Are liberals evil or just very stupid?
Are liberals evil or just very stupid?
being stupid is a form of evilness.
They all have a savior complex where the only thing that truly matters to them is virtue signaling at every possible opportunity and reaping the social benefits of being the "good guys"
Please tell me they jailed these men forever. Disgusting subhuman pieces of shit. They almost got me after school once.
Is that image real or another Sup Forums propaganda pic that isn't real?
No, thats people in general. The actual people making changes to society actually care about it and want to make it better, misguided as they are. Don't turn your ideological opponents into cartoon chatacters, you'll lose battles.
Cherry picking this hard
It's real, you can look it up. When has Sup Forums made a propaganda picture that wasn't true? Do you have a specific example?
Here's another.
They are life unworthy of life and I want them to die.
I've come to terms with the fact that liberals are generally too nice for their own (everybody's) own good, and that liberal politicians are generally malevolent power-hungry pawns of the elite.
Of course you have some outliers in both cases.
this just makes me think the liberals really are evil.
When you take their ideologies to the extreme, with concrete examples from the present world, they are in support of ISIS death squads at home and abroad
The more I think about liberals the more alien they seem. I say I used to be one, but I don't know if I really was one because I didn't believe that the end justified the means. You see that when they riot or when they spray graffiti on businesses they don't like. You think that they would be the last people to think that the end justifies the means, but they are the first. Maybe they think they are practicing their heritage from the Vietnam era, when they were rioting over people actually being firebombed, not a democratic election or another pipeline amongst the dozens we already have. And the funny thing is that both sides want to be the ones that say that the end doesn't justify the means, and both want to say they are the logical ones.
Liberals are the devil's advocates.
liberals are tools of the anti-christ.
It really is hard to blame them though.
They were infiltrated in the 60s by lsd, burned out professors and have bake political ideologies. thats the thing about brainwashing. Its easier than you may think, and very difficult to show someone that they've been brainwashed. Especially when top universities are clandestine Zionist institutions
>Its easier than you may think, and very difficult to show someone that they've been brainwashed. Especially when top universities are clandestine Zionist institutions
That's ridiculous, stop being so paranoid, my professor told me this is exactly the sort of lies peddled by anti-semites to try to undermine all the good jewish progressives do for society.
>be gay
>still want to have kids
For what fucking reason? This should not be allowed.
explain the radical differences between a ((college)) education liberal trans-pan-zam-bam sexual and a conservative Mormon family.
Explain how in Syria, Muslims of different secs and Christians live among each other in peace, yet you have ((retards)) like ISIS, supported by Obama, that have been trying to take down the government for 5 years and have been brutally murdering civilains and genociding Yazidis, a tribe of both Christians and muslims.
Explain why the ((normie)) that voted for Clinton, believes Assad is bad and needs to go, when the white house knows that taking down Assad means that we'll see an Al-Qaeda caliphate in Syria. Explain how that's completely factored out of their logic. Explain why the don't care about the repercussions this will have for Russia, and for Europe. Explain why they were rallying their way straight to WWIII to support the same people that hit us on 9/11.
Im just ranting and didn't spell or grammar check any of this, but that doesn't stop it from being true.
Half of this country is totally brainwashed and its been going on for generations
>Cherry picking
I was making a joke user. See:
>universities are clandestine Zionist institutions
>my professor told me
i knew that..
YRYL thread
This is not ok
Quintessentially Australian
That's degenerate fags for you. Drugged up, horny, and with no sense of morality.
The sad secret is this mentality is at the core of most gays. Nobody is born like this, it's proof that they're made.
They believe in ideas that are perfect only in theory and ignore reality.
85% evil 20% stupidt