Why do you guys hate Russians? I mean, honestly. We've always tried to be nice since the collapse of USSR, and when we realised that we were being cucked and said about it out loud everyone started throwing shit at us. I mean come on. Not nice.
Why do you guys hate Russians? I mean, honestly. We've always tried to be nice since the collapse of USSR...
Other urls found in this thread:
We don't hate Russia. We just think Putin is a Muslim loving gaywad Jew.
Ivan, we're not trotskyite jews here on Sup Forums
cause you're everything we stand against, fucking barbarians
>when we realised that we were being cucked and said about it out loud
Mate, real talk, this is the problem "The West" has with you. If you correctly identify the problems with your society, it threatens the comfortable lifestyles of those who profit from these problems, who would otherwise have to earn a real living.
(((The Powers That Be))) in the west dislike Russia because you are prepared to fight in order to avoid being dicked over for their profit, and so they feed the common man lies about you and poison the minds of the people without giving them the chance to form their own opinions.
That said, invading Ukraine was a dick move, give Crimea back.
97% of people voted to return to Russia you fag. You give those islands to Argentina bacl
And who are you? Hillary supporters?
He doesn't love muslims as a group. He loves only ones who come from Caucasus region. Basically, he doesn't have any choice now, as long as he had to bribe Chechens and Dagestanians for about 15 years. If he stops doing it he will be seen as an opressor and here we go, the 3rd chechen war, if not more. It's quite sad, actually.
i dont hate russians but i do hate you for bein such a pussy bitch
-Speaks against radical Islam
-Speaks against Jewish Globalism
-Speaks against Homosexual propaganda
Gets called Muslim loving gayward Jew
i love you ruski bros and gals... just don't fall for the communjewism meme again
>americans have been against russia only after hillary came into the picture
sure thing bud
>those islands to Argentina bacl
They were never Argentinian.
because , during cold war there was 2 camps of Jew , and each want to control whole world solo
When USSR collapse , we try to be welcome to western ideology and "values". They fuck us up, grab us, ruin our country and dont take us as equal.
We never be under anglo-marxist shoe. Thats why they hate us. Thats why this propaganda still works. Marxism is against national identity.
Racket, lies, speculations its all weapons of marxism. And now this weapons is against us.
B-but we trying to protect basics of your constitution from global criminal syndicate, that rooted itself within political establishent of your country and destabilizing it.
Which is could be acceptable due to possible geopolitical benefits, if they would not laid thier vicious eyes on our country. So here we are.
In return we only asking for total annihilation of islamic ideology from the face of the Earth.
Let be friends
You know, I like to think about it in a human perspective. I mean, imagine that you gave your neighbour an awesome armchair, for shits and giggles. He loves to relax in it, and his friends (including yourself) love to do it aswell. And then you started hating eachother. No armchair for you. And he started drinking heavily. He's been drinking for months. He doesn't comprehend the situation he's in. Basically, what we did - we got our comfortable armchair back.
Bait? Sup Forums is pro-Russia.
I like you, slavbro
Pull your troops out of Eastern Ukraine and the Crimea.
Then we can be all friends n sheit
Who even hates Russia on this board except for CTR shills?
Because slavs are sub-human.
>In return we only asking for total annihilation of islamic ideology from the face of the Earth.
That could be acceptable, but in return you make islamic turkey into orthodox Bysantium again.
And poison whole dynasties of Clintons, Soroses and Rothchildes.
Should've been around during the elections Ivan, every WW3 happening thread had scores of posters from every nationality saying they would sabotage their own nation and help you in the case of an invasion
Kind of ironic when it's supposed to be a pro-nationalist board
we love your rusbro!
>into orthodox Bysantium again
You can make it into your proxy for all we care
We don't hate you, quite the opposite, just please make a treaty with Ukraine
You gonna get exterminated in ww3. And i will dance on slavshit graves.
Just keep doing what you are doing. The rest of the world are controlled by war-mongering psychopaths as well.
Anyone who payed attention in history has a great appreciation toward the strength of your people. Thats why cucked english countries had to run shitty propaganda against you being half a world away.
There is no war between our nations. Thus, no treaty has to be made.
