Does anybody else hate romanians? They are filthy, lazy, thiefs that are good for absolutely nothing. Literally white googles.
Moldavians are even worse, poorer and stupider.
Does anybody else hate romanians? They are filthy, lazy, thiefs that are good for absolutely nothing. Literally white googles.
Moldavians are even worse, poorer and stupider.
I agree. We should stop making fun of all other countries, and direct all of our jokes towards Romanians.
I agree with you Moldavian bros
you forgot Roma-Gypsies have the smallest dicks in europe
they are the worst immigrants over here
t.transnistrian bot
((( )))
gee I wonder who could by behind this post
sad hun mongol
I think they're even worse than the africans.
Feels good to have a huge dick in a dicklet country
Smartest guy I ever worked with was Romanian.
Never worked with any smart Moldovans.
you're probably just measuring it wrong and giving yourself extra cm
the fact that you feel the need to wrote about your size shows that youre consciously or subconsciously insecure and feel inadequate about yourself
indeed they are
those googles on the photo did that probably because they are well integrated unlike romanians
>italians are too dumb to be doctors,engineers,construction workers,IT&TC workers,researchers and so they import romanians,poles,bulgarians,hungarians to work for them
>meanwhile,lazy Cipriano is a NEET on welfare who pays what little euros he has to the nearby gypsy prostitute that is owned by a romanian/nigerian/albanian mafia
Next year when I'm going to Erasmus, I will make sure to wipe my dick on italian chicks too,along with my slovakian and moldovan friends.
jelly moldovan you are never gonna be like us
Moldovans are literally 10 times worse than Romanians. Trash, both of 'em.
((( )))
jeeze louise I wonder who could possible hate both moldovans and romanians with the moldovan flag
daily reminders: Samogitians are the whiter then the stinky polish "lithuanians"
Serriously tho, ROMA-nians are subhuman filth with no toilets.
Literally poo-in-loos.
op stay on vpn gypo
How is your town rapist today ?
20 replies and not a single mention of the town rapist? SAD!
This triggers the Moldovan
>actually the opposite
let's talk about greeks
Been mates with a Romanian for years. Top bants, but he loved to lie for the sake of a good story. 8/10 would go for a pint with.
You fuckers take that shit back, Romania is A CUTE. CUTE!
How's the town rapist?
why do you bully vlachs reeeeeeeeeee
Praise kek
Hello? Are we talking about my kin?
>tfw ywn bully Bulgaria with your Greek and Romanian bros again
Why even live?
ahmed you good/?
cute serbia
wtf i hate romanians now
Welcome to the club.
Yes, I hate those fucking gypsies.
Letting Romania and Bulgaria in the EU was the biggest mistake ever and is directly responsible for the EU falling apart, starting with the UK leaving.
A bigger mistake than letting all these google rapefugees in?
Actually, I think you're right. At least there are less rapefugess than Romanians.
tyron we need to remove the gypos ,thx for taking them!!
>Romania is directly responsible for US letting them in OUR economic union
Holy shit, this delusion breaks through reality. In any case I accept your compliments, I'd be more than exalted to know we crashed you with no survivors
and now you know why romanians hate us so much
That's not the only thing they are jealous of.
asians why the fuck you lie
we all know youre top is 10 cm
Does anybody else hate romanians? They are filthy, lazy, thiefs that are good for absolutely nothing. Literally white googles.
Moldavians are even worse, poorer and stupider.
mi ezeket a cigányokat ismerjük
How can non French even compete?
those are gypsy not romanians. c'mon
the worst are those damn gooks they basically ruin everything inside out