Why doesn't Portugal annex Spain?
Why doesn't Portugal annex Spain?
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The Cartels.
Rely maeks u thok...
It smells, and we need a France-buffer.
Just like Belgium for you guys.
Not a good comparison. Belgium is infrastructurally, economically and intellectually inferior to us Nethercheeseheads.
Well, Spain is only economically more relevant than us, and that's mostly due to size.
Dumb as bricks, and their whole country is a huge plateau-desert. We've got move of the best real-estate on the peninsula already. Why would we want to share it with some lazy cunts who can barely speak a full language?
Its only there because UK allowed it
Galicia belongs to Portugal
Yeah, but we also helped them out when we could. Napoleon tried to cuck them but we didn't let him.
Fucking Triggered
>best ally
Why would they want millions of moors ?
No reason why spain shouldn't manifest Destiny it's way across.
The Spanish kingdoms united under one banner to cull our expansion and stop us from annexing them one by one.
How can the Portugese be different from the Spanish, considering how things are located. Why isn't Portugal bigger.
What the hell happened?
And how could Portugal be a major power as it once was when it's like that. They even beat out Spain for a century or so. Have the two countries ever been at war? If so, how could Spain lose.
>How can the Portugese be different from the Spanish, considering how things are located. Why isn't Portugal bigger.
Topology. Iberia is a plateau, and Portugal is mostly the cliff coming down from it and the plains up to the shore. Very hard to invade without being pushed down a couple hundred meters to your death.
>What the hell happened?
There were 4 kingdoms and each got a strip from north to south. We broke off the westernmost one, and reached the end first (by about 200 years) and never wanted to join back up like it was originally planned, because the rest of them took too long.
>And how could Portugal be a major power as it once was when it's like that?
Wine, strategy and mad luck. Spain blocked European trade, and we said "fuck it, we'll go around Africa then", and basically controlled European trade for 200 years, more or less. Spain only started discovering roughly 80 years later.
>Have the two countries ever been at war?
Yes, multiple times. England helped most of them, and their organisation proved a great match with our bravery, as history shows. Even in shit like WWI we always volunteered for the toughest insane suicidal shit just for the glory.
>If so, how could Spain lose?
Bad tactics, basically. We always had 1/4th of their strength, but we played defence well, and we played to our strenghts. Portugal has never won a battle by outnumbering, but by being brave and working extremely well under pressure.
We're not some perfect breed of warriors by any stretch of the imagination, but we are pretty good at makeshifting shit out of the blue and improvising.
Like the towellniggers could.
Also why does Portuguese sound like an Eastern-European Spanish?
It's a submarine drone.
The real question is why does Spanish sound like 8-bit Portuguese?
We had little Arab influence, phonetics-wise. Vocabulary-wise it's about the same.
>We're not some perfect breed of warriors by any stretch of the imagination, but we are pretty good at makeshifting shit out of the blue and improvising.
White people in a nutshell.
Creativity prevails.
But yeah, we did well, but we were a glass cannon because of our small size. We had no replacement army when ours eventually failed, so after that it was mostly trying not to fall further. Thank god for the Brits for help, but we ended up losing most our stuff.
Heh, no empire lasts for ever, and at least we kept uncucked by Spain all these years in our peaceful little green corner, and we had loads of fun while it lasted.
Yeah, a Gila-class submarine drone
your race mixing was one of the key reasons your empire grew because you had no man power if you were gonna go only white.
More than that, we were sea-jews. We offered African and Indian chiefs European goods, which they got hooked to and wouldn't rebel against us. As opposed to the Spaniards that dominated through force. That's why they lost their empire a lot sooner than ours.
It's called "lusotropicalism". We basically made friends everywhere, which spared a lot of war casualties if we had gone that route, not to mention internal tension. Except with the Moors and Turks, which we had hated for centuries. Those got cannonballs.
Why doesnt the Netherlands annex France?
Did you know the Dutch queen is Argentinian?
Yes and she is ugly as fuck
0/10 get a brain
Pic related
Is the first nigga queen there. We wuz royal n sheeit
They have Gas Defence from all that moldy cheese man.
Holy shit
Can I get source
That is absolutely based
This shit again.
Because they can't. They tried and failed miserably for over 500 years.
Its the other way around read it again irmao
>Dutch Priest
Huh? Even more impressive.
Re-Read the OP
This is from the guy who made that other comic with Trump, right?
Le based meme kill yourself
>tfw you play as Aragon in EU4 and you want to annex Portugal but Castille is in the way
Spain can reclaim Gibraltar, a tiny rock with an airfield on it, how do you think they will annex a whole country
there are no more comic pages but the book where that story came from is this, i recomend it:
author of those pages is this
Kek, I read about it.
>The one where a Portuguese knight has been fighting turks and gets stabbed through the palm to his elbow rendering his fighting arm worthless.
>His squire suggests that he retreats to heal while he fought on his behalf.
>The knight is offended by the squire suggesting a retreat while he still had one more good arm than the enemy.
>The knight proceeds to tie his shield to his dead arm, and wield his sword with his left.
Why don't they make men like that anymore?
Well, they can't be any worse than the people we've got in power at the moment so go ahead.
Hmm. I'd say they are about tied, actually.