Seriously, how did this happen?
Last time WI was red: 1984 - Reagan
Last time MI was red: 1988 - Bush
Last time PA was red: 1988 - Bush
Seriously, how did this happen?
Last time WI was red: 1984 - Reagan
Last time MI was red: 1988 - Bush
Last time PA was red: 1988 - Bush
Other urls found in this thread:
The swedes in Wisconsin uncucked themselves. Whites in Michigan got tire of the niggers. Whites in PA also got tired of the niggers.
voter suppression, gerrymandering, basically the GOP will do anything to ensure that less people and less minorities vote
>“We're going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business,”
Rustle belt got their jimmies rustled
>I'm gonna fix the rust belt! Fuck NAFTA and fuck China too!
>My opponent is a hateful racist. Diversity is our strength, and international trade deals rule!
They got woke
Russian hacking
But they've been blue, so how does the GOP get to gerrymander them for the 2016 election?
Didn't the Amish also vote for Trump in PA?
and that is a bad thing why? Illegals will vote for Democrat anyways and fuck up the nation.
Russia meddled with elections, duuhh
We got tired of getting outsourced.
nice b8
both sides gerrymander
Voting machines are not hooked to the Internet retard.
>less minorities vote
or maybe because Obama wasn't running all the minorities didn't feel the urge to rush out to vote for a white woman which lead to lower voting %s for said minorities?
>gerrymandering matters in a presidential election
>white working class
It's not just a meme. They finally figured out that voting dem because muh unions hasn't been working. Also the niggers are getting chimpier.
'84 and '88 weren't that long ago young'un.
I fully support this. Fuck, I'd be fully erect if we established a $1000 poll tax.
Came here to post this
Thanks Hillary.
My favorite part of that quote is that in context it's not that bad. She basically states that she understands that moving away from the fossil fuel industry will have consequences, and is honest enough not to try to sugar coat it.
The next thing she says is that we have to take care of coal miners and workers so that they don't get left behind. There's nothing wrong with that. -Am from coal country
>Didn't the Amish also vote for Trump in PA?
Who one votes for is generally an individual choice.....The Amish, who I see and interact with somewhat regularly do not divulge these secrets....however it is not a stretch to think that they voted for Trump across the board.
Voter fraud.
We shattered that sucker.
How? The democrats ran the worst candidate in history: a war mongering corporatist, a fossil fuel industry and banking industry sock puppet, a candidate drenched in an orgy of corporate money, who cynically uses identity politics as a political weapon...
They could have have run Bernie. But their corporate paymasters decided to risk Trump rather than have a candidate who doesn't take corporate money.
That's what happened.
Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio are primarily German.
Trump is the first potential German President since Eisenhower.
It doesn't take a genius to figure it out, dummy.
The only people who voted for Bernie during the primaries were rural and suburban plebs.
City people all voted for Hillary.
>less people and less minorities vote
If you don't want to seem racist or illiterate, make sure to say "fewer" instead of less.
Less implies that you are taking about lesser peoples. Fewer refers to a smaller number.
have an upvote
Hillary assumed she had it in the bag because of the fake polls, so she didn't bother to campaign in any of them. Ironic that the polls being all skewed to the Democrat favor actually helped trump.
White people
Plot twist: Wisconsin nogs tired of Swedish cucks. Michigan nogs tired of democrats. Pennsylvania gets swarmed by Amish voters.
>The next thing she says is that we have to take care of coal miners and workers so that they don't get left behind. There's nothing wrong with that. -Am from coal country
That is a nuanced position. Unfortunately there is no room for nuanced positions in politics anymore. Everything has to fit on a bumper sticker and make you feel good. If a politician mentions an uncomfortable truth that you dislike they are wrong.
The very fact that people on this site will discount real reporting as fake news and propaganda while believing in actual falsehoods is astounding.
