30 years old

30 years old.
Masters of IT.
AUD $265,000/pa + 1000 RSUs a year doing Sec Architecture for Twitter in Sydney


>5k off of taxes every paycheck

I would be furious if Aussie money actually mattered.

40%ish which includes the Medicare levy (which you get back at income tax time if you have private cover) and in Australia there are no state income taxes, just federal.

I need to get out of construction

21 years old.

NEET student.

Fuck a duck mate.

I've been on the same income "junior" level since 2006. I've changed jobs dozens of times but can never crack the $50,000 per annum mark.

As my fellow Australians know, $50,000 doesn't go very far in the rental market here and the average house price is well above 1/2 million in all major cities.

Well that is what he gets for hitting the highest tax bracket. Not to mention that is a nice round figure so he might just be over-paying so as not to get fucked come tax time, and would get a tax return.

It isn't as bad as it looks.

Why do people lie on the internet?

What do you gain?

Nobody earning that money would be on a place like this, lets be real here.

>Only 40% taxes

heavy breathing in german

Yes, who involved in sec would be on Sup Forums at 12:04am on a Saturday..oh wait.

Even if he wasn't lying and he was seriously visiting Sup Forums while making that kind of money he would beyond a loser in my eyes.

Masters in clinical chemistry. €60,000.
not amazing but I'm pretty comfortable.

Full FBT (Fringe Benefit Tax) is 46.5%. That is the highest you will pay in tax. And it is done in brackets so it isn't just a straight 46.5% of your earnings either.

Why does earning a decent wage preclude you from visiting Sup Forums? Do you suddenly join a class of elites who are prohibited? I'm hardly an oil baron, I'm just a nerd who is good at what he does.

Isn't the Australian Dollar worth about half a euro? He isn't making an amount that's unbelievable.

Shut up Matt. Don't you have another south park episode to be working on?

This is almost nothing. No joke intended!

In Germany you pay 50% taxes if you earn more than € 90,000/pa + 15% for health insurance.

Neet. 19. HS dropout.

A bunch of inheritance funds + an annuity + whatever neetbux mummy still collects on my behalf

It's an abstract kind of feel

What is your sales tax like?

I know we have 10% GST, UK had 12.5% VAT last time I cared to check.


>$5k tax
Just kill me

>tfw it shows up as right side up on ur phone but Sup Forums keeps rotating it for some reason

i make plastic bags and have debt.
i get 80fps in GTAV all maxed at 1080p and grow my own weed tho so idgaf

This thread again ?
23, I build Apps for corporations that don't really need them. I work when I want too though.

Fucking hell. You need to revolt.

Just how much of that is going towards WW2 reparations and refugees?

Your phone is probably auto-rotating it or something when on phone.

>13215*13 = 265000


>22 y/o
>not strayan
>swedish instead :^((

Fortnightly pay chump - look at the quantity on the left, 80 which means 80 hours which means 2 work weeks.

That's quite something. Here we're expected to work 1950-2050 hours.

A year

What the hell Medkit. I thought you people were good with maths and bank accounts.

We work 1920 hours a year. 14 days public holidays. 4 weeks annual leave.

42 hours a week and maybe 4 weeks of vacation does it

This t b h
It's impossible to not be a loser and regularly use sites like Sup Forums or Reddit.

Implying money doesn't make you a loser who goes to Sup Forums (ref: martin shkreli)

Martin Shkreli is a loser though.
No one takes him seriously.

So basically you're saying he's not a loser if people take his memes seriously? Go fuck yourself cunt and then hop on Jamal's dick

He's a loser because no one is going to care when he dies, at best there will be people celebrating.
It's all about leaving a legacy behind.
People like Bill Gates, George Soros and Marck Zuckerberg understands that.

Lol Soros. The Hungarians invading Sweden are really getting to you guys, aren't they?

Lol does your company trade at like $10 a share? That's like $3 American.

22. Business and psychology degrees. Own my own business. 500k US a year.

I'm sure plenty of left wingers and rich people will mourn his death.
Donald Trump might even say that he lost a dear friend when that happens.

Also, why do you think Trump really ran for president?
To "fix" the country?
To leave a real legacy behind.
No one would care about him in 100 years if he didn't become president.
His "Trump" brand would probably have been bought up and renamed by some other company after a few decades.

Wow OP good job, I can also inspect element edit shit as well

will you quit if twitter starts banning and censoring people?




Nice mis-click there buddy.

But I agree with you not leaving. It would achieve nothing, and you might as well milk them dry before they eventually go under if they do start that shit.

What's funny is I just started working for Amazon and my 3 Amazon RSUs are worth more than OP's 1000 RSUs LOL


how SJW infested is twitter AU?
my imagination is very... judging from other tech places

Those are 2 different people you sperg

Yeah smacked that mis-click haha.

have you trained pajeet to take your job yet?

is it true you guys have to sleep under the desk?

1 Amazon RSU is worth $767 so that's $2301 of RSUs.

My 1000 RSUs are worth $19,650 and that's annually. Not your stupid 5% first year, 15% second year and then 20% every 6 months until 4 years that you Amadrones get. Good luck staying there for 4 years when your burnout rate is 14 months.

