How can Sup Forums keep shilling pizzagate when it was proven to be Fake News? It was made up by a woman for fucks sakes.
How can Sup Forums keep shilling pizzagate when it was proven to be Fake News...
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kys OP
she wrote the emails?
Didn't think so.
Haha, you lost. Fuck your thread and your shitty get.
What evidence?
There is enough evidence to summon a grand jury.
You fucking niggers
No there's not
Name one
Fucking garbage.
Don't you have anything better to do, Bannon?
Literally who?
He thinks that delusions of pizza being code for little girls is admissible evidence...
So fucking stupid. All these people bashing the mainstream media, meanwhile sitting at Starbucks making up imagined connections does not a reporter make. Wanna impress me? Sign out of facebook and hit the pavement for some actual investigative reporting.
Don't bother posting snopes or any other reputable fact-checking sites, they'll get dismissed as jew-operated.
Not an argument
Snopes is kike-owned but this article is factual
If you do that you get arrested for harassing people at the pizza place.
Anyone who defends pedophiles should share their fate when they're exposed.
I make pizzagate threads to slide important threads off the board
And to make Sup Forums look like a bunch of gullible tinfoilers
Like Pedowood
>stop investigating pedophile rings
really made me think.
Day of the rope for all these (((MSM))) faggots who defend pedos.
There is literally no there, there.
Chill out, Roof.
>yes goy, yes, look at this women I've just found from on google stock images...>she was the woman who made up pizzagate, and she now admits it's was all fake.....time to move on now, goyim
>Fake news is actually fake
>Why stop investigating now that MSM has gone full on damage control?
You do not play dominoes on a pizza. You do not leave a black and white handkercheif at someone's house and "I think it has a pizza map on it".
It's legal to express wrongdoing using codewords so the DoJ can't act. It's politically correct because it doesn't blantantly express wrong doing, so the media can't act.
To the hacker known as Sup Forums, it's fishy and it's getting doxed to the last straw, CTR kicking and screaming the whole way. So by all means, keep crying about it.
Nothing to see here, comrade, it's just globalist lies meant to deceive you! A true Russi- I mean, American will keep looking into these damning satanic pizza child enslavement ring allegations!
Fuck You leafy boy
Shitpost confirmed
Name one victim.
Can we at last agree they were speaking in code?
What us the WH policy on outside food?
Podesta tweets are suggestive to say the least.
>1 post by this ID
The eternal leaf strikes again