*sips tea*
*sips tea*
Isn't that Zyzz's brother
false equivalency- guns are real
I love guns but can't barely name 40 of them.
>the 300 gun models are actually real
>38 of the 40 genders, on the other hand
poor bait, btw
Does anyone have that squirtle-squirtle post?
but there's only 2 real genders
>Drinking tea
It's easier to learn a word that is related to an image.
A revolver doesn't refer to itself as a seagull.
Because an AK doesn't fucking go "squirtle, squirtle", you fucking faggot.
Why are so many bodybuilders so mad at guns?
Wait a second, but there's like 50 pronouns, and if we modify each of them for every imaginary gender won't there be like 2000 new worlds you'll have to memorize?
I dont think even the worlds biggest gun nuts can name 400 models.
Let alone 50.
I dont spend 4 hours a night holding a tranny in a video game.
i'm not a psychiatrist. i dont want to remember list of mental illness
All I remember about guns is which size bullet goes in it, which end the bullet comes out, and which assholes I should be aiming it at.
>remember over 300 gun models
you're god damn right I can
no thanks
>Why don't you respect thing B as much as you respect thing A?
>t. People in support of thing B but have no respect for thing A.
Really makes you think.
Because those guns exist
I can tell what model a gun is by looking at it.
Because one gun equates many years of their training and even limp wristled beta with a gun can fuck them up.
Also this.
calate pandula
>...300 gun models then then why is it so hard...
>then then
>doing something for a hobby
>giving others special treatment
If you can remember 40 genders then why can't you faggots remember that not every gun is an fully automatic assault rocket launcher?
>false equivalence
Dedicated body builders are like 40% faggots pretending not to be. They can do what they want but man I have never seen another hobby/sport/group that was more in denile of their faggotry
this guy had a breakdown and became a terrorist
>bodybuilders against guns and homo/transphobia
Because a Glock isn't a AR-15.
Unless your a liberal.
>we gonna take your guns so you have no means to defend yourself, on the other hand Muslims owning guns is perfectly normal they need protection from evil raciss :^)
The same reason why I can remember all 802 Pokemon.
Because they're consistent, don't look the same, and they are actually real.
Guns are a manufactured product that are intended to be manufactured products.
Gender a manufactured product but isn't intended to be a manufactured product.
There, I just explained what is fundamentally wrong with all this infinite genders bullshit.
Conversely, if the government wants to ban a specific type or caliber gun they can do that with a reason (valid or not), why shouldn't the government be able to do the same thing with gender insanity? Why don't we have genderfluid free zones or otherkin free zones?
>goes to Syria
>gets detained by Homeland Security
>Why is it harder to remember things you like that exist than things you don't care about that are made up
Because my Ruger 10/22 doesn't self identify as a nugget and call me battleriflephobic when I refuse to pretend to cycle a fake bolt action between shots
It's not hard at all, I just choose to leave memorizing mental illnesses to the fine people who attend med school.
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
Don't get distracted by their spamming tactics.
I simply have no respect for people who believe in 40 fucking genders.
Pokemon is actually really well planned product, and actually fun and in that sense, somewhat useful - unlike made-up attention-seeking bullshit terms about one's twisted sexuality and mental conditions.
Only 40?! Are you like transphobic or bigot or something?! I'm literally shaking right now. Do you know what I can't? Even.
I was having lunch you fucking faggot.