how degenerate is it to drink alcohol? and when are thinking about stoping?
I am going to stop drinking when i am finished with university and get a good and stabile relationship (wich is to hard these days).
I dont see the point of drinking, it couses alot of problemes.
so, what is Sup Forums meaning?
Cameron Myers
Most things aren't degenerate in moderation.
I'm thinking about kicking the smoking habit for vaping, but that doesn't mean I'm going to go around in a Rasta outfit doing the H3H3 pose acting like a fucktard.
Benjamin Hughes
Our barbarian ancestors drunk beer/mead
If it was good enough for them, then it's good enough for me
Jonathan Myers
>how degenerate is it to drink alcohol?
30% of the adult population in america never drinks
60% drinks less than 1 drink per week
Jaxon Lopez
Drinking isn't degenerate at all in moderation. The problem is there are people who literally don't know when to stop. My problem is some days I'm perfectly okay with two beers, other days I drink a twelve pack because by the sixth beer I'm like "I'm already drunk, whats the harm in another?"
Aaron Harris
i stopped because it made me fat, but it also makes you sad as shit. if you have on freinds dont drink
Matthew Lopez
I only drink a glass of wine in certain holidays or parties, otherwise none at all.
Dominic King
You might wanna stick to smoking.
Vaping is looking much worse than smoking so far on the side effects side.
Jose Murphy
I drink about a handle of bacardi black a week I drink alone because I have depression, being around people freaks me out and being alone leaves me with my self hatred. I drink on the weekends to find peace.
Joseph Long
Vapes don't have tar or any of that shit found in cigarettes, there is mounting evidence for both sides of the argument.
Landon Murphy
If you want to survive the day of the rope, I suggest you stop immediately.
Tyler Reed
nice meme
you know the majority of Sup Forums engages in degenerate activity, right?
Leo Fisher
Why do you care what others think? Stop being a weak little sheep.
Luke Butler
i dont care what others think about me qutitng drinking, i have made my decision. I think it is interesting to hear others opinion on alcohol and if i can relate to it.
Angel Morris
It's the best when you're in control. It's the worst when it's in control.
Real drugs are so much better, but alcohol is just a physical chemical sickness.
Luke Morales
>I am going to stop drinking when i am finished with university and get a good and stable relationship Enjoy your liver failure then.
Xavier Powell
Stopped drinking and going out to town once I realized drinking is for teenagers, or once I realized how out of place I felt when going to town. Still enjoy alcohol from time to time, just not for the purpose of getting drunk as I did in my teens.
Angel Nelson
you should drink smirnoff if you wanna be cool like Jim and fuck big titty asians
Xavier Taylor
Such as browsing this website.
Brandon James
Julian Fisher
I don't really care if you drink or not. The problem solves itself with the liver damage and withdrawals (delerium tremens, seizures, etc.)
Nicholas Williams
Like people said, it isn't bad in moderation. People who drink moderately are actually healthier than people who abstain completely on average. This is most likely because it improves your social life and a healthy social life is pretty fucking important to your health.
The FBI rule is a good standard: No more than 4 drinks in a day, no more than 14 in a week.
Daniel Ramirez
>tfw drinking up to 5 days a week for the last 4 years Help me