rearrangements of Nazi anti-semitic propaganda.
SJWs already see Jews as white though. That's why they hate Israel and support Palestine, because they see Israelis as white.
lowest IQ rareflag
It makes them look bad. Delegitimizes their arguments. Either that or we actually get annudah shoah, so it's win-win for us
I want this to happen. Crank up the meme factory.
make some occupy democrat memes
Sure we have.
I'm cool with Israelis.
This is more Anti-SJW.
Especially helpful as progressivess like Ellison, who hate Jews, take over the Democrats.
Then why was I ISP banned? Proxy didn't work either. Thread got archived a minute after posting, max. It was not because it slided off.
This is the only way I can see it maybe working. Long shot
Fair share of SJWs and leftists are already Antisemites.
This shouldn't be news to anyone.
The left has always been anti kike. It's the right wing in America that have been the Zionist kike cocksuckers. Trump is going to suck Israel's cock harder than any president before him
maybe cause your posting name was Bin Fishbine?
Anyone got that pic of the asian guy alone in the stadium handy?
This. Sjw's hate Israel
I suppose I am beginning to see some potential in this
Here ya go
What if we succeed and the right wing goes full Jew in response?
we the Jews now
It's not a long shot, it's a pretty close one. The antisemitic sentiment has historically always been there among leftists. We just need to amplify that. Getting more people to distrust the jews is a good thing in and of itself; it gives them a chance to realize that sjwism is a jewish plot. The evidence is there, we just have to get people to look at it.
>remember when Hillary's convention was wall to wall kikes?
The left maybe less friendly to Israel than the GOP but they certainly aren't anti kike.
Then we get the Jews on our side and we become the most powerful and unstoppable force ever known.
Those are some pretty gud points
Just need to push them further down Islamic path.
If it's a close one, how come not one user has made a meme itt yet. It's on a be hard as shit to come up with something effective
Nah, the "his post, his thread, his life" one
They hate Israel, but not the internationalists.
Because they don't know how much jewish overrepresentation there is in positions of power.
Here is a good starting position:
> "Jews are tremendously overrepresented in positions of power. Although this small and powerful minority is only 2% (fill in with correct numbers) of the population, they earn (percentage) more than even privileged whites, and (percentage) more than people of color.
Although jews were prosecuted in the past, the tables have now turned, and at this moment in time, they are no doubt the most privileged group in the USA - Even more so than ordinary whites. One could even say jews are super-whites.
Jews in the USA are so influential that they lobby for the government to give out multiple billions of dollars in handouts to Israel every year. Israel, being the epitome of whiteness, is in effect a apartheid style occupation government, and they kill and subjugate the native palestinians, while the world turns a blind eye.
If you don't approve of Trump's wall, then be aware that Israel has walled in a tiny bit of land - the gaza strip, full of palestinians, whom they use for testing their new weapons. This way, they can get a good selling point when dealing weapons, since all of their equipment has been field tested in their walled-in murder camp."
This info can be useful
>2.1% of the US population is Jewish
>10% of the senate is Jewish (4.8 times more likely)
>33.3% of the supreme court is Jewish (16 times more likely)
>43% of US Jews earn over $100,000 a year, compared to 18% of Americans as a whole (2.4 more likely).
Also this article is useful
Torrent MS Digital Image Pro 10.
Old but gold.
Someone should write to a newspaper or something as an SJW, and incorporate the letter with anti-jewisher undertones, in a way that comince other sjws to dislike jews
there is some info about there about ivy league admissions, we can play the diversity angle
schools are something like 26% jewish vs only 2% of population
ivy league discriminates against beautiful POC for these racist white jews
good old jewish boys club
How can you post using smoke signals?
I got a 4 day ban for posting a cursed ancap meme. mods are fucking gay
You're on the right track, but drop the "Jews are more privileged than whites" thing. Instead, meme Jews=white, much more effective with the SJWs.
I've seen several articles by Jews this year, bemoaning how they're perceived as white in the cancerous social climate they created for whites.
Like this right? the problem is getting it sjw friendly
BLM and Palestinians working "together", on a side note look at the disgust with which the sand nigger
shows to the presence of niggers in the pic.
Actually one of the major fiber lines connecting Australia to the West coast of the USA goes right by Papua
>tfw he probably actually gets better internet than most Australians because of that
because antisemitism is against the rules of Sup Forums?
Jews are 2% of the population and almost 50% of the supreme court. Blacks are 15% of the population and yet there's only one brotha on the supremevcourt. Stay woke.
Like pic related?
The is one way we can save the world:
We have to side with Islam. We have to turn into the villains. The world will turn on us but by doing that they will turn on Islam.
It is the only way.
Yeah, no thanks muhammed. You've fucked up germany and are on the way to doing so in the UK. Fuck off with your shit religion.
this is good desu
one of the top people in the running to lead the democratic party is now under attack for anti-semitism and links to radical islamic groups like NOI and Muslim Brotherhood
it's widening the rift in the party over Israel and alienating some of the top donors to the party
increasing the level of anti-semitism on the left could fracture the democratic party or at least exacerbate the infighting
>The first Muslim elected to Congress, Ellison, who hails from Minnesota, was an early supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign and one of the first senior Democrats to take Donald Trump's candidacy seriously — qualifications cited by supporters in the Democratic Party who would like to install him as their leader.
>But Ellison's status as the front-runner last week came under threat after CNN revived articles Ellison wrote in praise of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan while Ellison was a grad student — 20 years ago — and found footage of him appearing to criticize Israel. That prompted Hillary Clinton's biggest donor, Haim Saban, to on Friday call Ellison an "anti-Semite."
>We have to side with Islam.
Fuck off Abdullah, you deserve a fucking shoe.
Jews own the media and record labels. Even BET is owned by a Jew. Even the Cleveland show is made by Jews, which is why it sucks.
I got baned for reporting /leftypol/ threads. Shit was fun.
Got it.
You can stealth it in there--make the stated point of the infograph to show how minorities are under-represented at Ivy League by comparing percent of US population vs percent enrolled at Ivy league.
The "accidental" message of the image becomes clear when instead of the normal "white" category, you break it down into white and Jewish.
People's eyes will be drawn to 2% pop vs 26% enrolled or w/e.