What a joke. I'm so embarrassed to be neighbors with you people.
What a joke. I'm so embarrassed to be neighbors with you people
What a joke. I too am so embarrassed to be neighbors with those people.
What a joke. I am also embarrassed to be neighbors with those people.
What a joke. I am also embarrassed to be neighbors with those people.
feeling's mutual faggot
Trump is faggier than Trudeau
>What a joke. I too am so embarrassed to be neighbors with those people.
Wow.. im embarrassed too. fuck trump
I don't believe anything that I don't read on Trump's twitter
Anyone who thought it wasn't a joke is a fucking idiot.
As stupid as it is, he claimed he was joking about that tweet on Howard Stern long before he ran for president.
>Posting Fake news
Isn't your Prime Minister a former Ski Instructor?
You cucknadians are on a whole new level of shitposting.
Wow, didn't you know posting fakenews is illegal now? Reporting to police
Says the fucking leaf
It's not shitposting if it's true
What a joke. He never intended anything he said on the campaign.
>Trump backs out on every retarded thing he said
>somehow this is bad
What a joke. I'm so embarrassed to have to read a post from a FUCKING LEAF