Thoughts on Hans-Hermann Hoppe?
Thoughts on Hans-Hermann Hoppe?
Literally who?
>implying Sup Forums shitheads can read
It's all about that Time Preference!!!!!
Top bantz, Assad.
The most enlightened philosopher of our time, so to speak.
Opened my eyes to the joys of anarcho-capitalism
If more Sup Forumsacks read him there'd be way less anarchy ball threads or whatever the fuck they're called
When people on Sup Forums bash libertarians, they forget about him. For good reason as most libertarians aren't really like him at all.
Reviewbrah's dad
Completely unknown.
Name sounds German, but judging from the book covers in the back he clearly isn't.
One of the first books I read that 'really made me think' and opened me up to looking at the world in a different way.
I read Democracy: the God that Failed and even if you don't agree with this conclusions I would recommend reading it.
I've been libertarian but pro-borders for a while and that section in it really solidified my views in the borders part.
The man is based
Le based meme XD kill yourself dindu
I'd physically suck his dick.
Him and Rothbard unironically hold great arguments against inmigration. He is more of a facist than a libertarian at this point
He is where the rest of Libertarianism needs to move towards.
I like him a lot. I wouldn't say he is necessarily my favorite in either economics or political philosophy, I prefer reading rothbards stuff or nozicks texts respectively, but he kinda snapped me out of a ultra-individualism phase, where the only way i could discuss stuff was through the lens of the individual. I still hold that all mass action is reducible to individuals, but it's a lot easier and effective to discuss culture and interactions between him.
he is just a realistic libertarian, not a dude weed lmao -open the borders- what a leppo libertarian
he is absolutely based, and I would definitely recommend you read "democracy: the god that failed"
even if you don't agree with everything he says, it is very good stuff to think about and expand your views
thanks Portobro, saving these
God-tier dump
He's not a fascist at all. Libertarianism and closed borders do not make you a statist or a fascist.
Actual family? Damn, who's?
It's the Property and Freedom Society's annual meeting group photo. All the Hoppe-style / Mises libertarians attend.
He was born and raised in Germany. Went to college there and is now a professor at the University of Nevada: Las Vegas IIRC.
Looks like a proto-White nationalist get together.
He no longer teaches there. he quit after the homosexual comments incident stirred up by the (((faculty))).
He is, he moved to America
well I for one am aroused
Hoppe supporters like myself realize that multiculturalism and forced diversity are caused by the state, and that returning to private property anarchy (or at least a monarchy) would swiftly eliminate most if not all of the modern societal problems like diversity.
I love Hoppe to death, but the ancap balls are hilarious.
>implying syrians are literate
Thread theme:
he's a German
absolutely based, so to speak
>works for a public university funded by government $$$
You mean worked.
>not using the government against itself and try to instill anti-democracy, anti-egalitarianism and pro-free market thinking into college kids that would otherwise be handed liberal filth the rest of their school years
Triple H is pretty based
Keep the thread alive while I go out pls
Strangely, in this book Hoppe makes one of the best arguments for Monarchism I've ever read.
Charles I did nothing wrong.
gotch u senpai
exotic rare Hoppe
Only non cucked lolbergtardian thinker
Still not a fan of monarchy. Nothing prevents the monarch to expand social services, expand taxation,.... certainly in this modern era.
the Czars in Russia, if they would have been converted to marxism, could have acted just like Stalin without any prevention. He overestimates the rational thought process of Monarchs
Rothbard was the same + child trafficking
kek, not sure if Rothbard or Epstein
bumping for this post
tax rates on the rich don't matter when they monopolize money production like this
In any case, I am glad he doesn't wear a fucking bow tie. god I hate those
Only decent libertarian.
coming trough with some inequality and excusivity
based as fuck
So is it basically libertarianism, but only for the nation and we need to protect it from immigrants and cultural decay? Is that his basic point? Libertarian + racial realist/nationalist?
That's the great thing about monarchy, our opinions don't matter - because realistically, you and I shouldn't have political power. As in, it's unlikely either of us is qualified to govern a state. Sure we could vote in local referendums but we wouldn't actually elect representation except on the smallest scale. Most modern monarchists aren't arguing for traditional absolutism but instead constitutional monarchy that uses the good ideas of liberalism to act as constraints on royal power.
Also, while you state that Hoppe overestimates the rational thought process, I think you underestimate. I can't speak to the education systems in Europe through direct experience, but I know over here history only tends to focus on two types of monarchs - the really horrible ones, and the really great ones. They gloss over the fact that, much like elected representatives, 90% of monarchs were competent (if unimaginative) leaders, who for the most part just tried to get through the daily struggles of leadership and pass on a state that their heirs could manage, if not improve upon.
But I suppose if you're educating the youth of a nation built on republican revolution and liberalism/humanism, it's counterproductive to tell them as such.
He is an ancap so to speak. But he understands that a libertarian society can work only if only the population is capable and educated enough to be functional under free market capitalism. He also understand that property is meant to exclude not include
though simplified, that would be it. one could call it "ethnolibertarianism"
pic related
yea you make great points. I guess I am just too attached to patriotic republicanism
>patriotic republicanism
Anything but theocracy is degenerate and not compatible with libertarianism
Great guy who has unfortunately been appropriated by fascists of all people. They're exactly the type of people who need to be physically removed from this planet
I see your point, but I say ride the waves. Ethonationalism and events like Brexit and Trump are great tools for breaking up super states like the US and EU.
Anyone have that cool image of the Dont Treat On US flag in black and white?
That was one of the most Jewish things I've ever read.
Rothbard was a jew. He got kind of redpilled at the end of his life
great writer, don't always agree, always entertained.
Breaking up Clapistan is much harder than the EU and is such a hard problem to fix that I have never seen any plausible ways how.
In the EU, there exists national bureaucracies that are independent of the EU in funding. But going back to being run by our own corrupt kleptocrats is not much of an improvement.
But politics is hard, the optimates best plan to save the republic when Caear had been declared dictator for life, was to kill Caesar.
It perhaps caused a delay to Caesar's clients who had to wait for Augustus to finish the job.
We need to find a way to stop the gibsmedat-industrial complex that is not as useless as killing Caesar.
>society would work if you just forcefully removed all the undesirable people getting in the way of our vision
Sounds like something a communist would say.
>[user was physically removed for this post]