It's really really hard to wrap my head around the amount of hates we receive.
What have we done that you hate us so much.
If being the best at everything we touch is a crime then we are guilty of it.
Why do you hate Indians pol?
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toilet paper. that is all
Besides the poo in the loo meme, most Indians I have come in contact are relatively good people who don't commit crime and have stable sturdy families. Pretty much the best kind of immigrant
They do not shower though
>If being the best at everything we touch is a crime then we are guilty of it.
No one comes close to India's street-shitting technology, I'll freely admit it.
As a poor Canadian, were I to try shitting on the streets, the sub-zero temperatures would assure that I'd be stuck there until the spring thaw
That nigger isnt even indian.
I hate you for banishing the gypsies from India. But i clearly understand why you did it. I don't like your skin color, your dancing, your clothes, your food and culture in general. I don't like that your people are 1.5billion+. But i wont hate you if you take the gyspies back and never come here.
As far as foreigners go you lot are top tier. You stick to your communities, are hard working, and contribute to math and sciences.
I think Sup Forums is jelly.
Dey terk muh jobbbb. Hyderabad bastards at ibm
As far as people they are decent enough. BUT THESE GUYS DO NOT BATHE HOLY SHIT
Body Oder and Curry as racist as it sounds is exactly what they smell like what the FUCK.
Also they have fashion sense like a 70s sitcom
ALSO they are rude, but it's not on purpose. Much in the same way an autistic person is.
The fact that Indians use to be so active here and now their not makes me happy. we successfully bullied an entire country off this board.
a non meme answer is that iv never met an Indian that wasn't entitled and smug. And almost all of them were ridiculously materialistic and judgmental too. They are the polar opposite of Australian culture.
Silly race.
i got no problem with indians but its fun to say poo in the loo. Only thing better is calling a turk a roach
I don't have any problem with them on a personal level. I find them to be decent and for some reason seem to integrate into western countries very easily. Which is bizarre considering how different our cultures seem, not to mention the massive amount of rape in India.
I'm ok with Indians for the most part, Paki's however...
Ya your home country encapsulates "being the best" yup...
Real talk tho why does India smell so bad? Like the second you get off the plane booom! Is it actually an accumulation of BO from an extremely overcrowded country in which most of the population resents deodorant?
I mean it's definitely possible some people from India here step in an elevator and you just die! What's truly distrubing is the wrecked odor literally lingers even when the fuckers gone! Like for hours even days, I'm not even slightly joking!
you're like that one roommate who's a grad student but his room is a nightmare with bugs and shit on the walls
like, glad you can do stuff m8, but you have some serious issues you need to look into and no one is going to spend time with you until you get that fixed
they're just so disgusting and pathetic
and their accent makes me angry
Never really had any issues with the typical Indian, other than the smell of course.
However, THAT particular Indian is a piece of filth. He's not funny at all and 75% of his standup routine is literally "jokes" about how white people are the scum of the earth. There's a reason his ticket sales have been tanking lately.
I don't hate Indians at all.
its the smell
You smell and there are way too many of you.
they smell like shit.
HA this fucking this. Personally i 100% believe the literal air in India is infected by this disgust.
>If being the best at everything we touch is a crime then we are guilty of it.
Like what? your country has a laughably low amount of accomplishments compared to its size.
also you smell bad, your food, movies, culture and pretty much everything sucks.
Imagine how thick her eyebrows if she didn't pluck them. And imagine how hairy her arms are.
Indian women are disgustingly hairy
Your people are the biggest welfare leeches up in our country and absolutely refuse to integrate. My mother works in fraudulent insurance claims, and my father works with the law. The vast majority of people they deal with are Indians.
I was in a car full of people and we could all smell the indian girls vag and it was awkward as fuck
I can say that I felt nervous when I heard a pair of loud dark-skinned people walking toward me, then when i heard "bodobubarararadabarabarara" I was very relieved.
Chicken tikka or more of a mixed grill?
They send all of their top people to US and UK. This doesn't mean they are smarter. This only means that India, itself, will remain a shithole for the foreseeable future since it's filled with the bottom 1 billion.
I'm surprised Filipino is so high on that list. All of the ones I know are poor.
Stop shitting in the street also this fucker right here made me hate your race even more and i had friends that were Indians
I have nothing against Indians, I find them to be friendly and playful, and they've got great religion, community and spirituality. I also know that they have inferior hygiene and can be smiley clueless fags a lot of the time.
sounds hot
Not an argument.
Arrogant and pushy
hate them
I don't. They're just socially autistic and have hygiene problems.
I honestly don't think anything of Indians.
The few we have are either poor fucks selling roses at traffic lights, and they usually don't bother you unlike gypsy beggars, or have restaurants.
Just fix your damn street shitting problem and Sup Forums will probably leave you alone.
If you were hard working, white, Christian, non-arrogant, non-smelly people, we would let you into our circle.
But you are not.
You smell like shit and try to haggle on everything you buy.
The guy in your pic is a shitlib, so there's that
its a reason u fucking streetshitter.
>Indian coworker gets asked to do something
>he nods
>asked if he understands the problem
>nods again
>sits and stares at his screen until the day of the deadline, then asks for help
its just a prank brah
It's called being ALPHA.
You won't understand
We are basically tanned whites
This. Injuns in the us are really bad. Especially durka durka im a doctor make 300k and think im loaded ones.
One good thing about Indians that nobody is mentioning is how good their food is for being such a poor country. They pay the least for their food and, like the smell or not, curry is usually pretty tasty. Really puts America to shame in cooking, America pretty much sucks at it.
Exceptions don't make the rules
XDA is running because of Indian talent
>rape meme
India has one of the lowest rape statistics in the world.