1 question
average german (or another western) really gives a shit about Ukraine and Crimea?
i think we both knows answer
no one gives a shit about Ukraine and Crimea. You dont even know what is it before this crysis. Stop lying to yourself , Hans.
becuz u r the bad guys in all the movies
Britbong btfo
I mean do you want an honest answer?
Its because you guys are powerful and won't be our bitch like Europe and the rest of the world.
Essentially the world only has 3 nations of any consequence: US, China, Russia. We all want to be powerful and there isn't enough for all 3 of us to have what we want... so we work to try and contain each-other.
If anything I'd say its respect more than hate.
We see you spending too much on military while starving your people. But we don't hate you, we think you are drunk from Putin feeding you nationalism. At some point we hope you see Putin as the thug he is killing his political foes right on the street. So much for Russian freedom.
it doesn't matter what you do. we hate you like we would hate any pest. like wanting to stomp on a rat, it comes from instinct.
if you knew how fucked in the head these softcock cunts are you would not wonder - they got a plan for 3 world wars and they will make sure you and burgers get into it.
And they got inbred hatred for you, I still do not know why, could be something like dick size syndrome. Or zie jews, illuminati, banksters or who the fuck knows who.
Once someone lives for far too long safe with no wars on their lands and fights bow and arrow type opponents they get retarded, hollywood level retarded.
Look now they want to screw over Trump just because he does not want to keep the wars going. Kek.
I don't really care. I think it was a mistake to keep going after the Orange Revolution failed. It's not nice for two global powers to beat up on a bunch of poor people.
Call a truce. US/EU doesn't try to take it, Russia doesn't try to take it, and they can go back to trying to figure out agriculture.
Smh Finland
>starving your people
when this meme end?
there is no starving even in USSR since 50s
We have bad times during 90s because our economy was literally ruined by thiefs, but even in 90s no one dies from starving omfg
Well, Russia is the only place where you can be called a eurofaggot fascist Nazi Jew so there.
Russian propaganda 101
It's a meme when the shortage of European goods imported happened from the tariffs Putin put in place.
>Venerate Stalin
>Venerate 'the good old days'
>Poison journalists
>Be so insecure of your sexuality and so angry at your AIDS epidemic that you bully gaibos
>Build your whole economy on state-controlled oil refineries because that worked out so well in the past
>Outright seize a whole peninsula, albeit it should have been Russian from the beginning, and pretend like dindunuffin
>Sponsor a civil war in the Ukraine because they dare elect a different oligarch for once and pretend like you dindunuffin
>Sponsor breakaway states in Georgia and then invade them whilst all along pretending you dindunuffin
>Spend 5% of your miserable GDP on an enormous army whilst your whole country is a shithole and then act offended when states that border you get nervous
>Why do you hate us guys we dindunuffin
We don't except for the fact that you drive cars that are waaay bigger than necessary. Also, because you didn't teach 50 % of Germoney a lesson when you had the chance!
shuddup Ruskie, hollywood doesn't lie
btw we love you
thats all because of US imperialism
its clear as day
imagine if Russia starts "orange" anti-american revolution in Canada? and it comes to that canadians start to burn american flags and yells "all americans on guillotine" ? and at same time you have millions of americans or peoples who concider themself as americans in this country.
What would you do? chill and watch?
And also whatever this guy said...
Everyone I know likes Russia. All my nephews and friends love Slavic jokes and culture.
The only people I know who hate Russia are lefty shitlibs who think you "rigged" the election for Trump, somehow
That said, Commies FOAD
I don't hate them - I pity them. An intelligent and creative people that has for whatever reason insisted on obedience and boots on their neck. Post communism could have brought Russia back into the fold, but the yanks (and our leaders) had to be cunts about it.
Also I'm not sure why you are trying to match us in degeneracy.
When enough mother's see their sons dying from the "it's not a war" Ukraine. You will see a similar uproar when it happened with Russia pulling out of Afghanistan.
It's not about propaganda. We did send some units to fight unoficially, that is true. But then again, everything that is not proven is considered false. So oficially, there is no war, and there never were any russian troops in East Ukraine. Quite beauiful. And it's a system that UN created, am I right?
