>If you’re short, forget about it.
>Most sperm banks aren’t interested in white donors who aren’t at least 5 feet 9 inches, because most of their clients don’t want them.
>If you’re short, forget about it.
>Most sperm banks aren’t interested in white donors who aren’t at least 5 feet 9 inches, because most of their clients don’t want them.
Other urls found in this thread:
What about high IQ?
Yep. You can be a fat autistic fuck and have women lining up for your sperm as long as you're tall enough.
watch that guy get his ass sued for 98 cases of child support
Manlets on suicide watch
The progressives here want to pass a law for the state to allow and finance women getting pregnant even without having a partner. Effectively encouraging single motherhood and shallow women who want a kid to be hip.
>Not being able to sonate my DNA and sperm to Soros controlled degenerate single mom factories
Oh nooooooooo
Someone please kill me
Giving and using donated sperm is degenerate as fuck.
>Because most of their clients don’t want them
Of course you'll want more bang for your buck when it comes to a big decision like this but then I realized that OP is a leaf
just go on voyforums and find someone who want's your sperm. It's not all that difficult.
Can you believe this qt needed the services of this fat ugly fuck.... Im 6ft, blonde and blue eyed 8/10, where do I sign up? Time to make Aryans great again.
i read recently that they literally can't find sperm donors anymore so actually they're pretty desperate and will take anything.
you know he doesn't actually fuck the girls right? he just cums in a tube
don't sperm banks pay for jizz?
if i had a nickel every time i jacked off..
Anyone who's a doner knows all this already.
>Yep. You can be a fat autistic fuck and have women lining up for your sperm as long as you're tall enough.
Indeed. Had about 12 of my samples used to make kids so I think I did my part, genetically.
Not looking forward to the fact they can contact me after 18 years though.
Actually no
Read the article
It says he donates the natural way now
>nationalism and Sup Forums style thinking might be genetic / a defect
>Sup Forums donates sperm 100 times each
>next generation is flooded with Sup Forums.
shit meant to quote
Read up on him, he actually fucks them raw
>tfw 6'1" and white, brown hair blue eyes
>Not looking forward to the fact they can contact me after 18 years though
fuck my keyboard is broken and i can't use memearrows or capitalize anymore.
can't you just give them a fake name/
It's law. Donations plummeted MASSIVELY after it was introduced.
Now they import Dane and American sperm to make up the numbers.
i don't think that it has something to do with genes
whats wrong with them contacting you? just say hi and treat them like any other person.
That's why women should be kept in control
Without a strong hand leading them women tend to degeneracy
As a 6'2, white male laywer I've considered donating. A way of immortalizing myself while helping others.
>Not looking forward to the fact they can contact me after 18 years though.
If you aren't obligated to pay for anything, is there any real problem with connecting with your biological children? If nothing else, it would be interesting just to learn what they have done with the life that you have given them.
Kek imagine some gypsies taking your sperm and raising your child
I could never get over the fact that my seed is in the hands of some niggers
70% genes 30% environment
i have no interest in being contacted by a person i created 20 years ago for 20 dollars while whacking it to hentai that was raised by some nut that can't find a man or does not want one
i don't think i would have anything against them but it would not be my child and i should not have any obligations to it
>tfw 5'9
how much will they pay me for watching anime girls getting porked?
I just realized the little drip of saliva
That adds even more to that image
>Now they import Dane and American sperm to make up the numbers.
You actually summed it up, really.
What animango
imho everybody shorter than 185cm, everybody with an IQ under 120, and everybody with any kind of genetic disorder should be sentenced to death if they father a child.
then the humanity evolves into a master race.
6'1 white male, 100% nordic fenotype
Would probably have donated if i lived in Denmark, their laws are different.
He looks like toad of toad hall. I can only imagine the hulking hambeasts who would pay him for sex
Think again
>being under 5 foot 9
What is this, dwarf country?
>with his rotten and corrupted seed
I lmao'd at the double meaning of this sentence
isn't this fake?
Looks like you got me
Also nice trips. Way to waste em
I was under the impression that choosing the donor was like going through a catalog with a picture.
The guy is hideous. Why would he be chosen so much?
oh yeah all africans are retarded becouse their enviroment
He came in some rather decent slags. Kinda qt.
>he thinks being a lankyfuck is a good think
being tall implies being strong, but that isnt the case with 99,999999% of the dudes over 185cm
most athletic dudes are around 5'8-5'11
That's a lot of serbians.
Because women are herd animals. If they see 10 other women get his sperm, they will be lining up as well, thinking he's of high genetic quality.
>dirty blonde
>blue eyes
>half Scandinavian, half German
>go to a great university
Should I donate?
>intelligence has nothing to do with genes
Then what differentiates a dog's brain from human's? Can I just raise a dog as a human to get super intelligent pet? If your answer is no, then what is the reason I can't raise a dog to be as intelligent as a human, if not genes?
Serbs shorter than 185: 80+%.
