Time to face the facts, without Jews are bullshit we are against would not exist.
Jews are biggest threat to White race then all Shitskins combined
Other urls found in this thread:
>divide and conquer
Good goyim this is why nobody takes you seriously.
Over 2000 years of conflict and struggle between Jew and Gentile.We can't let this blood suckers win without at least giving them good fight again
gettin real tired of all these "coincidences"
really makes me think
So fucking Ugly.
>mfw all the JIDF kikes in this thread
>they try to shut OP up
Oy vey. Dis is anti-semetic, it is total showa.
did you really have to write the word Jew on that picture? it doesn't seem like much of a secret what you're trying to portray.
That's what inbreeding will do to you
>Babylon destroyed
>Rome destroyed
>Christendom destroyed
We can't stop them
The only hope is for our females to breed with their males to remove the Jewish from them
Nice try cuck
>The only hope is for our females to breed with their males to remove the Jewish from them
race traitor
>We can't stop them
This is a good Goyim
>The only hope is for our females to breed with their males to remove the Jewish from them
This retarded Goyim doesn't know how the Jewish Gene works.
You're a failure because of you, Op. Not an isolated community of Jews who literally do not operate outside of their own community.
they're the biggest threat to all races, including their own...
"do not operate outside their own community"
Then why is their community inside our community?
Did not Sup Forums turn jewish after the massive get?
This movie about Hollywood paedophiles and other cases of Jew-installed paedophile rings is something that makes me hate them with no excuse even though I'm genetically Jew myself.
You're mixing orthodox Jews, the religion, with a different group of people, globalists, who are "Jew by name only." It's no different to an SJW crying about "all men being rapists" because one man they met was a rapist. Your shit logic is literally SJW tier. You do realize this, right?
Then consider yourself an honorary Aryan.
We've been through every iteration possible to this argument.
Jews are getting BTFO, all of them. They are all snakes
Vodka nigger speaks the truth.
>Rome destroyed
>Christendom destroyed
But I'm white
What a great argument! You sure showed your "Aryan Supremacy" to me, dude.... Go back to your safe space.
Nope. You aren't. I can tell what you are by looking at you.
I'm whiter than you buddy.
>Americans thinking they can dictate who's white
I don't agree with the mystical evil Jew may may, but what's annoying is that when you criticize other groups, you might be seen as scary or dangerous or evil, racist etc.
But when you criticize Jews, there's a 'crazy' factor attached to it.
Fuck, niggers accuse whites of the same shit yet we would just call them stupid.
Jews get special treatment in how criticism of them is perceived.
Lol. I've been wise to you morons for decades. Your silly insults mean nothing to me. Now shall we continue?
>people have been calling me a moron for decades!
>this insult doesn't hurt my feelings anymore!
Your DNA test proves otherwise, mine proves me to be absolutely Aryan my dear Ashkenazi inbred genetic defect. heh.
Yes, get rid of the Jews by teaming up and breeding with Muslims and Arabs, they hate the Jews just like you goyi-friend, I meant friend.
>t.sholomo goldkikestein
That's not what I said, moron.
But it's exactly what it shows, moron.
>Mfw 60% white spics mad at me for being whiter than them
It never gets old. Do you want a pic for proof or something?
No, unfortunately, even though #notalljews you can't say that Jews from say Hollywood are anyhow globalists, they're not. But they're the ones fucking gentile boys, ruining their future lives and manhood, using them, drugging them, lying to them, and having couple of months in prison at max. And I know that every Jew considers that a good thing and a sign of elitism.
This is a fact. In America they are less than 2% of the population. If one out of fifty American patriots removed one of these parasites each we would be judenfrei by Christmas. Killing ashkenazis is not murder (we will pardon the heroes and alter the definition of murder to exclude problematic groups who don't qualify as human such as ashkenazis). Killing jews is a liberating experience
What is the name of that face
I cant seem to find it anywhere
It's exactly the narrative you are trying to create. It isn't working.
Jews are chosen by God. Slavs are shit.
Woah, I thought you were just average tier of stupid. But you're actually pants on head retarded. Hollywood isn't globalist? Jesus.
Oh, trust me. It is. I don't need to try. Your responses are all the proof I need.
It's not divide and conquer. There are barely any jews on this planet. Less than .2% of the global population in fact. Over 99.8% of the world population is not jewish. I utterly despise "people" who try and counter argue that it's not the jews or it's satire and we aren't serious or Israel are bros because they're nationalists even though they promote Islamic immigration to western countries, hate us, killed Americans on many occasions, run scams inside of our malls illegally using the wrong visas, etc. Jews are THE problem. The head of the beast. Cut off the beast's head and suddenly all these problems go away. Niggers and Muslims are only a problem because of these circumcised "semitic" cocksuckers.
Think about that again - only less than .2% of the global population. We can EASILY kill every single jew in a heartbeat and simply change the law to make their extermination not count as murder because let's face it they are not human. More than any other group on this planet their psychology is truly alien and they are anti-human by culture. Indeed, let's start killing them now.
jews are in fact a problem. this election cycle proved it. it's not a meme anymore.
If you haven't killed a Jew today, you have wasted that day
Throw the jew down the well
So my country can be ____?
>Christendom destroyed
>Implying Christianity isn't Jewish
Gas yourself
Hate to be that guy, but there's a difference between what a jew does, and what a jew is as with any religion.
That's the debate. You either die a christfag our live long enough to see yourself become a kike.
Someday you'll get yours little buddy. No worries.
true video
>t.Vladinov Dzerzhinsky Al-Checheny
>Hollywood isn't globalist? Jesus.