Most real Indian food in India will give you parasites if your body is not used to it.
Hard earned money.
Not stolen from Africa or Asia we know value of everything
there's confidence, and there's cocky
confidence is alpha
cocky is indian
This is common across the entire industry. Why do you think consulting is so big here? It's because companies need somebody to fix the mess left by Indian workers.
They smell like shit, and dress like fucking retards.
All the flips I know come in three kinds.
Mothers are nurses with a bullshit degree from some hole in the wall Manila school.
Fathers are 'engineers', eg works on conveyer belts in a warehouse.
Kids are confused white washed 'asians' who either become do nothings, join the military, or go to school for a CS degree.
...That's because they don't have paper around
Why do indian people have unibrows
From personal experience Indians are pretty dumb. Seems like they lack common sense most of the time. But, so do most third worlders
They're smelly and they're paedophiles. Go on omegle for like 15 minutes and see how many middle-aged Indians ask if you're an underage girl who will strip for them.
You smell like shit most of the time.
Your "English" is very hard to comprehend but you Pat your back thinking you speak like your previous masters.
You gang rape anything with a vagina.
You shit everywhere, even though they build toilets for you. See Ganges River.
Your caste system is shit as well.
It would be best to use your own nukes and off yourselves, please take the Pakis along for the ride as well.
can we do it to canada now?
Someone shop street pavement in his shoes and make it say "everywhere I go I can also shit on the street"
>You shit everywhere, even though they build toilets for you. See Ganges River.
You are just too uncultured to understand the ritualistic purity of religiously bathing in feces.
Ya and Afghanistan also has extremely low crime rates too, same with pakastan etc know why? Because because these countries do not remotely have the capabilities to gather accurate statistics across the entire country, or even in one major city. DUH fuck me what an idiot id never thought I'd see something dumb enough to cite crime states from 3rd world countries...
No these are called statements.
>rape is horrendously unreported be it's so prevalent and accepted
>women form anti-rapist vigilante gangs to protect themselves
Gee, it's a mystery as to why anyone thinks India has a rape problem.
So fucking true I've met a Bengali foreign exchange dude through this ymca type center and he kept going on about how cute the girls were there. Which by the way ranged from ages 8-14. Also heard he liked to sleep creep his roomates.
yes but are you tanned germans?
>What have we done that you hate us so much.
just being youp; poo in loos are fuck nasty poo monkeys no better that niggers
saudi arabia bringin the bantz
Actually, whites are pale Indians and Arabs
No one hates Indians. No one take them serious.
worse still
>indian coworker says he can write the code
>does manage to come up with something that works
>goes on 4 week deepavali or whatever the fuck trip
>his code breaks (it always does)
>oh dear god what the fuck .jpg
>if there was a programming equivalent to designated shitting streets, his code would be it
>have to refactor all his crap code because it killed the app
>10,000 lines of if statements reduced to a few cases and function calls
Ahahahaha wish I could
We want you to do better.
Can you imagine how earth would look to aliens with you lot as a superpower that still defecates in the street?
Bad form.
Kahaa se ho bhai? Hamesha post karte dikhte ho.
Mein Maharashtra se hu.
Saudi Arabia? Is that you?
Why dont you come on Sup Forums more often kebab friend.
I was gonna say Indians are okay, but your assessment is pretty accurate.
Still prefer to niggers greatly though.
I have absolutely nothing against Indians, including ones coming to the UK. Those I've met have been decent and hardworking. Also I fucking love curry.
As long as British people remain the majority (lol) then it's fine. Indians are not one of the groups likely the breed us out or impose their culture on us.
I don't, I actually think Indians and Sikhs are pretty based. The only two groups I really hate are niggers and Muslims.
Indians is decent people. I think whites just dislike them because of the outsourcing they're associated with especially in the IT Field.
That's because Indian girls are all sluts. No, really, have you ever met an Indian girl who wouldn't who're themselves out the second no one responsible for assessing their job performance can see them? Consent is their default.
Wow, I just wrote something that would likely get me arrested.
I agree with you sir.
I never had a problem with Indians, until I started working with and getting to know them.
Wife memed me into coming here as a 1 week vacation , worst 1 week of my life, feels like I just travelled 200 years in the past. Everywhere I go I feel like I'm in the middle of smelly savages who want my money. Would rather get shot in a black neighborhood than death by dysentery here
indians are no better than pigs
I work sales in the US and come into contact with a lot of you folk. For the most part you're cool to work with I might not like your food but when it comes to immigrants you're top tier..
..however your country is LITERALLY shit (see picture)
>designated shitting streets
>most slaves/indentured servants via the global slavery index
>most unreported rapes
>highly corrupted officials/police
>high risk area to contract illness via WHO
I do like how you let organ selling slide though I've always been about that.
Everything you touch turns to poo, except the toilets.
>great religion
The first guy I ever knew to convert to Christianity was an Indian. The bullshittiness of Hinduism was a central reason for his decision according to him.
Just to be contrary, I tried to defend it. Then I realized what the fuck I was doing. Really gave a whole new meaning to "devil's advocate".
Don't you fucking say Buddhism is better. It's worse. WAY worse.
I have to ask, what do people in America usually eat for lunch, supper and dinner?
Here we have curry with chapati usually, and I don't know english names for 80% of other food.
But in US, it can't be all Pizzas and McDonalds right? What is like the regular default food?
>But in US, it can't be all Pizzas and McDonalds right?
Why do you think they have such a big obesity problem? If you drive for 5 minutes in America except out in the absolute middle of nowhere, you will pass about 2 McDonalds, 2 Burger Kings, a KFC, and an assortment of various other fast food joints.
How will indian space man poop if there are no streets in space?