Who is your favorite philosopher Sup Forums? How do you know they're red-pilled?
Blue-pills are a spook.
>Who is your favorite philosopher Sup Forums?
Thomas Aquinas i guess.
>How do you know they're red-pilled?
Fucking guess.
David Hume is great when it comes to metaphysics, as far as the best pro religion argument in philosophy (which I find as one of the hardest things to be good at) Jordan Peterson blew my mind with his argument on the last JRE, although he wouldn't call himself a philosopher.
The guy never has any good arguments that are memorable aside from being a nihilistic emotional bitch that lives in a barrel, but telling off Alexander surely awarded him the biggest balls in human history
Schopenhauer was Red Pilled to fuck on women.
Feminists and femens.
Oh! And vegans, obviously. We are all citizen of the earth.
Berkeley offers a solid rejection of materialism and the foundations for rational belief in god (a supreme spirit within whose mind our minds exist) in about 100 very readable pages. Principles of Human Knowledge.
Either Aristotle or Thomas Aquinas
my edgy man Nietzsche
The great warrior-philosopher Adolf Hitler.
Fight me cunts
whats the name of the work, that nds with that famous quote about being silent about shit that cannot be spoken?
t. philosofical newbie
Where's the best place to start with philosophy? I read a bit of The Rebublic and found it very interesting, and no I'm not going to /lit/, I went there once and was disgusted by the pretentiousness.
This guy
Julius Evola
Socrates is the most important, Plato the most didactic and Aristotle the most copious but the most redpilled was St. Thomas Aquinas.
You shouldn't post your own picture in a place like this
Plato has some great criticisms of democracy int eh republic
protip: it's because socrates was democratically voted to die!!!
Don't really have a particular favorite though.
It's between Nietzsche and Locke
The sicko anti-Christian superstar of the 19th century
Aristotle or Nietzsche. Both were brilliant beyond comprehension, with minds that were one in five hundred million.
>St. Thomas Aquinas
Oh, you mean Tommaso d'Aquino.
not an argument
What did he do?
Not for his brains, but his balls. The guy drank hemlock voluntarily to carry out his ordered execution.
Oh he was smart, too.
Don't forget the Saint part you heretic
Molyneux was known here way before r/thedonald ever existed, cunt. Plus he's one of the most red-pilled people alive.
Hegel is the best because he actually tried to become God.
I'm libertarian, by the way.
Questioned everyone if they knew what they were doing at their jobs. Didn't back down in the face of death, just to send a message to the future generations.
Sadly people don't value Socrates as much as they should be these days.
stefan molyneux fron the world renewed philosophy think tank freedomainradio
The famous philosopher of an ancient greek city state known as Canadapolis
I'm semi-schizophrenic and the voices I hear are pretty wise
I don't know.
Albert Camus.
I slowly go from Nihilism to Absurdism recently.
>masutrbated in public
>On the indecency of him masturbating in public he would say, "If only it were as easy to banish hunger by rubbing my belly."
Go back to fellating your false idols toes, cuck.
Thanks for the cosmopolite cancer, faggot
He was a clever troll and a likable buffoon, but there isn't much to learn from him.
You just know from life experience.
Carl Sagan had some cool ideas
my man
Enjoy your threesome.
I really like when Thoreau says "My life has been the poem I would have writ; but I could not both live and utter it.'
Nietzsche. No philosopher's writing is more thought provoking or relevant.
>Camus is a philosopher
fuck you
Carlyle, Jünger, Nietzsche, Ortega y Gasset, Heraclitus.
None of that pussy ass postmodern egalitarian bullshit.
Nietzsche was extremely egalitarian. He wished to eliminate the idea of "character" e.g. what makes a man superior.
>Nietzsche was extremely egalitarian.
stopped reading there, kek.
My favorite philosopher was Prostaticules. He could always milk a great response from a master debater
This, hate him all you want but he had top bantz.
>stopped reading there
Let me guess you stopped reading Nietzsche after half a wikipedia page as well.
>Favorite Philosopher
Flipped tables and doesnt afraid of the establishment
>>Camus is a philosopher
>fuck you
Well, yes he was, what are you implying?
