you will never be 100% redpilled until you completely and un-apologetically agree with this picture 100% when it comes to current geopolitics
You will never be 100% redpilled until you completely and un-apologetically agree with this picture 100% when it comes...
>Niggernogger muslim countries
>Ching chong eat the dog
What the fuck hahahaha are you retarded?
Please die.
>all those terrorist ME states
Holy fuck.
>Implying any of those countries is exclusive to only one side or the other.
You're 100% right, only cuckservatives and the_donald retards disagree.
>I can hear God saying to America, "You're too arrogant! And if you don't change your ways, I will rise up and break the backbone of your power, and I'll place it in the hands of a nation that doesn't even know my name."
Martin Lawrence Jr. predicted China's rise.
>all this delicious butthurt of bluepilled Sup Forumsfaggots
Kek, also - the picture is 100% correct. Zionists and globalists are the definition of evil and they deserve to be gassed. Everyone that opposes them is a good guy.
I love how you all claim to be 'redpilled' yet buy into the media's narrative of radical muslims. Well guess what buddy they are pissed the fuck off, wanna know why? Western countries have been fucking them up for over 100 years now. We bred this monster and yes now we must put it down, but yall are seriously fucking dumb.
this is correct. Damn, if only Poland wasnt inside the palm grip.
Edgy mate.
Morgan clarke be gone
hey where am i?
Poland's inside the used condom that's lying on the floor
When we were not user, when we were not?
Where is brit's flag on the left?
Gas lizards!
This was me and now I mean what you meant. I agree, but the real deciding battle will be domestic in America as we were chosen as (((there))) military and economic stronghold.
>Deze banz!
Disgusting. It is the other way around, except Russia would remain good.
You fucking nazi shits are the same as communists and should all be killed.
White countries vs slavroach and sandniggers.
And US itself is just an instrument of reptilians.
I think US citizens are nice mostly.
Hence the confederate flag on the right. I actually enjoyed OP's pic
I am interested hans, what do you personally know about north korea? I mean aside from the cherry picked media, coming from germany I find this Ironic
>north korea
you do realise the role NATO had in holding Soviet Russia in check for 50 years? The same soviet russia who funded the initiatives that flooded western universities with marxism and led to todays cultural marxist leaders?
You could muster some kind of excuse for most of the ones on the right, but NORTH KOREA? HAHAHAHA
Fuck the UN and Fuck the EU. And fuck israel while you're at it
>unironically thinks the world is black-and-white
You are a legitimate idiot who understands nothing.
>1 post by this ID
Ah, I see. You got me there.
The chinese will build the new liberal order, just you see.
It's always an american jesus christ