My life is a fucking hell. I've wasted my youth doing useless shit and now i can't have enough income to start a family...

My life is a fucking hell. I've wasted my youth doing useless shit and now i can't have enough income to start a family. I beg you , help me. I'm 27 years old neet with a shitty bachelors degree in literature living with my mum and working in a sitty job. I've been thinking starting over again and back to college. Is finance a good major? What habilities do i need to succed in this world? How is your life as a financial analyst? Is the income good? I just want to have enough money to afford a decent house, a thicc wife and some kids.
Sorry for shit englishu.です

Other urls found in this thread:


Hop the border while you still can

>feel bad for OP
>see flag


>Learn masonry
>Build wall

>What habilities do i need to succed in this world?

You just need picrelated.
Money, "success", it's an illusion, a false goal. Find a job that you enjoy is all that matters

this and only this

Get an apprenticeship and become a tradesman nigga.

Become a new Pinchot Villa and overthrow your "government".

We no longer need visas to canacuck.

Come on . If i succeed here i won't need to cross the border.

t. poor faggot

Come mow my lawn, Pedro. 2$ hour and a shot of Old Crow.

nice digits now gibs me dat


do engineering. its not as hard as people think especially at shitty universitys. there are retarded niggers that cheat their way through

Financial analyst here. Pay is pretty good but work is often stresfull

I just want to have enough money to start a family and give my parents some decent old days.

Join your local cartel and kidnap any thicc bitch you like


>27 and still no woman and decent job.
>tfw i'm like you.
Take the true personal redpill. We are a failure.
Will be better don't have son.

Volunteer for a Christian Militia in Syria. Remove kebabs. Get a qt levantine arab Christian wife. Settle in Post war Syria with land grants for foreign fighters that the Assad government is dishing out.

Christian State of Idlib and Raqqa soon governed as a protectorate by the Russian Federation. Fuck the Wahabbist kebabs all 400mn of them worldwide.

Mexico is ridiculously competitive, with the work-habits ya'll have (Can only talk about Mexico City).

I would say, depending on pay/mobility to join the Mexican military.

Unironically this. Get money find god get wife start family

dont worry user, im like a year younger than u and im living the same life

i smoke weed every day all day and do nothing but lurk Sup Forums

im a total neet. i have mental illness and refuse to become dependant on pharmaceuticals.

wish i could live a life that reflects my IQ though

oh well =/


kek. you fell for the mem, didnt you? I bet you were a damn comunist before.

>literature degree
>in Mexico

Thank you !
You mean, don't you have much time?
How hard was college?
What did you do to obtain experience?
What is the best way to go to compete for the best jobs?


Go back to college and major in STEM. I don't know the mexican uni system but you should have a lot of the lower division courses already taken care of so you can just focus on the math, engineering, physics, and science courses. If you bust your ass, shouldn't take more than 2-3 years.

Then you can have a job anywhere in the world, thicc wife, kids, and enough $$ to send money back to your dear old mom.

>Best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago, second best time is now

Yah, come in here and stay as long as you want, I can't wait til the next government cancels them on you.

I wasn't expecting them to be noticeably white than most arabs.

>literature degree

they dont look like ur typical arabs

i think they are assyrian/chaldean

>mexican intellectuals

kek. your best bet is to sell your sister to a fat white guy and then have her send you his money

>Not wanting to be "dependent" on pharms
>Chooses to waste life instead of achieving their full potential on pharms

Good gamble.

If you're fucking great at maths, and major in something more statistics heavy than finance usually is(top tier uni is prob fine), as well as score in something like the 99.9th percentile at some common test like the Bloomberg one, then go for it.

It's not an easy field to break into. It's obviously the most capital intensive field out there, it is very selective and very centralized. Don't think you can just get a degree with mediocre grades from a mediocre uni and find a job without being someone's son.

How does one join? Also will the weapon of choice be an AK47?

I've heard chile is going well. Maybe i'll cross your border.

I have some health issues that stop me from joining the military. My eyes are not that good and i have to treat an reumatic desease i have since childhood.

Yeah. UNAM. I was pretty brainwashed by commies when i was younger
Now I'm a highschool teacher. And the income is shit.

