Has /pol finally been btfo?

Has /pol finally been btfo?

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It's almost as if the US (or the world for that matter) wasn't built by jews.

Sup Forums is too retarded to acknowledge the Holocaust

Prove that the holocaust happened.

No, they just complain endlessly about a made up genocide instead.

I'm pretty sure the kikes are still crying about the holocaust that didn't even actually happen

>Don't hear jews complaining about The war on Hanukkah

You don't hear the Jews complaining because they don't want to call attention to the fact that they're literally the ones waging the war on Christmas.

If you cant hear the jews complaining you are deaf.

Prove it didn't happen.

I asked first. The Jews and that guy are the ones claiming the holocaust occurred. The burden of proof is on them.

well goy, This 69 year old lady Barbara Goldberg-Katzstein was there in 1940 and was gassed multiple times but survived that along with the furnace rollercoaster. There's your proof

Say what? They do nothing BUT complain! "Oy vey, ww2, oy vey, anti-semitism, oy vey.. KILL THEM ALL!!!!!

>the one who is accused of a crime has to prove that he is innocent
That's not how that works user.

"you don't hear Jews complaining"

already knew this was bullshit right there.

It never happened
But I wish it did

>All I'm saying is you don't hear Jews complaining

How do you type these words in a sequence without irony?

>Sup Forums is too retarded to ((((blindly)))) acknowledge the Holocaust

The holocaust would've been lit af, bro.

>muh holocaust
fuck heebs

>you don't hear jews complain

Where has she been for the last 70 years?

The burden of proof is on you, user. You are the one who is making the claim that it didn't happen.

Jew are too busy complaining about muh 6 batrillion

>I don't hear Jews complaining about the holocaust

>you don't hear Jews complaining

We would have to be saying "Happy Holidays" if it weren't for jews complaining about peoole saying Merry Christmas. And even then, the holocaust wasn't over Hanukkah.

That is wildly wrong. As soon as you criticize anything remotely Jewish they they attack you over it. They have a whole organization for it, the anti-defamation league.

Jew here, I'm confused, there was a war on Hannukkah?

I don't really mind if other people celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas or other religious events as long as they don't force that to me.


The only sound I want to hear from Jews is them opening the oven door.


The most recent historical updates state that it was more like 11 million.

>Don't hear jews complaining about The war on Hanukkah

>It's almost as if the US (or the world for that matter) wasn't built by jews.

The Puritans actually banned the celebration of Christmas because they found it to be blasphemously pagan and an affront to the true majesty of God and Jesus Christ.

This, though its mostly Athiests (Who were pushed to athiesm by juice)

this. All Jew should go to Israel and stay there.

Jew here, no thanks, I really hate sand niggers, med climate, crowds, and poor countries, sorry Shlomo.

> Israel is one of the like 2 countries that don't separate religion and state
> war on Hanukkah, goy!

It's like trying to change the culture of a country when you want to be a part of it.
No one goes to Saudi Arabia and tell them to quiet down on their holidays.

the more pagan celebrations get, the more based they get. I want roman festivals

Also no nice taiga forests or Western style countryside.

that's not true. Most Christmas songs were written by Jews. Christmas is loved by Jews, whether its because of the big profit, or just loving the holiday


The burden of proof is on you, user. You are the one who is making the claim that it did happen.

wow, that was easy, am I a master debater now?

There is a very diverse climate in Israel, not just desert. Come home Jewish man. You will get 50k as soon as you will come here to fund your education and business.

>Don't see them complaining

All credibility this guy has was lost after you read "don't hear Jews"

Nah, this is my home, I would miss my climate. Not interested in living in the Med region with too many sand niggers.

>this is my home, I would miss my climate.
Literally the only reason I'm gonna emigrate from Israel - lack of snow

> too many sand niggers.
you would not even see one, outside of Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem. and there is alot of snow in the north.

there was alot of snow in the Hermon last winter, what are you talking about?

>Prove a negative

It's not the same climate, bro, also it's too crowded and not enough massive forests that go on for miles.

I've been to Israel, it's aiiight, but not nearly as nice nature as Canada.

>don't hear Jews complaining

This fucking confuses me, I'm from a Jewish family, we celebrate Hanukkah every year, and there has never been a war on the holiday. It was always a holiday celebrated by a very small percentage of people in the country so naturally it won't get a lot of attention.

