wtf is his problem!
Wtf is his problem!
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He is mentally ill. He gets off on selling drugs for more than they're worth.
Well don't get sick..duh
Bernie is a loser and a theif.
sanders indded is a loser
wtf is your problem?
actually you're wrong
back to lebbit
Chief commander of the thot patrol
nun wrong with that
Lol educate yourself and quit eating cat feces
Stay triggered drumpftards.
>selling drugs for more than they're worth
They're worth whatever you are able to sell them for you fucking leaf.
this is why you live in a third world shithole, Chad.
What are they worth then?
arent you supposed to celebrate beige power by now or something?
a serious case of being based
>more than their worth
Are they being bought?
Then that is what they are worth.
>He gets off on selling drugs for more than they're worth.
If they're so fucking important, shouldn't a single pill be worth a couple of hundreds of dollars?
listens to nigger noise
He honestly did more to expose price gouging in the pharmaceutical industry than anyone else has. Without him no one would have questioned Mylan over the epi pen, no one would notice all these other drugs that have been massively overpriced for years, decades. It never may have came out that the US gets overcharged on many drugs to subsidize 3rd world countries where the people can't afford them and don't understand why they even need them.
What he did was on a small enough scale drug that I'm willing to forgive the obvious pain on consumers.
Chill out achmed
he was based and 100% right
if a drug only treats like 200 people then it has to be expensive or no one will bother making it
>pain on consumers
As other people have said, and has been said ever since this whole thing started to spark:
No one that needed the drug was unable to get it. No one.
The 'pain' the 'consumers' are feeling is the fucking insurance companies that are footing the bill for the drug. The insurance companies are the only ones that pay for the drug. So when you say 'obvious pain on consumers' you're talking about 30 or 40 assholes in suits pissed off that some manufacturer jacked up the price on something they're required to buy. You're not talking about some 60 year old widow or 24 year old night club slut.
are jews a big presence in pharma?
I want my Wu, Martin!
Stay butthurt worthless shill.
Why doesn't he answer the price raising questions by first saying that the costs will be absorbed almost entirely by insurance companies? That's the reason why people think he's doing it purely to gouge patients.
Everyone in here saying he's a good guy and helping people is an idiot.
He sees drugs as investments, hes an investment person. He has NEVER shipped a new drug, despite his saying they put millions into research.
He's a capitalist asshole.
We are owed!
This was one of episodes of "Can't Cuck The Tuck". Based Shkreli answered all the questions perfectly. They had some good chemistry. I'm glad Tucker brought him on and didn't call him evil the entire time like every other media does.
>He's a capitalist asshole.
You know you out yourself as a retard when you say things like that, right?
fuck off (((bolshevik))) scum
Youre probably the guys who watched his streams and said: wait, he makes funny jokes! And insults politicians! Haha, he is actually a nice guy! The media totally blinded me!
He sees investments and popularity, that's it. What was even the point of this interview?
checked and link?
Niggah I watch all his shit on youtube. I know who he is and what he is about. I see nothing wrong with it. He is playing the game by the rules and winning. Good for him.
research takes time
You know hes unironically a decent person. The worst thing he probably ever did was buy the Wu-Tang album and not release it. When it comes to daraprim it was used to treat toxoplasmosis, and he offered the pill for free to people who couldn't afford it. He also actually meets with terminally ill patients with very uncommon diseases and tries to help them out. He just doesnt broadcast that out. Hes a smug asshole sure, but hes not an evil person
I don't think much about him honestly. It's just you make it abundantly clear how retarded you are when you say shit like that.
Only people who lost money were insurance companies...
He's smug because he knows no one on there has any fucking clue about why he did it but they just want to get on their political soap box
>He's a capitalist asshole.
Spotted the commie faggot.
I think the leaf was complimenting your doubles.
fuck off commie
What is Subjective Value Theory?
Both of them are losers
Kill yourselves capitalist kike scum.
hes a narcissists self righteous faggot that never released his wu-tang album like he promise after Trump won.
Anybody who follows this dude is an irredeemable KEK like Skreli himself. Until he releases those albums
again, what a fucking faggot.
shots fucking fired
>muh nigger beats
when the fuck did c.u.c.k get filtered?
fucking mods killed this place.
he also said he had unreleased beatles, 2pac and Nirvana that he never streamed.
Skreli is a massive faggot.
Even is name sounds like autistic screeching
Why do outsiders think Sup Forums worships Hitler and agrees with literally everything he's ever said?
czech 'm
He was pushing for Sanders and now he's ticked Sanders didn't come through
He only wanted Sanders to win because it would be a winfall for pharmaceuticals to have a socialist retard for president because it would allow them to increase their profits
the entire reason why healthcare is such a mess now is because of government involvement with insurance and healthcare, more government=more money for his type of business
thanks user
when was Sup Forums overrun by kikes?
eat shit shill.
>Albanian selling overpriced drugs
Makes sense.
Fuck off, nigger.
He screwed over a bunch of negros and offered the funds to save Sup Forums, he's one of us. He should be your hero.
He is the worlds first super villain
no problem faggot
>not Soros
Well, he lost, didn't he?
>He sees drugs as investments, hes an investment person.
This is entirely correct. He failed to understand the difference and paid the price for it.
Skhreli is so based
Calling Sanders a loser and increasing the cost mostly niggers use
I hope he buys 4chin
cost of drugs ffs
He thinks Sanders is a loser.
i see
>he raises the price of a drug he owns so that he may fund research on the next generation drug as the current one has all but stopped working.
In my mind it is more mentally ill to admonish this mans behavior while having no understanding of the monetary and temporal cost of producing legal drugs for murican market.
in the interview he talks about viagra price going up 13%, from a company that makes billions on it every year
shkreli is based
but you guys never gonna see that Wu record released, he paid 2 millions for it and theres no way hes gonna give it out for free
just think how much pussy he gets thanks to that
thanks god i dont listen to nigger music so i dont give a shit
So he calls some commie a loser, his problem? Well maybe that he cares too much, he buys up dying medicines, ups the price to create a thin profit margin but ensures the people who need it, get it. Why don't you get a clue op?
op is a faggot
That was clearly a joke, you idiot. Learn to detect subtext and irony before you post again or there WILL be repercussions, faggot.