5k in taxes
what the fuck am i reading

half your fucking year you work for the government

wht a shithole

I direct your attention to where he accidentally called himself a fag attempting to reply to you. Sperg.

>tax rebate if you have private healthcare

what the fuck this is such a good idea

>a fucking red triangle with some yellow on it

>oh damn I wish I could receive USD and live in a 60% white shithole

I don't understand why all countries with universal healthcare don't have this. The more insured you are privately the bigger the rebate is.

If you worked with the slackers I work with, youd understand the turnover rate.

I'm laughing that you think your salary is brag-worthy. considering youre Aussie you can half your gross salary because of tax, then half it again because of inflation (have you thanked China today, senpai?) So you make about what my father makes. 70k a year after tax. Him and his wife live in a $450k condo on the lake.

24 years old. Senior robotics software developer. $120k USD (I'm just home for the holidays)

You aren't doing a very good job then. Twitter is vulnerable to XSS.

Or at least it was, a few years ago.

Yeah but statistically your father is also 40% chance of being non white lmao

now you know why australia doesn't make cool stuff

He literally typed, capcha'd, replied in 11 seconds flat

This is some next level autism

>Fucking hell. You need to revolt.


Never happened even one time in german history.

Surely you guys are due for a resurgence of nationalism due to your brown problem?

what kind of robots?

Not really that hard if you are only posting a 3 letter word. Especially since these captchas get predictable.

You just need to step up your game son.

21, government, 2,4k after taxes.

Only Italians and Irish where I live, m8. Haven't seen a non-white in months. Now only if the Irish were actually people.

How do you get degrees on cannibal island

You're my new fav ausbro.

Nah the Irish are alright. At least you're not surrounded by Mexicunts.

Funny since I am originally a burger.

It's the first time I've even heard of it. It makes so much sense

UK just taxes you to fuck then gives you shit healthcare alongside, which also is a fucking fortune to run

Do you have the option of private healthcare if you want?

26 years old.
High school education +40 hours of training.
Security Guard.
CAD $46,080/pa.

Of course - private GPs, hospitals, dentistry, etc.

Basically, whether you use the NHS or not, you pay for it. It appears to almost discourage the use of private healthcare, but the standards of care are so different. NHS is the bare minimum. I broke a couple of toes on one foot in the summer and went to NHS emergency room. For no cost, I was able to sit around waiting for many hours while Mr. Bongo and his 6 children ran rampant through the emergency room waiting area. When I was given a sheet of paper to bring to the xray tech, I had to walk through the halls to get there - on multiple broken toes - and when I got there the room was empty. By the end of the 6 hours I was there, the extent of my care had been an xray (hey guess what, your toes are broken) and some paracetamol to help with the pain. Ibuprofen I had to buy myself from Tesco. The reason for the lack of painkiller is because while it costs us something like 40p for some generic Ibuprofen from a shop, it costs the NHS £10 or so to dispense it to patients. Paid nothing on the day.

I went to my private GP the next day, paid £100 for the consultation+£20 for prescription - left with crutches, toes bound in bandage, and some boxes of codeine, and it only took 15 minutes. He didn't even have to look at the XRay to know what was wrong.

Unrelated to the topic at hand, but I fucking hate the NHS and rant at any chance I get.

welcome to aus burgerbro.

are you fucking retarded?
Why let the gummint fiddle-fuck with your money when it could be sitting in the bank collecting interest???

>dragged my balls through broken glass doing contract work in IT, often broke and eating packets of rice/ramen when the contracts dried up
>finally got a permanent help desk position
>also get bonuses, insurance, matched 401k, discounts on everything owned by the company including gas, free clinic and gym
>lots of room to move up since the desk has recently come under new management who has been sorting shit out
no degree, no certs(yet). it isnt amazing pay but for my age and my location its not bad at all

265,000 is making 90k here

>NEET student
Am I being memed?

A few years ago my company had a psychological therapy contract with a few GP practices in our local area. Max waiting time before an appointment was 2 weeks. The NHS has it now, the waiting time is 3 months.

Why the fuck you in Cambodia if you got so much money?

21 years old.
Student, soon to be deadbeat NEET with no hope for the future.

I make -$8000 a year getting more good boy points than anyone else in my program

>tfw you get 100/100 gbp
>tfw you get 99/100 gbp
>tfw you get 98/100 gbp
>tfw professor congratulates you on your highest gbp score

It's $189,432 after tax you autist. Right column, $7893.20, that's after tax and per fortnight.

Jesus burgers are dumb.

Welcome home

I never left, that's part of the problem.

I have been here since the 90's.

But thank you all the same.

I work as a sys admin/support for the computing clusters at school

>sitting in the bank collecting interest
>implying banks give you more than 0.01% interest now

Actually, WWII reparations ended in 2005 I believe, and for WWI (The Great War) in 2011.
They're done with it, still sucks to be them.

what a fucking scam

what did he mean by this?

26 years old unemployed with a bachelors degree to wipe my ass with.

more than currently