>Every bad Jew is a globalist, even though he's not directly in politics
The worst kind of jew is a russian jew.
because then you got subliminal conditioning sprinkled throughout their whole affect.
Won't be from you, failure (I'm taking an educated guess that I can call you failure).
>Islam wouldn't have been possible without Jews
>They hate the Jews
Yeah sure
These fucking kikes.... wow. Like I said we need to really exterminate them (for real this time). One of the reasons the jews likely fabricated the holocaust was to put the idea of jewish extermination out there and make us feel guilty so that we don't exterminate them. As the truth slips out these slimey kikes are pushing the fake news meme to dismiss facts. One of the facts they fear becoming mainstream is the objective and indisputable fact that the holocaust never happened and the jews made the whole thing up. Sure they were sent to camps and political prisoners but this isn't a holocaust.
They were being expelled to the Pale of Settlement. Russians expelled political prisoners to Siberia. The US internned the Japanese and ethnic Germans were treated the same in Britain. This is normal during war and conflict and nobody said it was a good time but they weren't being exterminated and only a handful even died (many due to natural causes even in addition to typhus). They deserved it, they don't belong in our lands and they were trying to destroy their hosts as they continue to do.
The truth will hopefully lead to a real holocaust. There are 14-17 million jews on this planet. The jews were ultimately responsible for killing over three times that amount of non-jews in WW2 alone. Killing all of the jews is a viable and attainable goal. It's easy. Let's do it. Start with the ashkenazis, they are the biggest problem
Amen based Ivan.
>The American revolution was plotted by a group of White, Anglo-saxon, Protestants! Therefor we must extrapolate is all WASPs that were the cause!
>without Jews are bullshit we are against would not exist.
wtf with this english. i cant even comprehend
I guess it was
>without Jews all bullshit we are against would not exist.
It depends on the quality of the criticism. Saying something like "Something has to be done about what Israel is doing to the indigenous people of Palestine" or "Is it just me or does it seem like the power brokers in Hollywood are overwhelmingly Jewish?" are generally esteemed to be sensible points of conversation. However, expressing doubt (for example) of whether or not Zyklon-B was ever found on the interior of so-called extermination gas chambers in Nazi war camps tends to come from exactly one flavor of person: Bigots.
Such people are irritating to deal with - their minds are made up regardless of what literature you direct them to, and though they'll bitch out and not argue their point, they won't study or consider points contrary to what they believe in either.
Jews hate Christ and Christianity by extension you uneducated fuck.
And how many goyim are behind this?
Don't you think we hate immigrants even more than the whites do?
You are light skinned, your skin can be as pale as an irishman but you are not white.
Your people merely tried to mix their genes with white people to wash the shit out of your skin.
Think about World War II, so much senseless killing of millions upon millions of magnificently purebred bloodlines
For what
>expressing the doubt in Holocaust is being a Bigot
That's literally what you said. Ok.
Any Goyim behind this were created by Jewish education and propaganda.
Well they can't *all* be the cause since it was anglos fighting anglos?
Not Jews subverting Europeans
>this fucking retard falling for their schemes
Christianity was created by the Jews to control the White Race
In other words, Jesus was a plant
Not at all. Merely that such expressions trend toward being propagated by bigots.
There's outright denying the holocaust, which is ignorantly stupid and there's questioning the severity and the statistics which will be a debate that will never cease to end.
One's easier than the other, and one causes way more problems as well.
Guess which one I don't give a fuck about.
PROTIP: Neither.
>ignores the natives who got involved in the fight
>ignores the French who also got involved in the fight
And I should take you seriously because? You're fucking stupid, dude. If you lead with a retarded argument, every argument afterwards will be moot. Your foundation is that of stupidity.
What the fuck am I reading? Zyklon-B is a de-lousing agent. Germans had all sorts of unused chemicals from WW1 that were better suited and cheaper to gas jews with. The official holocaust story claims that only 1/3 of the jews were exterminated with t. The other 2/3 they claim were exterminated from carbon monoxide produced from DIESEL Russian tank engines. Diesel does not contain lethal CO. The oxygen content alone would have kept the jews alive in a packed hermetically sealed chamber like they claim. They would have suffocated in minutes if there was no oxygen being pumped in the room at all. No gas even needed.
You're a bigot for hating the truth and in all honesty "people" like you need to be exterminated too.
>Christianity was created by the Jews
>Jesus was a plant
Tinfoil hat retard.
Christianity started as a branch of Judaism. Jesus, you're dumb.
Jews aren't human. They steal the DNA of their host organism so they can blend in and prey undetected. The White skin of the Ashkenazi is adaptive camo.
...Wasmannian Mimicry is when the mimic resembles its host (the model) in order to live within the same nest or structure. For example, several jumping spiders closely resemble ants. In order to get "lost in the crowd" and thus avoid predators.
>Christianity started as a branch of Judaism
jews are a threat to all races, not just whites
We know.
Jews were never with us. They always act as a minority group together and only signal as "white" when its to talk about how the white race should die or "we whites" are the most evil thing on the planet.
I swear the Jewish are like Germs...Germs of the Devil himself
>triggered Jew is triggered
Why don't they teach about the German (((revolution))) before all those holocaust lessons hmmm?
Wow! You are worried about immigration into " your country?" Sure is lucky you can reclaim your birthright and move to israel!!!
I have green eyes, light hair and pale skin. Little to no body hair and no weird facial features. How am i not white?
The Jew who is something of a nomad has never yet created a cultural form of his own and as far as we can see never will, since all his instincts and talents require a more or less civilized nation to act as host for their development. The Jews have this peculiarity with women; being physically weaker, they have to aim at the chinks in the armour of their adversary.