Where were you in 1997?

Where were you in 1997?
old 90s thread vanished because everyone acted like fucking newfag who wasnt alive back then.
this time you wont let it die so fast or your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

my story:

This time and day most likely cruising on the streets/autobahn of vienna with my GSI or CRX hearing loud music with monsterbase comming from my 2 mighty 40" "earthquake" subwoofers.
Destination: SCS, big shoppingcenter in the rural area arround vienna with cineplex and restaurants included.
Looking for new stuff and eating pizzasticks in a small but somehow very fancy pizzeria.
they had a godlike sauce but i never figured out the recipe...
also: I never missed to visit the video store on a day like that to play some photoplay or 2vs2 tablesoccer game on a not so bad level as defender.
always striving to shoot direct and powerfull goals from the back of the table.
Later we would play a little billard or most likely play some bowling, and visit some disco/club later.
pic related, my mobilphone back then

I was 2

So I'm guessing you're in your forties or fifties

>tfw 96fag
>tfw the world has been fucking shit since I was 16
>tfw I will never know these feels

At this point I just want to die desu

still under 40 till next october.
and yes, the year of my birth is fucking doubles

I was 3, Sup Forums is too young for this thread anonpai

I wasn't born for another year, get the fuck out oldfag

banging you're mom, faggot


In 97 I drove for the first time, a 1991 CRX Si funny enough. My brother got it for like $3k USD if I remember correctly and it was pretty much new. Now you can get the same car with 200k miles for around the same price if it's running with a fairly clean body lmao


Anyone else still got it in their head that people born after them are practically children and get shocked to learn these people are in their 20's and such now?

i was 9.

probably playing soccer on the street after watching the cartoons

I was 22 years old in 97...good times....why has the world turned to shit?

Preschool inventing nokia mobile phones.

I was 15 smoking weed. At this moment I was in the city centre or at home.

>comming from a leaf
crazy times we live in

With my dad being a travelling hippy and my mom a `strong independent woyman´ they divorced while I was 10. And it is true what they say about single moms. Hang them high on the day of the rope.

I was 9, playing Descent on a 486, riding bikes and playing soccer with friends.

Good times

>Where were you in 1997
inside me nan's womb, was born that same year, la

I was being bullied in kindergarten

In college taking sociology classes under methadone. The perfect goy.

Crawling on the floor, drooling, and pissing myself

Stay away from drugs, kids.

>tfw 1997
>Last year of secondary school
>Discovered LSD last year
>Mad crush on "best friend" chick
>World at my feet
>Going to music festivals
>Everything was new
>Big social circle
>Playing gigs
>Had a pager, stole it from work
>Still virgin for about two years
>Didn't care
>Gravity Bongs
>Some of the best music ever
>Tamagotchi's, fuck those things
>Gangster Rap, Oasis, hated both
>tfw there were only a handful of black people in my home town and they all spoke like locals
>Local access TV would show live feeds of NASA missions
>Bought a computer with student loan.
>Dial-up Internet
>Otherwise, nothing fucking happened
>Let's not pretend it did.


>92 here
young people are so dumb it's hysterical.

fuck yeah mate, 90s seemed like the best decade for everything, there was tech but people were still cool af IRL

chek'd too famalam

I was mostly drinking alcohol back then

I had one of these phones. They used to come in a 2 pack

I was in highschool

Are blogs still a thing?

I was five, hugging a girl in the snow and blowing all the other students out of the water at dank tasks like reading

>Where were you in 1997?

I've probably only been sober for two years total since 1995.

When I go outside, it is way more horrifying.

I was turning 21, drinking at bars, and fucking sluts like a pure chad.

No social media for them to stalk you on. No cell phones. No texting. Just a land line telephone...

Good fucking times, man... good fucking times...

>Was 12
>Made my living selling fake sunglasses and doing shopping for local hookers
>Bought my first Tuktuk with that money

OP pic is unironically the first phone my big brother had

1st year in school

>tfw you realise the first thing some of your little nephews did at birth was roll trips

That Phone was useful to listen others Peoples conversations

Being a cool ass little nigga in 3rd Grade.

>yfw half of the anons here were born after 97


It's unbelievable. My gf is from 1995 and was born in the same year I had a Now Dance Hits double cd from


There's even a small generational gap between me and some friends from 1990 who insist Scatman's World is not the best song Scatman John made, even though of course it is

Simpler times.

