Who /ubermensch/ here?

Who /ubermensch/ here?
>No smoking anything (no electronic, tobacco or marijuana).
>Limited drinking, almost never getting drunk.
>Regularly work out to improve my health, count calories and make sure I'm getting the right amount of nutrients in my diet to maintain my healthy bmi and body fat percentage.
>Don't have degenerate sex, 100% heterosexual and I only fuck (and have fucked) my wife. I have a 0% chance of any STDs.
>Undercut hairstyle to go with my superior lifestyle.
Why doesn't Sup Forums become an ubermensch? What's stopping you?

There are no ubermensch. We are all part of one race, the human race.

>all that shit
browsing Sup Forums automatically prevents anyone from being ubermensch

What's an undercut hairstyle? Does it work with someone like me who has a receding hairline?

>limited drinking

Limited degeneracy is still degeneracy

Nigger this isn't Sup Forums, it's Sup Forums

>Smoke cigars
>Make my own mead
>Never get drunk because I drink expensive liquor
>Only married sex; wife still puts out. Haven't looked at porn in ten years.
>Shave head

I'm happy

Hipster Youth haircut

It's too easy to shit post and get (you)'s as a leaf

ok canada we get it , you love everyone . basically you are jesus . fuck i hope those syrians stab the shit out of you .

I'm ubermensch, I only fuck my wife and smoke weed. I do LSD or Mushrooms every now and then.

>Don't have degenerate sex, 100% heterosexual and I only fuck (and have fucked) my wife. I have a 0% chance of any STDs.

Trusting, like a little baby.

Asceticism is degeneracy.


Your life are too sane, I couldn't live like this

If you can't keep tabs on your woman you have to be an incompetent retard, with like 130 dollars you can have constant information on what she is doing and where she is

yet you post and spend time on this website?

nice LARPing

The true redpill is that we should be allowed to do whatever the fuck we want

> Smoke cigarettes and weed
> Drink a sixpack a day
> Physical labour included in my job, no need for lifting
> Gay sex
> Trim hair super short once in a while

Life is too short for all that bullshit, even if you live healthy you will still have 10-20 years of old age where you are frail and shit in a diaper, which might be changed later today because the carers don't have time and your family never visits because you are old and grumpy

Says the man with neither woman nor $130.

T. Larping Bongtard

Wrong, I have a woman and I have a very fat bank account. Sounds like you're projecting considering how autistically proactive your post was.

You're a cuck or you're trolling

>drinking alcohol AT ALL
enjoy being untermensch faggot

I don't have a gf so I'm trying to do nofap. It's tough.
Otherwise I try to follow the same rules as you user, except the married part.

>Hey guys am I a good guy yet
Seeking approval from this rotten toilet discards any notion of Übermensch you could possibly aspire to.
At the very base of it all you are still a sheep looking for the shepherd to guide you.
Go back to reading about how to do it. Or don't if you actually chose to do so


>not wanting to encourage people to leave behind their degeneracy and achieving nirvana
It's almost like you're ashamed of your own behaviors.