What happened (other than jews) to once Christian-Conservative United States?


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They elected Trump.

>The future of western civilization

It doesn't have to be this way We need to fight

I'd fuck them if you know what I mean

So how do you fuck these kinds of girls?

What did he mean by this?

People became more 'educated' if you know what I mean

Middle classes are always evil and degenerate

The middle class is the only hope to find a not degenerate woman to be honest
every girl which has a little bit of money is a degenerate

>Americans complain about all girls being hoes and then fuck them anyway
Rlly maeks u thonk

If that bitch wanted to write in spanish the least she could have done is learn to speak the fuckin language.

My friends think I'm insane because I turn down sex with all kinds of sluts. I'm not particularly picky either, I just don't need sex so badly that I'm fine with sticking my dick in their nasty used up pussies.

>no me estupre señor
Give her weed and 20 bucks
>si si me estupre señor

Say hi

why do you want to fuck white trash? let them die without any dick or only brown dicks

In general the poorer people are more religious and less likely to have had a lot of partners, don't you think

naturally in western society poor people tend to be less degenerate however the same don't apply to third world countries



What happened(other than what happened)?

Oh man, I'd insert my genitals into their genitals and use my hips to generate a forward-backward motion if you can read into what I'm trying to convey.

People in third world countries are also less degenerate and more religious though

The collapse of Christianity in most rich western countries coupled with decades of cultural marxism.

I'd break the short one in half if you catch my drift

>nigger wanting to fuck niggers. 100% natural. I don't know if this is worse than masturbating to anime though


You answer your own question JEWS

Jews yes... but you must not forget the role of secret societies and protestants in the destruction of western civilization.

USA is a victim of secret societies like Russia and China. Literally today almost a one world government.