Sweden Cucked to death

What does this pictures tell us about Sweden?

>Sweden attempts to integrate its immigrants and takes pride in its humanitarian efforts
>This is somehow bad

Too white

Things we already knew

What does this picture tell you? That you're a retarded poorfaggot? Nice wages there bro, and yet you still manage to have more muslims than we do.

>superior stock
>mfw the USA banned Danish sperm because it was too popular

Working hard then giving YOUR own money to government who will spend it at creating welfare programs and free housing for Non-Swedes
You will literally going to die by Nigger dick chokehold


>Sweden cucks don't huge tax as long as they have "superior" wage
>They don't mind being replaced and destroyed by the same people who tax them as long as they have "superior" wage.

Liberalism and libertarianism is really a mental disease.

How the fuck can you even feed your children with 300 euro? That's nothing you retard. Have fun poorfag, you enjoy the putin cock in you? I'm sure Russia is so much better than Sweden right?

Why bother having a high wage when it's taxed like fuck to pay off jamal's benefits and residence?

Because the people don't want this, it's Stockholm and the elite imposing their will, and it's a disaster. We are not integrated in the slightest, and we do not want to be. Muslims live concentrated in the cheapest shit areas, and those areas are >90% muslim. When muslims/africans come, Swedes go. We want nothing to do with them (and rightly so since they are violent, rapey, dirty scum).

I don't mind since our taxes are as high as the rest of Scandinavia, lower than Norway and we get free education and free healthcare with it. No muslims are replacing us, our muslim population is 5%. You are already replaced you gypsie faggot, I don't even know what's the difference between gypsies and romanians. When I picture a romanian I picture a gypsie

because they can brag about bigger wage on the internet

>arab raping me right now but I make 100,000 euros/year!

Ignore the leaf. Don't reply to his obvious bait.

The Slavs actually went to the muslims and took their land, but the muslims came to you and took your land.

You don't even know real numbers do you?
40% of Malmo second biggest city in Sweden is Muslim now

>free education and free healthcare
>No muslims are replacing us

we need to nuke södermalm

>No muslims are replacing us
>2% of the total population immigrated in a period of 4 months during the peak of the "refugee" crisis

Gypsies are discriminated in romania, the romanians aren't gypsies, gypsies are an ethnic and cultural minority that is of indian origin, your view on your fellow europeans is distorted at best.

The swedish statistics are a joke. Independent sources confirm at least 1 million

>Malmö represents entire Sweden

Fuck off Ivan you have embarrassed yourself already. London is much worse and besides Malmö is Sweden's third biggest city. We have Stockholm and Göteborg too and the numbers there are much lower. Embarrassing display by the ruskies today

he thiks gypsies are mixed with romanians in the same way that mongols mixed with swedish.
In fact the mixing in gypise culture is extreme low

Also Sweden Gay capital of the world

Why you are so butt hurt to hear the truth? Obviously user was not constructive by not providing any solution, but you need to solve issues instead of trying to deny it. And you know you have problem, so instead of getting butthurt forfacing truth ask for help rather than trying to bite someone who is on your side. Sweeden I think every white person supports you, but they talk that there is little hope for Sweeden, because your problem is growing very rapidly.

Swedes are mixed with the Eskimos their ancestors mixed heavy in Grenland and Canada. Look at Bjork the Icelandic singer is this European? I don't think so

I'm not butthurt about anything, I'm just poiting out cherry picked articles by the russian and that his homeland is even shittier. You are not on my side and Sup Forums isn't either, you provide no help at all and all you do is shit talk swedes and Sweden. How is that any help? Fuck off Lithuania, you irrelevant country.


World rape statistics Sweden on FIRST PLACE this year



Wow didn't realise the denial is so serious. Calm down and relax there is still some hope. I suggest you getting a gun and digging bunker in backyard so you can protect your family from shitskins

Russia is the corruption, crime, alcoholism, poverty,drug and depression capital of the world.

Still better than to live with shitskins and be raped dialy

>this much denial
you are fucked, deal with it

with the speed of immigration to sweden of the last 20 years, you will be minority within 40 years tops.

Sweden is a lost cause

i think all of the eu is a lost cause they turned it into eustan

Yes Lithuania we swedes are getting raped on the daily by the mooslems here don't come here stay away or you'll get raped too.

You have to create environment for them that living in your country would be pain they could not endorse. When they bring refugees in Lithuania, they rented a 55 seater bus, filled with refugees and tried to escape the country, but got caught at the border.

We do have a problem, but all the foreign born in our country aren't muslims. For example our biggest group of foreigners are actually finns.

I heard more women in Sweden are interested in interracial dating then in any other place in Europe.
Sweden Yes!

>tfw you wish all the bullshit about "muh Russia invading Sweden" was actually real so these cuckholds all die

Sometimes I wonder if we're in the best timeline.

New statistics from 2016 showing Syrians are largest foreign born group in Sweden surpassing Finns

Welcome to Sweden goyims!

Finns are not a problem. Shitskins multiply very fast, want proof? Look at London or Birmingham. Soon it will be uninhabitable place for white people therefore practically it will be a muslim cities. 1 shitskin family on average produces 5-8 children. In 20 years your problem will be uncontrollable unless you unleash army at them. Keep in mind they make diy bombs and shit

Nice source faggot. May I ask you why you suddenly started to shit talk Sweden all over Sup Forums? Who hurt you?


White people are evil

don't start crying dumb kid

Keep being a good goy. Remember:

>Diversity is our strength
>Multiculturalism always works
>6 million died
>Europe will change for a "better" future ethnically. Look at how successful South Africa and Brazil is.

Did you read what it says on first picture I posted.
Hospital statistic shows Swedish women giving birth to African and Middle Eastern babies is higher each year.
Many studies done also show Swedes have the weakest Male sperm in the world and higher struggle to get women pregnant.What that tells you?

You also get disowned by your own family if you marry a gypsy. Or hated depending on the family.
T. Romanian

''We Jews will play leading role in transforming Europe in Multicultural mode'' -Swedish Jewess Barbara Spectre

The problem though is when places like Sweden, Germany and whoever else does this stupid shit all of Europe suffers for it.

It's like having a room mate who keeps inviting over people who stay too long, don't pay rent, eat your food and are generally stupid and argumentative.

why does that say 2012 if it's this year's statistics?