No, we'd flip the fuck out and start bombing Bhutan or something.
Shit's not going to change over night though. What we should have done was stick to the Minsk treaty and try to end the mess cleanly.
I love you tovarich
Any of you fingoloids wanna voicechat right now ? You may tell me more about how much you hate Russia. For some reason I find your burning hatred very entertaining
I'm still here blayt
>spending too much on military while starving your people
Man, Im a NEET.
Though, i feel, with all this sanctions and shrinking economy, i would be in need of some employment. Crap
I dont hate you, finns. At least, as long as you protect your trully beautiful women from eu-shitskin menace
Finish hatred of Russia is very real I would not open that wound.
They are just some angry/edgy teenagers, pay no mind.
I'm on my first year of learning Russian to be able to land a job and do a master's degree in Enviromental Engineering. Is it worth brat?
In Russia, that is.
I like Russians, cool guys
We don't hate Russia, people across the west are finally waking to (((them))) and their lies.
You strted communism and defeated Germany creating the downfall of the west.
I wish Hillary was elected so we can mutually burn our countries in the ground.
If you'll be able to get a job in one of the most valued companies in Russia - then it's more then just worth it. Money will rain frome the skies, no joke. Foreigneers are considered more experienced here then the natives.
the problem with Minsk treaty is that Ukrainian goverment , which obviously did only what ordered from US and EU, doesnt carry out its part of the agreement
so why we must do it?
this conflict is frozen because no one yet can get benefits from it
Ukraine is fucked as hell in this situatuon
ukrainian citizens is victims of their own foolishness
west have opportunity to put pressure on Russia , and use sanctions.
what kind of diplomacy us it? this is simply chantage
thats exactly what jews do everytime against all their enemies. Chantage, lie, speculations
Russia is only one side who really cares about ukrainians
West is hypocrytical piece of jew shit in this situation. Stop pretending like you are good guys, because you are not
The fucked ones are the Ukrainians killed during the "it's not a war" war. Stop with the expansionist bullshit.
Nice, there is hope then.
hahahahaha! russians trying to be nice?? your "documentary" tv channels are literally full with anti-american propaganda and sucking china's dick trying so hard to relate to them and other asian countries while you literally have nothing else in common than a similar political orientation. even some of your mainstream tv programmes try to blame america for the smallest shit anytime they have the chance. it's not the people's fault, i'm not generalizing, it's just that most of you are easily controlled by political propaganda
I'm not saying we're the good guys. I'm saying the war criminals infesting our government should be arrested and put on trial for treason. And if that doesn't work, lock them in cages at their precious Hague and try them as war criminals.
I don't know how both sides can back down without showing too much weakness. Similar thing with Syria. It'd be nice to just fucking stop making problems since we have enough fucking problems as it is. Can it be solved without killing Assad and sticking a flag in his asshole? I hope so.
Maybe freezing the conflicts is a good thing to do for the Winter while we wait for a new deal.
You've done too much damage to Europe to be likeable.
>Watching russian tv documentaries
Just how autistic can one person be?
half of your country that gets hooked by it? what kind of a fucking question is that
You guys are poorfags, I don't have time for that
but who start this "not a war" war?
who did 1st shot? all this revolution is not natural. Do you realize it? its cultivated , forced change of power and zone of influence. Who starts it? Ukraine was our zone of influence, so answer is obvious again. And pls dont tell me this shit about "ppl whants democracy all around the world and we come on white horse and bombs their countries only because we are good guys"
Yeah, yeah, I know, "muh a few hundred of people who died in some local encounter of an ancient war, nevah foget" and whatever else. My country lost half it's fucking population in much more brutal conflict which also happened to be the bloodiest war in human history, and yet nobody have prejudices against modern Germans because of this.
I know this, but I still have a hope to meet and speak with an adult who have such passion in him. I'm a softie for it :o
>expansionist bullshit.
Said murrican.
Stop killing your "ally" iraqi soldiers in airstrikes, stop funding Afghanistan opium fields, Colombian cocaine mafia and Mexican drug lords you bastards.
Ahhh suka
I hope, you dont actually think, that i forgot about you, greece, do you?
