Why cuck yourself and throw away your genes, your life and your dignity?
How does somebody throw his life away like this?
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>why throw away your genes
dude looks cucked since birth family
He has a pretty unique look. I don't understand why you're afraid of standing out like this. At least he has a personality.
>looks like a clone of jimmy neutron.
What causes grown men to watch fucking kids cartoons and put up nintendo shit on their walls?
This guy would have been laughed at 10 years ago
He actually looks half-decent in the left pick.
>inb4 gay sven
What will he do in 2017?
Be raked
well I mean it's true but it's not a good thing
Ammish Jimmy Neutron
Probably the thinnest face i've ever seen
That's the point, he was sort of attractive before.
Now he looks like a fucking abomination.
More like Ahmed Jimmy Neutron
What shis name, i want to check his facebook or somehwere where theres tons of pics of him
Unique look does not equal personality.
He's no different than women who dye their hair purple, gets lots of piercings and tattoos to 'express themselves'
He looks like Dylan Klebold in the photo on the left.
Its because he's low test
lurk moar
you know I actually think he does it to cover up his big nose and big chin
his nose doesn't look as big on the right because his hair and beard make his face look longer.
I intended my post for the one above yours.
>I've been here since 1999
it is his beard which grants the inquisitor his power
This is the leader of the alt right in this picture right?
No he's leader of the alt-centre
haha XD 1998 was tha best
The Inquisitor
pic rel
He has a face like a shovel
looks more like a rake
haha >le reaction gif!
he got told about the beard meme
He has fairly normal hair in his instagram pictures.
How is growing a beard throwing your life away?
>fairly normal
He's converting to Islam and Sup Forums told beard is for alphas.
we are on Sup Forums
He copied this from the mushroom guy on his Super Mario poster.
My oldest meme for you, sir.
Is his megachin shopped?
Looks like Jay leno
>Adventure Time
>Kingdom Hearts shit
>Nintendo garbage all over his walls
Nah, he was cucked from the start. Left and Right.
jimmy cucktron
before the beard he was just a nobody though. he had to do it. it was destiny
So what you're saying is, nobody cared who he was until he put on the beard?
The Leaf rises
I still have never seen anything this guy has said. I don't automatically assume he is a liberal cuck without that. He just looks hipster as fuck which I mean, doesn't really show he is a terrible person.Dumb but not terrible. Plus every time I see him he is smiling and happy. Is that what triggers this place?
Also he is more white in the beard picture. Purged himself and became pure can't you see?
>You merely adopted the cuckoldry
>tfw people keep making fun of a guy who is more attractive than me
Fucking worthless millennials.
Not surprised.
This guy looks like the nicest dude in the world, stop ripping on him you insecure faggots. He's slamming puss on the regular looking like that.
Because he is a filthy kike
>t. The Inquisitor
>throw away your genes, your life and your dignity
by spiking his hair up and wearing glasses? wut
truly the most gassable generation
I'd probably try growing a beard if my chin was that huge too 2bh
The execution would be very different though.