Bro, you're Mexican; you have +10 to sheetrock, construction, masonary, landscaping, and digging, with natural bonuses to endurance and carry capacity. Why the fuck would you start an Intellectual class?! Delet character, and roll a new one.

Fuck off, we're full

I work 8 hours a day, sometimes overtime, not much though. I achieved my master degree in managerial economics. There was a lot of math but nothing that a regular man can't learn. The best option to get experience is starting an internship in one of the banking corporations. When you get some experience companies will fight for you.

Got it. You're the excuse-making type.


Sup Forums has scared me from jews

so im scared of medication lol.

Almost felt bad for you until I saw you were a filthy beaner.


Thanks man
I've been thinking a lot and for what i know, funance offers the highest salaries. I considered also engeenering or something like that.

same situation here. I just give up, this world is fucked up and this shithole of country is even more. there's no hope at all. 30 yo Neet and I don't think I'll find a decent job a grow a family in my whole life.


suck to be you then pham
my father told me that he would pay my university only if i pick up medicine or any engineering degree
choose medicine and im a year away to graduate

start looking into predatory capitalism and starting your own business.

You have to have something of value to contribute, so acquire some goddamn interests first of all.

>stocks (/biz/)
>weapons (/k/)
>politics (Sup Forums)
>technology (Sup Forums)
>video games (waste of time, don't go there)
>auto repair and maintenance (/o/)
>manufacturing industry
>cooking (/ck/)

You could, for instance, look into starting a sandwich shop. The right way to do that for someone in your shoes with no money is to get a loan, but even that is shitty. I'm sure you could figure it out, a mobile hotdog stand might not be too expensive assuming you don't have to bribe local government for the license to operate it.

Whether it's a waste of time or the start of a great business... Well, it's probably not much worse than working for $5/hour 10 hour days.

Capitalism is your only hope for a better life, listen to the Americans.

Seems good to me. I know it is stressful, but, from what i know, it worths it. 8 hors a day doesen't seem bad.

network or else anything ain't worth shit

and I don't mean being friends with low tier people. try to network with people that are currently at least one rank above you, and be useful for them. Then do this again, and again and again.


Kato/5k net/22 here

Kill yourself

Even with those things in mind, though...

To avoid the boot of whatever government controls the land you are in, you must become a part of it.

Either working for it (shitty way), or leading it (elected position). Even in Soviet Russia, often the members of government were insulated from it's atrocities.

A whole generation of men from all over the globe are ruled by this fate.

Violent crimes, suicides, and hermits will be the primary function of the human male. At ridiculous rates though.

Yes it's pretty cool comparing to other shitty jobs that people have

>bachelors degree in literature

stopped reading

> this thread should be about ass
> people postung about whatever meaningless bullshit OP said
> that ass

Trojmiasto,27 lat, 5 k u nas to sie zarabia po 3 latach, ja na razie 4 plus prywatna emerytura

Good for you man. Glad you didn't fell for the fucking commie propaganda like me. What do you want to do next? Specialize?

Keep striving and you'll be surprised what doors seem to magically open for you. I was about to give up making $42k last year at 25, now through circumstances I make nearly $100k on salary. You can get through it but giving up and looking for a reset isn't the option. Make the best of what you have.

My new mantra: Money comes and money goes. Your mentality is what makes you successful.

>Complains about shitty degree
>goes back to college to get another shitty one
So you are of those rumored mexican intellectuals?
If you want safety go for STEM, every other degree isnt even worth the paper its printed on if you dont have contacts

I know it's going to be hard, but my current situation is desperate. The income i can make in my current field is always going to be shitty and i really want to have a decent life.

Start saving money or in the worst case take a loan, when you have enough put your own business

I was a fucking neet for like three years, now I'm my own boss and even have a female employee, I'm pretty comfy, I am not rich but I don't really care about money anymore.

I'm 27 too.

>tfw 21
>only just now started going to university
>went for programming cuz it was the only direction which had a lot of upside
I'm a bit scared that I won't succeed...I hope in 3 years I'm proven wrong though

Go to trade school.

Idk how things are in Mexico but most 27 year olds I know are still in school aquiring debt and drinking their social lives away.