Enviromental engineering, eh? In our current state of economy i dont think you could find stable and good-paid job by your specialty.
On the other hand you can get a very good professional education. Our unis and institutes are arguably the best in Europe in the sense of actual learning.
Short history, Ukraine has election. New president want to join EU, this pisses Putin big time. Putin invades Crimea and then has fake referendum vote justifying invasion. Russia sends troops into eastern Ukraine to help "freedom fighters".
Basically Russia is bullying the neighbor Ukraine because Putin does not want the Ukrainians to join the EU. Russia thus shows no respect for the sovereignty of nations.
Of course, watching your country get fucked by somalians takes time, you know.
Syria and Ukraine is same shit. Its all about zone of influence. Both countries was our zones. So its obvious again that agressor in this situation is US.
Understand me pls, I'm not one of those who hate US and blame for everything, but here we have exactly example of american aggression.
>solved without killing Assad and sticking a flag in his asshole
problem is that Assad is president of Syria.
since when the essence of democracy is the armed revolutions? ha?
>I'm saying the war criminals infesting our government
yes they are, our goverment is full of this bastards too. But only nation who struggles because of our goverment is we. Because of ur struggles whole world.
look at last desigions of obongo. Now US can officialy sell weapons to ISIS. Senate of US approved military assistance to Ukraine. What it means? its literally sponsorship of war
People on Sup Forums hopes that Trump can fix that and we can resolve all the problems. NO, we cant. Because traitors of your REAL western values in Senate. And your president cant do anything against them.
Its like with obongo. I remember in 2008 when he beat Mccain he was kinda pro-russian too. But look at obongo now.
it's not a personal hate. more like an instinctive feeling of disgust. and perhaps a kind of hopeless fatalism: fate has plopped us next to this country of locusts, c'est la vie.
Russians are Finnish
I'm 75% Russian and did 23andme some time ago
I'm Finnish now
Short history
Ukraine has election, then america starts revolution to depose President. Crimeans vote o referendum and dicades to join Russia. USA starts fake elections in Ukraine and starts war in another regions which is pro Russian.
You dont even know chronology of events. About what we can talk? nothning
Jees, did you even read any articles about Ukrainian conflict? The actual elected president tried to suck both EU and Russia's cocks. He told everyone that EU's cock tastes better, and everyone started believing it. And then he decided that Russuan cock tastes better, and everyone got angry and threw him over, because they started to believe in EU's cock. You autistic fuck.
it's not racial but cultural. russian dishonesty and falseness is disgusting to the finn. how these people live with themselves is a mystery to us.
Unlike most of Sup Forums I am not a Trump fag. I did not vote for Trump for many reasons, but one reason is my fear Trump has far too many financial ties with Russia. This unfortunately may cloud his ability to see Russian agressive actions. We shall see, but if it turns out (as some have feared) that Trump is a Putin Puppet, Trump is a one term (or less!) President.
Fuck Russia
We don't hate you, you are just the west's natural enemy/competition. Although with Trump being elected president, I hope he teams up with Putin so we can BTFO those Chinese cunts once and for all.
That's why I say let it freeze for the Winter. Putin and Trump are both good at deals, so maybe we can take one small step forward next year.
Ukraine, Finland, Belarus obviously are not our zones considering we're halfway around the world on another fucking continent. But maybe they're not your zones either. Russia can work on internal problems first as long as these wastelands are left alone.
For fuck's sake my own mother was all upset that Putin was going to take over Estonia the other day. That's absurd. But it shows that we need to cool things down first of all.
Anyone know the original artwork from the Russia part in this painting? I would really like to know
You deserve everything bad and even more bad the worst bad fuck you russia i fucking hate you so much
>Trump has far too many financial ties with Russia
as i know only hes tie here is beauty contest which he once held here. Thats it.
his construction company has no contracts here for example. As i know. So this your concern is not justified at all
We don't hate you we hate your leaders
Also give the gold back
lol that reminds me just yesterday NPR was throwing fits about how many Russian interests Trump probably has because he still won't release his tax forms
Estonia flag is best flag. They also make the best countryball.
>We've always tried to be nice
I want to fuck Russia...
If they get our big tittied north american women, then I want their gaymer guys.