So USA bomb raided Iraq positions by mistake in Mosul.
Killed 100 allied soldiers.
Mistake my ass, fucking burgers.
100 Iraqish soldiers killed
Nothing of value was lost
Kek, our media is just talking about the evil russians killing (((civilians))) in Aleppo.
Makes you think.
>no source
not that the USA hasn't done this shit but what you said didn't actually happen
why would you lie on the internet to strangers?
Wasted a good bomb.
Commonly occurs in war, Pollock.
Honest mistake because all sandniggers look alike
If America wanted to kill Iraqis,
they'd just leave.
Itd be lie if you paid to send a drugee to rehab,
then sent them drugs to kill them.
What's the point?
Pretty sure you guys (((accidentally))) bombed Assad dudes recently, thinking they were ISIS.
Really strains my brains.
Source was posted here earlier already. Your fault for not being up to date.
Ordnance used to kill muslims is never a waste
You shall hear about it soon enough.
I've got this news first hand.
Based leaf understands..
I stand corrected.
>the source was posted
>source: my bruised rectum
>tfw Poland is US ally
You should run in shelter too, when burgers will bomb us.
and no one is going to do shit about it
This post confirms based leafs
They're Iraqis; nobody cares when they die
>by mistake
not shilling or anything, but friendly fire happens. most of the deaths in Desert Storm were because of friendly fire.
so it's very plausible this is what happened here.
>shilling for israel
he is (he is not)
>hating kikes means you can't hate muzzies as well
Shame we didn't just let you drown on the passage over.
>"Ordnance used to kill muslims is never a waste"
>meanwhile sucking Saudis dick
Burgers will never change