I heavily recommend Le mythe de Sisyphe.
9 of the best imo
Typical franco loving
Spaniard scum. Your country killed off its best and is now a shit show
Best philosopher coming through.
Diogenes never really passed on any of his teachings. He mentored two young men but that was about it.
I would tell you that I've read a lot more than the wiki page, but it's not as if I really care what someone who purports to believe Nietzsche is egalitarian thinks.
Yeah, I guess it would be abusive to say he's not a philosopher. What elicited my reaction is that he's your favorite philosopher, when he contributed very little to the field other than good literature.
the most Jewish choice in this thread! congrats
>What elicited my reaction is that he's your favorite philosopher, when he contributed very little to the field other than good literature.
Well, he's my favorite, never said that he was the best/most productive.
I love my wife more than any other woman, but I know Natalia Poklonskaya is better on most subjects.
From Diogenes we learned to take skepticism with everything. We also learned to not give a fuck what normies think.
When plato said a man was simply a featherless walking bird everyone thought he was a genius. Diogenes BTFO Plato when he plucked a chicken, crashed his forum (with no survivors) and said "behold! Platos man!" Everyone laughed.
He got normies to question things that had the appearance of intellect but were total bullshit. And he loved trolling.
The first Sup Forumslack
Nietzsche engage in what he proclaimed was a "devaluation of all values". His " system" is essentially open to any person, regardless of their ancestry or heritage. He made all men the same in regard to value; his "ubermensch" was an opportunist; a darwinist fable--in short he was a small man--in an academic pigeon hole who declaimed any essential nobility in man--perfect example of the man who praises a soldier from the drawing room. Read some LF Celine for a little perspective on your beloved autist nerd epigram writer.
All white men should read Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus once per year.
Because he broke the system
>LF Celine
HAHAHAHAHA That's why you're so autistically partisan about Nietzsche. Have you ever actually read any of his works?
>in an academic pigeon hole who declaimed any essential nobility in man
is totally inaccurate.
>ietzsche engage in what he proclaimed was a "devaluation of all values"
trans*-evaluation, or revaluation. Hahahaa pretty bad mischaracterization, wouldn't you say?
>His " system" is essentially open to any person, regardless of their ancestry or heritage
what "system" are you talking about?
Wittgenstein as his mental capacity and his contribution to human understanding of the universe probably equalled Einstein
>People will still say that based Tyson is not the greatest philosopher of our time.
posting cap so that lurkers will read
Wow. Blew my mind, desu.
ultimately there is no such thing as a watertight philosophy, and truthfully, who gives a fuck what philosophers say, insightful or not.
Every man is a philosopher, his philosophy is how he lives his life
Herodotus maybe
Hated women, so yeah he's red-pilled
Stop wrongly regurgitating a Buzzfeed article.
Blue and Brown Books?
Giambattista Vico or Cleopatra the Alchemist.
>"The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, fili-cidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully. Those of us schooled from infancy in his ways can become desensitized to their horror. A naif blessed with the perspective of innocence has a clearer perception. Winston Churchill's son Randolph somehow contrived to remain ignorant of scripture until Evelyn Waugh and a brother officer, in a vain attempt to keep Churchill quiet when they were posted together during the war, bet him he couldn't read the entire Bible in a fort- night: 'Unhappily it has not had the result we hoped. He has never read any of it before and is hideously excited; keeps reading quotations aloud "I say I bet you didn't know this came in the Bible ..." or merely slapping his side & chortling "God, isn't God a shit!'" 16 Thomas Jefferson - better read - was of a similar opinion: 'The Christian God is a being of terrific character - cruel, vindictive, capricious and unjust.' "
Being literally a perfect person and literally the truth kind of makes him hard to beat
i really like his debate with WLC
Does anyone know which philosopher talked about the need for a standing army and saying not having one was the same as having a dull sword
Seneca and Marcus Aurelius pretty much
I probably would have killed myself i didn't read meditations or at least read some writings of Seneca.
God is definitely harsh by modern liberal standards but nothing in the mosaic law is particularly unjust given the time period in which it was written
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.
If you're a newbie and unversed in symbolic logic, it's too hard for you.
This is the problem with God.