I know maybe 2/30 people that are in a position to start a family at this age.

find a trade to go into. I'm 33 and broke 6 figures a year several times in podunk WVa

u goin to the university of tirana m8

Your plan is good. Good luck in that

Yes. If i Learned something from my previous degree is that networking is key. When i was studyng i was an inexperienced kid who wanted to fit and feel awesome. Now i have enough experience to do things rthe right way.
But i've heard that since comñetition on the field is so tough, people is not that willing to help you or to be in touch with you.

A second bachelor's degree is fucking retarded. Either get a MBA or figure out some vocation oriented master's degree programs at a nearby university. You could always get a master's in education and become a high school literature teacher.

dunno 2bh
we are in Mexico so i'll be forced to serve 2 years for the government with shit pay to fully obtain my degree and be able to work in the private or public sector

Outside of math pretty much all CS courses and skills only require hard work so as long as you arent one of those guys skipping all courses and playing video games all day you should be fine and do your homework you should be fine.

are you me?

Move to Canada, they will give a free house, car and one free white woman of your choosing.

ya ive been scrolling through looking for a source. Its from some lil dicky video but shes only in it for 1 second. i just want a damn name fuck

This thread looks applicable to my issue:

So basically I'm a freshman in college who's about to finish his first semester. The thing is I fucking hate it here. Like if I'm fro the full 4 years I'm pretty sure I'm gonna go insane or kill myself or something. I mean I'm a pretty antisocial guy, only have a couple of friends and get no pussy, but thats not even what I hate here. I feel like I have no purpose (not even mentioning all the liberal bullshit here). Like I have even less of an idea of what I want to do once I get out of here. My grades are mediocre at best too but thats besides the point. I want to get out in the real world and actually do something.

Heres where you guys come in. I kind of have this idea of adventuring out to Alaska and starting anew there. Would it be possible for me to enter the fishing, crabbing, or oil drilling (I know these make decent wages) businesses out there with a high school degree and one semester at college? I used to fish on my dad's boat (regular boat not fishing boat) if that counts for anything. And if so how would I go about that?

If anyone has any better suggestion on what I should do in my situation I'd love to hear that too.

Can you afford a house? Was it difficult to find a decent job? Do you have enough knowledge and resources to start, if you want, your own biseness?
Also, how tough was the competition? What did you do to succed among other analysts?

Join police/army/fire fighters

>a fucking LEAF

Graduated top 10% of my class with a finance major, accounting minor from Dartmouth.

Only job offers I got were to be a insurance salesman. Don't fall for the finance jew, real jobs require you to move to NY and sell shit investments or just crunch numbers for 80 hours a week.

I got lucky and got a job in IT and never looked back. Comp science with specialized skills in enterprise level data centers add the only way to go

More of this THICC qt, OP.

>t. Paco who thinks he's superior for coming here legally

I just dropped everything i have. Sorry bros.

Two words Pedro: Registered Nurse.

That's just something people without money and success say

Aim for the highest bro. Be good enough to join a private hospital like medica sur or hospital ángles. Networking is key. And study like a fucking madman.

Finance is garbage. I make more after 3 years as a machinist in podunk NC than financial analysts living in NY. In actual dollars, mind you, not inflation adjusted.

You'd be better off going for accounting than finance.

A book filled with fairy tales. Gotcha.

And i want to overcome it. I have the energy, i only need a pathway and good guidance from my /bros/ on 4 chin



Thanks man. May KEK be with you,


Just join a call center you fag

Learn a practical skill like driving a truck. Then work. It won't get you rich in a week but it's a start.

This fucking age thing is a scourge for me. I'm 27 and i feel i wasted my life and that my life is over. If i do this i will end up finishing school at 33 and i feel so fucking old. I wish i was more intelligent in my teens to avoid making such mistkes

Giving up is for the weak. Decide if you are a weakling or not. If you decide you're one, just kys. If not, stand up and take control of your life

From Kosovo
Going to a Private one

We have like one class for programming and the rest is math shit(at least for the first year) like converting hexadecimal numbers to binary ones and shit

I hate discrete math/structures with a passion

There's no point in teaching us all this math when nobody is going to be a machine code programmer and we're being taught Java ffs

I'm already a literature teacher i a high school. My paycheck is high for a teacher, but is still shit in general. Most of my colleages earn less than me.