Reeeeeeee black pigeon
Reeeeeeee black pigeon
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Well he's not wrong
only if it's a white girl with niggers is it bad
He's right. Hentai and doujins are where it's at.
But how can something so bad be so good?
How is it any more bad than any other?
I lost respect for him after that video. IMO porn should be everywhere. It is good so that white men aren't exploited by white women and kept away from the white man's higher purpose of science, arts, and other intelectual endeavors. If he really wanted to fix fertility, it is quite simple, bring back slavery and every man gets one female slave that he can rape, abuse, whatever and you will see fertility skyrocket.
>porn should be everywhere
this is how you spot the kikes
Wouldn't porn be bad for fertility if it just breeds a buch of masturbating shut ins?
Yeah I'm gonna need sauce on this
i expected better from you poland
Kill yourself deranged mentally ill freak you are sick in the head
sup faggot
Not if they are all given a slave to rape. Men will still watch porn, but also have a sex slave to make babies with.
Armored Cuck is just mad that his porn stocks will be going down due to nigger pigeon.
And you are Greek how is that debt been going.
armored cucktic is an annoying white knight mangina who fears losing that crazy Sup Forumstard girlfriend of his
This will not lead to healthy, functioning families.
Stop watching porn.
i wanna fight black pidgeon..
Get out degenerate.
>Reeeeeeee black pigeon
Porn is absolutely one of the most degenerate things to partake in.
>people defending their porn addictions ITT
get some help faggots