What caused a freefall drop in the quality of Canadian posts? I seem to recall a time when they weren't so abhorrent, sometime before late 2015
What caused a freefall drop in the quality of Canadian posts? I seem to recall a time when they weren't so abhorrent...
confirmation bias
honestly? loss of hope for our country
We stopped caring.
The vast majority of abhorrent "Canadian" posts are just Americans with a proxy trying to discredit us.
Leafs were good posters uptil now, maybe they got displaced?
Except the obamaleaf, but still.
Firstly, shit posting gets us attention and makes us feel important
Secondly, theres this new things called proxies. If you want to get you shit opinion noticed the best way to do it is attach "A Fucking Leaf" to it
the freefall drop in quality of canadians
With each passing day, Canada gets worse and worse. There are none who pray for the Day of the Rake more than Leafs.
Proxies and like the other burger said, confirmation bias.
Its the same thing when people say Australia has epic bantz. In reality, they're average, but since the meme gets perpetuated, they believe they actually are the best.
we've taken the ultimate black pill
trudeau has fucked us in the ass so hard that we simply have given up and resorted to taking out our frustrations through literal shitposting.
we love acting retarded to piss of other countries that are better than us. its the only thing that puts a smile on our face, and it works.
not true, ive been shitting up this place with canadian-tier posts for a while and im no proxy
>believing we have the best banter
It's better than the false belief that Canada is a real fuckin country
also to add to this,
its also fun to self-sabotage.. i know being a leaf is the worst thing that could ever happen to me, but the fact that i can use it to gain giggles at my own expense is a good thing.
post something ridiculous, everyone calls u fucking retarded, its funny
I would have thought that the quality of posts would have increased since the Justin T'ing of Canada. At first I thought that the ShitPost-Canadian meme was just that, a meme. But really, like 20% of all posts from Canadians are just saturated to stupid topics coupled with stupid observations.
medium tier banter
Leafs made one of the best Sup Forums threads in a long time yesterday, give it a read
they elected a feminist who cucked all the men
Autumn is reaching its end. No more LEAFs after this point.
canadian Sup Forums posters, it started with an envious few that started to emulate the australian style looking to give their, at the time, irrelevant country something to be recognised at the board , although their style was poorer and people called them for it. Eventually with fuss caused by US elections these individuals started browsing Sup Forums more frecuently, thus leading to them embracing the "fame" of being the users that make the most stupid posts
The key element is why their posting is so bad, I believe it's due to the reality that Canada is in fact an sjw shitfest of progressivness and naturally its citizens, and by extension the ones that browse Sup Forums, can't be expected to have a properly functioning brain
perfect example right here, MEDIOCRE.
>we love acting retarded
its proxy fags that want to BTFO their fellow Americans but need to pretend their also not american to avoid looking completely retarded.