Hell you have the GOP that blocks spending to start programs to reeducate people in coal country so they can find new jobs then they blame the democrats for not bring back jobs that no longer exist.
At least she was "honest" enough to lose the elections :^). Guess people cared more about their jobs than pussygrabbing.
I think we are mostly German and Dutch descent here in WI, although we do have some Swedes, and Finns up north. Some Belgians in the Green Bay area. But yes, we did uncuck. Sad to see that neighbors MN did not!
Russian hackers, obv
As someone who lives in Milwaukee, the niggers have officially worn out their welcome, that's how this happened. They simply have gone too far, they now are attacking police officers and starting riots.
During the Milwaukee riot in August of this year there were even reports of firefighters being shot at by niggers who had burned down their community in wake of Sylville Smith, a fucking ghetto hoodrat thug who had been previously imprisoned for assault with a deadly weapon, was shot by a police officer (who was also black).
So a black MPD officers shoots a black nigger thug who pulled a semi-automatic weapon on him and the community response was to burn down their own neighborhoods and SHOOT THE FUCKING FIREFIGHTERS who come to put out the blaze. Even the fucking most liberal egalitarians in the state just simply couldn't put up with this bullshit any more.
You're a fucking retard. Blacks won the election for Trump.
The Ents arose and attacked Isengard
Trump went there and told them he was going to end NAFTA and bring jobs back.
Hillary didn't bother going since she thought she was going to win, and was partying it up with nigger celebrity billionaires instead.
This is a perfect example
They straight up tell you in the video that they're trying to manipulate you, it's unreal
Haha well that's a lie. The primaries were decided by super delegates.
Yeah because Trump never said anything that would make anyone uncomfortable has he :^)
>grammar nazi
>arguing for the inherent dignity of a people.
You're a terrible nazi.
Can I get my coffee now?
Barron has computers. He's so good with computers its unbelievable.
>programs to reeducate people in coal country so they can find new jobs
People want jobs where they live
When Dems say they want to re-educate/retrain people for new jobs, they're basically telling people to pack up and move to where the jobs are
>That is a nuanced position
no it inst, appearing to feel sorry for the people who's livelihoods you champion the destruction of is simply trying to save face.
Proving once and for all that only landlowners should vote.
Yeah, why don't libshits bitch about that? They think the electoral college system is unfair, what about the dems superdelegates who are essentially bought elitist voting for the highest bidder.
>It's not just a meme. They finally figured out that voting dem because muh unions hasn't been working. Also the niggers are getting chimpier.
I loved this aspect of the Hillary campaign. She shit on the main demographic that the Dems are supposed to support. I am a union member (A real union, not some state worker union). I would wager that over half of us went against our "Handlers" and voted for Trump. He at least promised infrastructure in coal and gas....which directly creates jobs for our profession.
It is just my observation....Hillary acts like a neo-con republican while Trump has many many policies that are almost socialist. He wants to make sure that all Americans have no reason to not enjoy employment. All the liberals can cry about "Robotic replacement" but have never seen the inside of one of these production facilities. I have. I work in them every day. There are many jobs that can be done with automation....however, there are many many more jobs that in no way can be done by a robot.
I am secure knowing that I will be able to make bank the next 4-8 years. No robot can take my job. I work as a skilled tradesman. There will be a huge need for people with that sort of job, and right now this instant it is too late to develop the skillset required to make the most of the next 4 years.
Sorry you neets. You missed out on the skilled trades. Your guidance counselors lied to you. Your joke degree from your college won't pay more than $35k/year because EVERYONE and their brother has one. Enjoy repaying your student loans and interest.
the did bitch about it, but that was so long ago. they will have all but forgotten
>Robert Downey Jr.
>"Their... unpolished sincerity"
Was he trying to remind us the entire commercial was bullshit, or did he really not see the irony.
Daily reminder that the Amish won PA, it was the late votes in Amish counties that sealed the lead for Trump
With the current recount numbers being around 40k to the good for Trump, and with somewhere over 40k Amish voting, the Amish could very well have saved PA.
