MK Ultra

Blue-pill me on this project.

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It was bad.

Some fucked up shit, desu senpai.

It no longer exists, but there are different iterations of it being used covertly by our government.

bunch of US soldiers had to take LSD and weed for scientific purposes. the rest is completely overexaggerated

Can't tell if these are supposed to be red pills or blue pills

There where no scientific advancements made nor refined since its shutting down. The failed operations made public are all that there ever was.

Not necessarily true.

in the 50s and 60s, the CIA used to "hire" Canadians (so they are less liable) and do experiments on them. Some of these people are still alive, but they either don't remember or are completely fucked up. They lured single people into "paid government programs".

Look it up. There's good documentaries on it and unclassified info.

Just think about the stuff that's still classified, if this is what they are allowed to declassify.

Really think.


hes right, they didMK Ultra testing at a montreal university. its recorded. i even heard a piece on cbc radio about it.

Lmao sure. Idiot. A government, which as an entity only ever gets bigger, just gave up on literal mind control bullshit. Think about how fuckin dumb that sounds for a bit.

'project blue bird' *achem* twitter much? No wonder 90% of users are bots... they trying to play the 'real people try to fit in' brainwash by numbers. It is essentially thought-police-herding division.

It gave us uncle Teddy.

People don't realize these kinds of projects undertaken by the government are ALL ITERATIVE. That means, they learn things from operations and apply it to something else more advanced.

That's how army weapons work.

MK Ultra can be seen in television programming, music, repetition, collecting intel, even project PRISM exposed by Snowden.

Just because they don't continue MK Ultra, doesn't mean parts of it or their studies aren't being used.

A good example of what they learned is mass gas lighting -- the Obama years and collusion between main stream media and entertainment is a rather astounding applicable example.

Also look up Sirhan Sirhan and Harvey Lee Oswald.

These guys are obvious MK Ultra victims -- neither of them remembered what they did -- but they did it.

How can America possibly collapse ala Rome if they've mastered the human domain? They know how things work and why they work and probably have quantum computers that nail chaos theory down to a T. How can they lose?

>How can they lose?

Things fail all the time -- it's just human nature.

USA may not fail in the next 20 years -- but it may in the next 50-100 years after our life time.

USA is not really an "Empire" the sense of Rome.

It's a centralized Global figurehead -- that is, if it fails, other countries will fail as well. Most of the world is dependent on USA, so it's not exactly an empire.

pope tentacle layout suggests 'all roads lead to rome' and essentially it never fell. Dem roman numerals will getcha

MK Ultra was the only evidence we have of the point at which the shadow government reared it's head and realised it could _ACTUALLY CONTROL PEOPLES MINDS_.

Once it had that epiphany, it sunk back into obscurity and began doing this and only this and employing these tactics to grow.

It was for the greater good. Nothing to worry about citizen.

it's researched because of the vietnam war and in general just against communists

Basically the CIA decided to sell America out to rich people and started using their R&D powers to find better ways rich people can control others in a democracy. The experiments still go on till this day and involve many honey pots including feminism and street gangs even.

The most disturbing thing is that so much of it was very successful, so you automatically know it was only fake cancelled.

The ride never ends

Unscrupulous CIA agents switched careers and made big bucks in advertising