Serbs with IQ under 120: 99.999+%
Serbs with genetic disorders: 50+%
In short, this nation has to be removed for the greater good. I wish we could be Yugoslavia again. At least with Slovenians and Croatians, we're not such untermensch.
>Manlet cant handle his disadvantage.
>Thinks anyone takes manletgains seriously
When will they learn?
>Not looking forward to the fact they can contact me after 18 years though.
>Not fucking your 18 year old biological daughter
No Westermarck effect + biological sexual attraction would make it the best sex ever.
Europe is not the US. It's also not possible to retract consent 10 years after the fact and cry rape.
it would be worh it to have 98 children
your genes would live forever
No, just because you have good gene's doesn't mean the parents will raise it correctly
>5 feet 9 inches
Even that sounds too low, what mother would want manlet children. Still, they can't be too picky without driving up the cost I suppose.
It's like gasoline, you have regular and premium.
>blonde 6'2 aryan man
>can't cum though masturbation
I guess sperm donation isn't possible for me
face it, humans werent meant to be that tall hence why nearly all tall guys are lanky fucks who would die in real combat
Yo do you guys lift? Im a 6'2" Aryan and life got even easier when I started to make visible gains
Is this the wizard power everyone is talking about?
according to this thread, sperm donation is more efficient when it comes to spreading your genes.
>can't cum though masturbation
Whatever lets you sleep at night dude, when men needed to fight for things manlets would be at an advantage but in modern times women prefer taller guys than manlets
It's literally the whole point of why genes are so important. Intelligence is 100% hereditary, barring any negative mutations like downs or positive ones resulting in higher intelligence.
Fuck off hippy, this was experimented on for decades. 10 thousands of adopted kids showed the same level of intelligence as the BIOLOGICAL PARENTS, even showing similar behavioral patterns despite having never met.
Environment influences KNOWLEDGE, not capacity for learning, which intelligence is.
Absolutely. Was a 34 years old virgin, now a father of hundred children and doesn't even need to pay child support. If this isn't magical miracle then I don't know what is.
Then you'd be wrong.
I bet she's a lesbian and wanted beta sperm for feminine offspring.
I'm 6'1" and while growing up I always felt insecure because I was way taller than my friends.
I grew up in Cali where the average height is like 5'4"
I didn't understand it at the time but being tall is way better
5'7 manlet here.
i don't blame them. they want brad pitt.
men are even more picky when it comes to women.
Kids will make fun of you for being a lanky son of a bitch, but once you grow in to your body and you get to fucking age, height is king.
You can be the ugliest fucker on the planet and slay pussy because you're taller than average.
I'm not jealous of the guys at the gym who lift ten times my weight because I can get there with training. I don't get salty over dudes who are better dressed, have more money, have faster cars, or anything because I could potentially be there one day with some hard work and smart spending.
But I will always fucking be mad about the two to three inches whatever abominable god that exists wouldn't give to me to help me get girls.
Just started again this autumn.
>tfw banging out 6 reps@150 deadlift
>tfw starting to see some changes
why the fuck did I ever stop
>tfw 5'6" and 24 years old, done growing
>tfw most middle schoolers are taller than me
>tfw dating pool restricted to women who are literally almost medically considered to have a growth deficiency
And even most of those 5'0" women feel entitled to a six foot guy. Should I just kms?
>minimum 1.65 meters
>tfw barely 5'9 on a good day
haha made the cut.
t-those fucking manlets am I right?
> tfw work for the Foreign Ministry, higher embassy worker
> 6'6", white, blonde
> good education
I have a dream of becoming a sperm donator in every country I will be sent to - so that when I die there will be dozens of my "children" in all parts of the world.
Does anyone know my chances in regards to this? I assume that if I would donate sperm in a developing country or any place in Asia it would be fairly "popular" ?
Do spermbanks actually allow the women to seek out traits they want?
get a big girl gf
>not wanting to spread your white genes
This is why we're losing
I don't see how this is OK. Having a baby is not a human right. It's a huge responsibility to bring a kid into the world, it's not a fucking "right" to be campaigned for.
Very interesting canacuck
I'm 5"7 and I just turned 18. Am I going to be a manlet my entire life or will I rise above?
except sweden, where aparently having sex without a condom constitutes rape
Yes, women get to select the sperm.
Hint: They want their kids to be tall, white, fit, have big dicks, big brains, and big futures.
you're mostly done growing by 17 on average, you can expect some minor gains until 21 but don't hope for more than an inch without HGH
>tfw 6'5, mixed western-euro descent, extremely high IQ, amazing social skills, broad shoulders and strong jawline
Soros' entire net worth is less than 1% of what the Koch brothers have in a single PAC
So my plan might actually be practical? Kek
Because of my job I will be moving places every 3-4 years which makes having a family myself really hard - also I don't get to fuck all the young, desperate girls in what ever country I end up in when I am married.
Still getting to have my DNA go on would be great
>tfw 5'10"
Well, then. Got any suggestions on killing myself?
You are almost surely done growing. Sorry man.
I'm 6' and a virgin at 21, what did i do wrong?