Political compass thread.
also spekr.org
Political compass thread
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I was going to make a new thread, but I don't want a duplicate.
Considering how close the 2 parties actually are, what would the democratic party have to do to just get over to the red? Also what would the republican party have to do to just get over into purple?
The democratic party would have to become at very least social democracy or welfare capitalist (Bernie) The republic party would have to start dropping all authoritarian policies. Including gay marriage and all that stuff which would make them way more popular amongst libertarians and progressives.
Its still a really good test.
Didn't realize how radical a change was required for a 3 square shift. Finally starting to figure this square out.
Its not that radical but It won't be easy. I would say the democrats could become basically the green party and the republicans basically the libertarian party.
I think the spekr test is missing questions about nationalism or race. It didn't seem to have any. This is what I got, but if it had questions about immigration/multiculturalism, etc, I would probably be quite higher on this axis.
Friendly Hitler reporting in.
So... A centrist who is slightly libertarian?
cuck would be shorter word
Hitler was a Centrist, man. Nazis being far-right is a meme.
only good result my man
I know but he was authoritarian. You just have no opinions.
They were a bit to the left or a bit to the right economically, depending on who you ask.
They were undisputably authoritarian as hell, though.
The political compass is garbage
It has a clear libertarian bias, If you actually end up at the top right with the kind of questions they ask then you are probably a Sup Forums memester or actually retarded
>trump is literally hitler omg !!!111
Try spekr.org
The government is literally all powerful and omnipresent over mortals yet there's extreme market freedom.
I'm picturing a bunch of government stock-trading AIs battling each other.
Tariffs push Trump to the left but he's still center up-leaning libertarian-wise.
What does this mean?
pretty close to mine
Commies get out. DUDE-WEED-bros get out.
Ancaps can stay.
It means your an ancap but with a state.
i appreci8
Why shouldn't I want what is best for the economy and what is best for the culture?
What do I win?
10 years labor in guglag.
I am a real human bean.
But I wanted to be President.
What does thus mean?
And spekr
You know that seems rather similar.
r8 my st8
heres my st8
link ?
You are like a little baby.
Whole political compass is a jewish meme.
It doesn't tell you just about anything about the real political leanings of someone.
A badly posed question that gives only bad answers.
Yea looks like i'm pretty close to being a fascist my cultural score was lower than yours though and my economic was higher
Why is this so fucking perfect?
That test doesn't work
>only 40 in economic
scroll down at the end to see the chart I posted
Well, I want to nationalize the banks and the like so that probably pulled me towards the left.
I figure either you leave things completely under market control or you put things directly under State control, having state and market negotiating and having to work with each other is far too slow and inefficient.
Data mining thread.
>nationalize the banks
Jackson would be ashamed of you
I would also be for abolishing the central bank.
I just see bank nationalization as more realistic.
Well what SHOULD it be, Mr Waffle Man?