I bought a garage from the Amish before and their work was fantastic while being reasonably priced (They do know the value of a dollar), but man, this makes me love the Amish even more.
i know this is bait but:
>voter suppression
can be translated to:
>sir, can you show some id proving that you're an american citizen? this also makes sure that your vote is counted correctly :)
just like in every civilized country in the world.
>Less implies that you are taking about lesser peoples
That apply too anyway.
Trump promised to bring blue collar jobs that pay well back to America.
I personally don't believe he will succeed but a lot of Americans do believe in him for some reason.
Trump's message on trade (NAFTA destroyed our economy, say no to TPP, CHYNA, MEXICO, etc) resonated with white working class voters there.
>"Mr trump, you need to win one of these 3 rust belt states if you want to win the election! They all have been blue for almost 30 years! Which one will you focus on?"
>"How about I just win all 3 of them instead?"
Fucking hell. You can make a movie out of this. The media acts really low by trying to say his presidency is not legit. Don't you see how much of a strategic victory this is and how incredible it was for trump to pull it off? It's a really big insult!
also this
The democRATS stopped being the"party of the prior" and baggage the party of corporations and deceit
>Trump is the first potential German President since Eisenhower.
you mean khazar
>All the liberals can cry about "Robotic replacement" but have never seen the inside of one of these production facilities. I have.
I blame tech/science news that liberals frequent making them think the singularity already happened.
The map shows the areas of mass transit and section 8 housing.
Also shows where you can find heroin drug markets, car jackers, and other dreamers.
>less minorities vote
Niggers shouldn't be allowed to vote.
>less people and less minorities
What did you mean by this?
Even if all the superdelegates voted for bernie he still would have lost.
Delete your account
Pretty much. There was an article about Milwaukee's black community not showing up because they knew that Hillary didn't give any more of a shit about them than Trump did.
>constantly shit on the biggest voting block of the country calling the racist, sexist and everythingphobic just for existing for years
>be surprised when they don't vote for you
I swear to god democrats are either retarded, or they deliberately want whites to go red.
Serious question, how much does electoral shittiness in places like Detroit and Philthy skew the vote?
They stopped talking about it but the fact that 1/3rd of precincts in Detroit were disqualified due to not being able to reconcile vote counts (a lot of votes were double and triple counted due to "error")
We all know these shitties are corrupt as sin, how the fuck does a state enact oversight or investigation to fix it before the next election?
Pretty damn telling that Wisconsin went red immediately after enacting Voter ID as well
They think all whites are cucked liberal nu males who vote for the person that insults them the most.
Thankfully that particular species of man is confined to solid blue states.
Cause we here in PA hate women more than we hate blacks
Michigan just passed voter id laws today
2-4 years between elections somehow isnt enough time for Jamal to go down to the DMV and get a fucking id
The funny part is that in Wisconsin a State ID is free if you don't have a driver's license.
They're playing the long game. Whites are already a minority in births. So if they keep the identity politics going for another 20 years they could make whites a slave class and still win.
This, don't get all cocky just because Trump eked out a win in the mostly-white Rust Belt
Democrats used to be the party of racist whites and minorities don't seem to have held it against them.
If the republicans strategy stops working they'll realign.
Like... this was an election where the republicans won because the poor voted for them. Times change.
>Used to be
They still are. They think black people can't get voter ids for fucks sake.
>voter suppression
In what way
Yet Trump did better with minorities than Romney and McCain did. If Trump can help the Blacks enough we will have Blacks voting republican in no time.
>1 post by this ID
Its funny, because I don't think Obama gives a shit about them either.
The same reason Dow is near 20k.
Trump effect.
Here you go:
and this:
There are many finns there too. Finns love Trump.
and a little video for you to watch!
Trump is a Paelzer.
because of this image
white working class finally had someone speaking for them