Will France ever stop being butthurt about England?
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Reminder: France is the best European country
always a leaf
France is history's bitch tbqh
>Reminder: France is the best Muslim country
>colgates still butthurt we claimed the vertical red white and blue first
Your jealousy is showing, Hans
C'est un anglais aux Pays-Bas.
>t. the bluepilled English person living in the Netherlands
everytime you post I cringe
>sure thing dad
implying that Britain 'fathered' America
Where did they came from? Honolulu?
Nobdoy gives a fuck about england in france but okay.
Thats not the flag of England user
From all of Europe actually (Irish, Scotland, Netherland etc) and not just Britain.
Sure you don't. That's why you all tear up and go red in the face when talking English. You hate that England won the history and so their language is more important.
Most americans are descendants of german religious extremists.
>England won the history
USA did. For now.
You don't say? I thought Jesus lived in Kansas and ate burgers and cock?
Reminder that most English words come from French due to their power pre 100 years war.
If it's so fucking obvious, why are you still posting you dumbfuck?
Scotland is part of Britain you cuck
No they are too retarded
>I hear them rustlin'
>They dyin'
See, cant really care about stuff being discarded every year. By plants.
Ever notice that the only french speaking countries are third world shitholes in places like west Africa?
And english speaking countries are the most developed?
Sacre bleu.
>spend 5 years studying French because I want to visit Paris
>last year I finally have enough to visit
>arrive at the airport, have to walk through 4 seperate "prayer rooms" before I can get to baggage claim
>go outside and hail a taxi
>some arab looking dude pulls up and just starts screaming at me in Aramaic.
>wait for a different cab
>they're all like this
>decide to go to downtown paris to see how it is
>litteraly swarms of african niggers, the ratio of black to whites is easily 10:1
>no cheese or bread shops but tons of shawarma stands
>memorial for the Nice terror attacks
>" In memory of Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, may he find peace with Allah(PBUH)"
>as I'm walking away in disgust some African tries to pickpocket me
>when I try to stop him he shivs me
>find the only white person in a 5 km radius and ask him to help me
>he spits on me for my French being disgusting and tells me to go back to America
Fuck France
>last year
shit I meant last month
Hey, leave France alone we're rivals it isn't as much fun if everyone makes fun of them.
Fuck you, English is an imperialist language, no language in history has had speakers cause more death genocide conquest and enslavement than English. You destroyed my language, you've destroyed every culture you've touched and French speakers are the last ones left to oppose this subhuman language, god bless France, death to England.
>tfw Diplomat
>tfw still need to be fluent in French even though I was already fluent in Spanish and English when I started at the ministry
Christ almighty ameribro.. IF you ever come here, give your Sup Forums bretheren a ring first :I
Don't go to Paris ya retard. Berlin, Paris, Brussels and London are all brown and black shitholes atm
>because I want to visit Paris
No, fuck you.
Honnestly no ones give a single fuck about England in France
>no language in history has had speakers cause more death genocide conquest and enslavement than English
>>he spits on me for my French being disgusting and tells me to go back to America
I don't understand this. Would Frenchies prefer that we not speak any French at all and just expect everyone to speak English for us?
What a bunch of fags.
He is not dutch, that's the same anglo making the same thread about France everyday, it's almost flattering to see that his live revolves so much around our country.
A real question would be why is he so butthurt about us, did a french stole his gf ? fucked his mother ? bullied him at school ? I think we will never know.
>that happened
Next time you make a bullshit story burger just don't try as hard.
>red white and blue
>flag is blue white and red
Dumbbell frogposter.
Are you fucking kidding me? They killed 80 million South Americans, meanwhile English killed 100 million North Americans, 38 million Africans, 25 million Australian aboriginals, 3 million maoris, 1.5 million Irish, at least 30 million Indians, countless Chinese and millions of Europeans. Fuck you.
>hurr people did bad things one time
Who gives a shit, you little pussy?
Because he made it up and as the average gullible burger on Sup Forums you believe everything as long as it reinforces the stereotypes.
They are abhorrent. My sister moved there for love and even though she spoke their retard language they ignored her because she had an accent. Would'nt speak to her even though she had no friends.
They are evil.
Ever notice the French speaking parts of Africa are the only ones relatively working?
Say it with me now
Nope, the former British colonies are doing way better actually. (they're still African shitholes, of course)
No, that trophy belongs to Germoney or Sweden. They are the best niggerhood of Europe.
>blaming Germans for extremism every time
6 years ago, some of my highschool teachers went on a trip to France together. A museum curator told them to stop trying to speak French because it was "disgusting to his ears".