Meanwhile, America is a country built by people of European/Christian heritage, no shit that Christmas is an important holiday and should have a lot of emphasis. People are mad about Christmas being overtaken by acceptance of multiculutralism (i.e. cultural suicide)

>People are mad about Christmas being overtaken by acceptance of multiculutralism (i.e. cultural suicide)

Exactly, as a Jew myself I celebrate Christmas because more than half my family is goy and I support the defense of Christmas against the sand niggers and degenerates who hate Western civilization.

Christmas is the best holiday, imo.

even jews don't like hanukkah

"The war on Christmas?" Yeah that happened.

Except it was actually "The war on Jesus." We just celebrate him on Christmas.

Oh, and you know who carried out that war on Jesus? I bet you already know the answer.

Come on, Hermon? You can't be serious
I mean real overwhelming constant snow everywhere during the winter. I need it every year, genetically, or I become miserable.
Hermon is like a simulation at best
I'm agreeing with you, I'm talking about Russian nature/climate

We like Hannukah.... it's chill and there's chocolates and dreidels n shiet.

>you don't hear Jews complaining


>Jews make up my only 2% of the population
>see Hanukkah decorations in every other business
>mfw Hanukkah was an obscure holiday way behind Purim or Passover but eclipsed it because of kike butthurt

The jews wouldn't complain about something that can be disproven.
They need to keep complaining about the holocaust because the truth would come out if they stopped.

>Exactly, as a Jew myself I celebrate Christmas because more than half my family is goy and I support the defense of Christmas against the sand niggers and degenerates who hate Western civilization.
>Christmas is the best holiday, imo.

Give that Leaf a timbit.

can't be disproven*

Hanukkah and Christmas are equally irrelevant.

the only people who are butthurt are the lefties.

I'd gas you given the chance :^)
run home semitic man

Seriously, I've never been butthurt about Hannukah, it's not even an important holiday for Jews.

Hannukah is for the children.

What did Kek mean by this?

jews love christmas though. demand pull inflation from all that spending.

I'd put a bullet in your head too, Mohammed, but since the Holidays are approaching I'll just say, Merry Christmas you devil-worshipping faggot.

>you don't hear Jews complaining

That's pretty much lefties in a nutshell, they get butthurt for everyone else. I hate how they speak for everyone and put words in everyone's mouth. They think people are incapable of holding their own opinions or not being offended on their own.

This person seriously thinks Jews don't kvetch about every single thing. This person has never met a Jew and she speaks for them. Imagine being this smug, conceited and hateful.

>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID

Don't fall for obvious bait.

100% German/Spanish/Irish/English my sandnigger half breed friend. You very presence psychologically poisons the European peoples every thought and mannerism merely dilutes the soul of the European. Every nation your people enter into power falls into shambles from Russia to South Africa, and now America is one it's way to the dung heap thanks to the plundering by your fellow jews.

True that user

>This person has never met a Jew

I'd bet she sees a Jew every morning in the mirror when she brushes her teeth.

But I like America... America is one of my favorite countries.

Too bad about your potato nigger blood, though :p

I never called you a lefty, just showed him that Jews really have really nothing to do with the situation.

Except they do.

It means there is only one god, praise kek

>Not complaining
Even Jews would say that is bullshit.

>Even Jews would say that is bullshit.

Nah. They'd just complain about it.




please gas him.

>prove a negative
>prove you didn't rape this chick you never seen before

>All I'm saying

stopped reading

>the one who is accused of a crime
I didn't ask shit to WW2 Germany

>I asked it first
Yeah, you asked to prove something that's already proven. That's not how it works m8

>i don't hear jews complaining

In what universe does this woman exist in?


>not complaining about the holocaust

pick one.

That's because jews constantly complain about how much Hannukkah sucks. You know, because complaining is all they can do.

Uhh.. you literally hear about the 6 gorilion EVERY FUCKING DAY...

The jews get together for the Hanukkah feast at the end of Hanukkah once a year.The jews go to temple and congregate there telling stories.One story in particular is the story of the Maccabees.
What I learned going to temple once with a (((friend))) for Hanukkah feast dinner-is that the jews literally get together during the holidays just to share stories about their perpetual victim hood through-out history with one another.It felt as if they were all competing against each other for the best perpetual victim hood story.There were even holohoax (((survivors))) there comparing stories...or rather competing for the best survival victim hood card.

>you don't hear Jews complaining

Stopped reading right there.

But Jews CONSTANTLY complain.

You can't prove a negative. The burden of proof lies with those making the claim that it happened.
