I hope Obama will make sure she still get's enogurated on 20.01.2017
She won the popular vote. Period
but what if on that date she has her Period?
Hillary on 20.01.2017
She has her period every day
popular vote doesn't matter because its not a fucking direct democracy you dumbass kraut or achmed, you need to win the states
What did he mean by this rediculous claim?
Day, Month, Year as it should be.
There's countries who use the metric system and theres countires who lose to vietnamese farmers
Until there are voter ID laws in every state the popular vote argument doesn't have any validity.
so you don't need to campaign anymore, you just lose and then say the bad guys helped your enemy
america has become kidnergarden
>playing chess
>get check mated
>"I had more pieces left"
>She won the thing that doesn't matter
If you're trying to get off they have plenty of that on Sup Forums.
>First time seeing this GIF
>I fucking love it.
You do realize that obama ordered an inspection for russian hackers, right? The enoguration ceremonie will likely be postponed
She won the popular vote against Obama in the primaries of previous elections and she still lost, your point?
Winning the popular vote in a country that's not a democracy doesn't matter you cuck.
USA is a constitutional representative republic.
So you are saying the popular vote was also rigged?
But also they were going on and on about how un-hackable the machines were before the election. Now they are doing a 180. And also trying to infer that all the paper ballots were compromised to boot.
If Obama really wants a civil war then putting in Hillary would be the way to go about it.
shut up ahmed. obama has no authority to do so
who won what now?
are you autistic?
She's way too old to still have period. She's beyond menopausal.
She probably oozes goo from her snatch daily tho
The popular vote is irrelevant. Period.
I wonder where all those extra votes came from.
Oh yeah she got 4milluon extra votes from illegals in California.
OP go back to Mexico your daughter can celebrate Mother's Day with you through the wall.
Will she as popular in prison though?
Great spelling there Abdullah, kill yourself you muzzie nigger.
I second that motion.
Take a shit if you're constipated, Abdullah.
>1 post by this ID
And then there are countries who lose every war they participate in and then there are countries who import millions of Muslims to cuck themselves.
PROTIP- There both (You)
Sounds painful
if the popular vote mattered romney would've been president for the last four years.
If it was a popular vote election, trump would have campaigned differently.
E.T. Cinton
>thinking the popular vote matters
Go read the writings of the fucking founders and realize that they fucking hated democracy and the entire reason the electoral college exists is for situations like this. Learn your fucking history.
Votes by non-citizens and the dead don't count.
>The enoguration ceremonie will likely be postponed
No the INAUGURATION CEREMONY will not be postponed. Trump WILL BE president and he will spend the next 4 years chucking Merkel, assuming she isn't raped to death by a pack of her pet muslims.
Is such an endgame even possible? How did white not lose in the previous turns?
Not that the country isn't already on the brink of balkanizing, but if Obama somehow flipped the election results, we would immediately see the balkanization of the US, while currently we still have some time before that happens
definitely not Johnson
Enoughuration is when people have tired of someone's bullshit and they are ceremonially exiled from public life.
Well, I hope your country unfucks itself.
Your a real disappointed. Are you even a nation state? Oh cuck, your a rape state.
Hold the Bulls balls whilet his fucks your woman! Faggit!
we would win a spelling contest
I really, really, really like this image.
Ofcourse you would, Haji nigger.