Who here /philosopher/ ?
Who here /philosopher/ ?
More like you'll become a cuck, relieved of half the net-worth
oh me!! i philosophize the origins of black lust
3x3 anyone ?
your mother
Marcus Aurelius
John Stuart Mills
>Esse Est Percepi
>Categorical Imperative
>Pascals Wager
Yeah I /philosopher/
Also Knee Cha was a fucking cuck why does anyone even take him seriously
not an argument
You kind of kill the joke when you use it entirely out of context.
not an argument
No external factor will make you happy as long as you derive part of your identity from it. You are who you are right now, whole and complete. By failing to realize this you continue to search for yourself outside of yourself. How does this make any sense?
/philosopher/ here
OP quote is right, not sure if actual quote from Socrates. Definitely not happy.
Well seeing as how you live in a world full of "external factors", I think it's safe to assume that they have an impact on who you are.
This is the illusion. There are no external factors. There is no "you" that is apart from "everything else". All is one.
Anyone who calls himself a philosopher most likely isn't one
Only worthy endeavors are neuroscience and maths
What kind of retarded conclusion is this?
>Calling the Buddha retarded
OK dotfriend
shut the fuck up, Norway. You're just rattling off some Michael Tsarion bullshit. You're probably too young to even know what the fuck im talking about. Go ahead and google it.
Tips fedora.
I quote Plato & Kant, but I'm not a philosophier
That is very delusional, sure you can think that nothing matters and in 6 trillion years we'll all be united space dust without sense of time.
But in the current society there is only separate you and then there is everything else. Only after you die your Buddhist hippie ideology becomes relevant to you.
Also people are slaves to their environment which pretty much molds their identity. Because you are Norwegian you became this hippie, but if you were living in socialist dictatorship or isolated and violent tribe in a rainforest your worldview and priorities would be very different.
my man
It is better to live one day as a fucking white male than 100 years as an aids skrillex
t. Hugh Mungusolini
Fuck off hippie
i'm not a philosopher
I never said that nothing matters. Believing that everything is one isn't a nihilistic view. It's just that nothing matters more than anything else.
It's true that society molds an identity. The problem is that this identity isn't you. It's your mind's identity, also known as the ego.
Consider the mind. It's always active, always working. Working on problems, contemplating the past, imagining the future, which gives it a sense of identity. It derives what it is from what happens to it, and what it imagines will happen to it later. It then judges those things and labels them as something it either "likes" or dislikes". Are you what happens to you? Are you what you think of the things that happen to you?
Try this for an experiment: Close your eyes and focus on your breath, and only your breath. Hold the intention to shut out everything else and only focusing on the feeling or sound of your breath. Pay attention to how long it takes before a thought creeps in. It might say "well this was easy" or "that user is a retard." The point is that you were interrupted in what you were doing. Try it again, and again, as many times as you feel like. What happens?
So, if you fail to do what you were trying to do, why is that? Why is it that you couldn't force your mind to be quiet?`Aren't you in control of your mind? If not, who is in control?
The answer is: your mind is in control, and you are powerless before it because you believe your are your mind.
Your mind can't be quited because it's fucking turned on, Sven. We CAN quiet our brain, however, when we decide to sleep or practice meditation. We are thinking entities who have to cope with a rudimentary biological framework, but that doesn't mean we can't wrest control of our minds and bodies away from instinct. We all have power in this way, it just takes discipline.
>We are thinking entities who have to cope with a rudimentary biological framework
This is the misunderstanding. We don't have to. The mind tells us we have to, because if we don't, its ego will cease to exist. It will die, which is what any entity fears more than anything. This fear rules our lives.
Your real identity exists in the present moment. What's common for all your thoughts is that they're either concerned with the past or with the future. Never the present moment, the here an now. Consider it, and you'll know it's true.
What is it about the present moment, then? It contains nothing for the mind to work with. No past to either relish or regret, no future to either dread or look forward to. In the moment, the mind loses all sense of self-identification, which is why it does absolutely everything it can to obscure it from you.
Meditation as you bring up is a portal to this moment. Practice it diligently enough, and you will be spending more time in the present away from your thoughts. I do this myself. It's how I know. It's not about finding something within or outside of yourself, but about stilling the mind enough to realize what you've had all along: your true self. No one can tell you who it is that waits for you there, in the now. You have to see for yourself, and to do that you have to accept that your mind's sense of identity is false.
The key to life is to die before you die.
>Albert Camus
This sentence alone got me from american-tier blob to /fit/
Thanks /philosophers/