France is full of stuck up pussies and now mudslimes too. I look forward to killing you in the upcoming Great Culture War. Deus Vult, retard.
If you think I made it up go to Paris right now and take a photo outside that has a higher ratio of whites to blacks.
You can't. Your capital has been BLACKED beyond redemption.
Your typical shit eating Québécois, everyone.
Never been more fucking proud to be English.
Fuck you, snowflake. I'd do it all over again.
>What are Belgium, Switzerland and Québec
By the way sorry for not being natural genociders like the anglos or mass rapists like the spanish.
Do you know where the non-country meme originated from? Or are you another bluepilled newfag who migrated here from reddit during the US elections?
such as?
German colonies were the best I swear
People who were victims, people with any concept of morality, people who hate violence, although I wouldn't expect an American to be any of those.
Look here everyone, the mentality of an Englishman!
Nice quads
I had something like this happen when ordering and I slapped him closed fist across the face. People gasp, he couldn't believe there were consequences. These people are weak!
It's what dawned the modern world, asshat.
Reminder that Africa is rightful Belgian clay
Also, GTFO my country.
Virtue signally youngling, shame. Embarrassing!
Will the yanks remain butthurt about us brits inventing the magnetron and nuclear bombs?
the entire english geopolitical strategy for the past 500+ years has been to prevent a unified europe. if France is strong, the UK shits on it. If Germany is strong, UK shits on it. If USSR is strong, UK shits on it. The UK strategy goes nicely with the US strategy in Europe.
>the best
Subjective notion
Reminder that Belgium is rightful German clay
While leafs do what?
That's right , fuck all.........
I dont know man, i think imperialism is kind of cool.
And don't you forget it.
Your country is also ours btw.
Reminder that Belgium chocolate is shite.....
Are you Scottish or something?
Saved, Mr White.
He doesn't even care.
He triggers krauts about the EU more than France.
Hallo Dutroux
>implying I don't want the Germanic race to unite under 1 flag again
Anschluss orgy wann?
Leopolds policy would help a lot with nigger thieves in Europe though
nice trips, Doppelnull
Soon I hope
I think it's best that the Flemish and Dutch people re-unite first and after that join the greater Germanic Empire
The modern world relies on oppression genocide and violence? I don't want to be part of it then.
>my country
>Northern Ireland
You get out of my country you cunt, FUCK off back to Germany while your at it.
Defending violence and oppression embarrassing you cunt.
People will never realise Anglos don't care about your tears because our superiority has already been well established.
The Dutch are bro-tier.
Japs are intelligent but collectivist zergs.
Australians/NZ are the most English so of course they are two of the best nations on Earth.
USA is an English creation.
Hong Kong had a taste of the Anglo and now utterly despise China.
We are the experts in Aryan extermination.
We will always be here shaping the world how we will.
That's because you benefit from it, meanwhile the other 6 billion of us are living in our own shit thanks to you.
No you cunt.
was wondering the same thing
Hahaha fucking hell
Absolutely disgusting.
Believe me if I had my way we'd have fucked off out or your potatonigger land decades ago. I'm all for a united Ireland, if it should even exist at all.
Sink the cunt, but not before taking all of your scumbag gypsies back first.
But you made it up burger, and your message is exactly proving it, you just saw cherrypicked videos of la Goutte d'or or around Gard du Nord on Youtube and you think you know shit while you couldn't even tell me how many arrondissement the city has without searching on google.
You are just an underrage who is inventing himself a life while he never went outside of the US, let alone speaking french kek.
Je te met au défi de continuer la conversation en français l'ahuri.
Sure tough guy, I worked at the Louvre during 2 summers when I was in high school, never ever heard the concierge speaking like that to tourists so let alone a curator pulling this type of incediary comment to a teacher, especially knowing that people got problem for far less.
Don't forget to take your zoloft and your adderall before taking out the trash.
Damn board full of mythomaniacs.
Is this a possibility?
Flaams Belang is always badmouthed in German media
alles geplant
does "best" means most african, most taxed and most retarded?
I've been to almost every country in western and central europe. Paris was by far the worse fucking city. France over all (other than normandy) was a complete shithole. Fuck even Germany was 10times better but this was pre-nigger invasion.
I'm not going to continue this conversation in your cheese eating surrender monkey language.
Omelette du fromage
French is a deeply illogical flimsy wristed language spoken by pussies and africans
this is beautiful, i teared up half way reading it.
Yeah there is still a lot of taboo surrounding them. Hopefully NVA is willing to work with them after the next elections.
yours is spoken by spics, not much better desu
Isn't French only a few thousand words? The rest are English words that they just use rather than make their own?
Aquafresh, surely?