Flynn, "Mad Dog" etc.
Are you ready to admit that maybe you were duped?
I'm not feeling the America First here.
Flynn, "Mad Dog" etc.
Are you ready to admit that maybe you were duped?
I'm not feeling the America First here.
Trump bootlickers are too retarded and backwards to admit they were wrong.
You worried America is going to kick some Muslim ass or something?
No more fake wars, get ready for real ground warfare pussy.
trump has always been heavily pro-israel and this was known before the election.
but this didn't even matter to drumpftards, if he said he loved illegal immigrants for some reason they would probably lap it up and come up with reasons why illegal immigrants are good. he has literally just meme brainwashed them so anything he does is correct in their eyes
just like he now doesn't want to prosecute hillary because it turns out she isn't crooked at all but he needed to paint her as crooked to win.
hillary isn't looking so bad now is she drumpftards? are you sure you don't want to change your vote?
I don't think Korea is in a good place to talk about elected leaders eight now.
Trump's cabinet is shit (only a shill would deny this), but Mattis is actually one of his good choices. He's not a warmonger. I disagree with his position on Iran and Russia, but he's smart enough to know not to be reckless with them.
We meme'd Trump into presidency to give a big F you to the Clinton/Bush saga.
You think any of the adolescents on this board give a shit about his cabinet?
wtf I love shillary now
I'm not Korean.
Besides sad as it sounds PGH was likely better than what is coming down the pipeline.
Wow a military genius in charge of national defense. How awful.
What will trump do next?
I'm happy with Flynn and Mattis. In fact, I wanted Trump to pick Mattis as his VP way back before he was even nominated.
Not that the opinions of some pussified foreigner who lives in what is little more than a vassal state matters, but who should we put in charge of our national defense if not an experienced 4 star general and warfighter? We are not a sissy people like you are. We don't put women, or effeminate nu-males in charge of our national security apparatus like the other vassal states that sound off for their 2 cents about Trump's appointments. This is a real country, with real significance, and real enemies. And our national security is an important thing. Yours is much less important, and so I can see where you're coming from. But we're never going to be like you.
It is possible to be cool with judaism without supporting full on baby blood drinking white genociding zionism
I'm an American, you can cut out the shitty flag banter thanks
So what you guys are cool with war for Israel now? You're OK with massive international wars against faceless enemies that don't even really threaten America as long as Arabs and other dangerous aliens are for the most part kept out?
Yeah we were duped. He's a zionist pawn and nothing else. We were stupid to believe otherwise.
At least we finally get to see war in Iran.
The average age and IQ of Sup Forums has declined. Most people here can't think for themselves, they have no real opinions and simply follow whatever sounds cool.
Trump is charismatic and nobody wants to be a cuck, so #trump for president it is.
Real Sup Forums rode the Johnson.
His cabinet picks reflect heavily on himself though. He's been saying what they have, and has the same world-view as they do, long before he even ran. You're a terrible shill.
>expecting the country to change overnight.
Don't be retarded. We didn't get into this mess overnight.
The more you type it the more retarded it sounds. Perhaps it's time to come up with something else?
Get your head out of your ass then you ridiculous pussy.
I prefer my head in my own ass than up AIPAC leaders' asses
Of course not. I trust Trump to supress any potential extremist zionist warmongering ambitions of his cabinet with a golden fist.
>Zionist warmongers
Sounds based to me, Mohammed.