I was a 7 year old lad playing Mario Land 2 on my Gameboy, and legos I had tons of legos. In the morning I'd watch pinky and the brain and mighty mouse and eat my cereals before school. At school I had 2 friends, we'd always play cops and robbers and 1 was an assbag and would always arrest me. Man I miss the 90s when smartphones weren't a thing yet and internet was only for nerds.

Best time of my life

The contents of 90's threads:

>pop music
>video games

I was 5 and being a problem child. Thinking about those days makes me feel like I turned out well.

I was a year into my marriage, looking to purchase a home. Goddamn, I'm old.

only beaners and nogs drove those back then.
ghetto tier car for dipshits.

1997 was my military time. I was probably at home or on a maneuver right now.
Had an old ford fiesta at that time. Man, that car was absolutely NOT in a good shape. I wouldn't drive such a car today but hey, I was young.

Also hunting. Where I grew up I was a good friend of a professional hunter and sometimes went out with him to shoot. Illegal, but no one cared.

I was more outside than at home, PC was only good for a game, had no cellphone at that time and loved camping.

Man, some good memories there when I look back. What happened?

TukTuk what a nice name for such a shitty vehicle.

I was 11, in middle school, living in a town of 15k souls surrounded by the Venetian country (pic related).

In the morning I went to school. I enjoyed it a lot. Many of my teachers where redpilled as fuck. I had this history teacher that rushed the whole program during the first and second year of middle school, so he could dedicate the third year entirely to modern history. He taught the history of WWI and II like no other, going as far as treating the military doctrines and technology of each army. I remember him dedicating almost an entire lesson to "the British Mark I tank that won WWI", or nearly creaming his pants while describing "that marvel of Italian engineering that was the MC 205 Veltro". He was particularly fond of Fascism and tried his best to hide it while teaching, but often slipped by accidentally calling Mussolini with the affectionate name "Il Duce".

Back in the day school lasted from Monday through Saturday, but was only in the morning from 08:30 to 12:45. Meaning that after dedicating a couple hours to homework, we had most of the afternoon to ourselves. We spent it mostly by hanging out in one of the two youth clubs in our town. The cool youth club was the one owned by Frati Cappuccini, as it had ping pong tables, table football, a few arcade games (with some unknown games like Dino Rex, which was a fighting game with FUCKING DINOSAURS) and a 5-man soccer field with no grass and a knee-destroying hard as fuck terrain. So many shenanigans happened there.

Also, when hen puberty had hit us kids, there was still no internet in our little town. So we either had to use pretty elaborate fantasies (most of which involved our petite hot AF milf religion teacher) or come up with ingenious schemes to acquire fapping material. I still remember what an achievement was managing to obtain a VHS copy of "Così fan tutte" by Tinto Brass, featuring Claudia Koll. Destroyed my adolescent dick with that woman.

I was 3, in the hospital being treated for brain cancer.

>only beaners and nogs drove those back then
not in austria

Were you being treated by Ben Carson?


Hmmm, I don't remember much of my childhood. I'll go over the things that stand out around that time frame.

I was always getting into fights. Around one or two a month. I was nearly the smallest kid in all my classes. However, I was never bullied because I'd fight anyone. Did get jumped twice, fucking Mexicans. Yeah, in grade school I was jumped by a pack of older Mexicans. Ultimately when transitioning from 6th grade to 7th grade my teacher had a parent conference with my mom and dad. He literally suggested they fucking hold me back a grade, not because of my school work but because how I was always getting into fights and was so small. Seventh grade rolled around and some nigger was fucking with me so I ended up fighting him. He was probably 150 lbs and I was roughly 70-80? I was knocked the fuck out. I was so embarrassed I got myself kicked out of school went to an alternative middle school. Got beat the fuck up by another nigger twice my size. I didn't get knocked out, but I couldn't manage to do shit to him.

>thus is the life for the white minority.

I was in middle school.

>Best friend just changed schools, because his dad became the principal at that school

>Had no other friends.

>Wanted to change schools with him but couldn't.

>Got my first PC that summer.

>Had just started having boners.

>Was way too into video games.

>Had a PS1 Magazine with an article about Tomb Raider movie.

>Mentioned possible candidates to play Lara Croft

>One of them was big titty girl named Carla Pivonski.

>I look that name up on ALTA VISTA

>20 years of degeneracy begins

I don't know, I was 3

That was my first cellphone.
I was in middle school, always trying to poke girls and find weed

I was 10. Had that phone.
