You know that blacks getting swole while whites sit in front of a computer inside all day plays a very VERY big role in the rapidly increading number of interaccial relationships right?
If you can't improve yourself you have absolutely no right to complain
Why don't whites work out?
Because white men prefer to watch sports and imagine getting fucked by the negroe athletes.
it's called
"making a living"
Niggers are far fatter than whites in America.
Blacks are fattest people in this country.
Cool. I'll just stay fat then.
i am going to gym a lot m8 thanks
only people who have a hard time getting a gf get mad about interracial relationships
and its good if lots of people do not work out because it raises my value
Wtf is up with all the cuck posters today?
Degenerate wage cucks and welfare recipients are the only ones who have time
Plus you have to fucking do an insane diet
And then you are only doing it for pussy, and not solving the root causes which requires smart and savvy autists to work around the clock because we are running out of time
I guess it's saturday and some kids want some (you)s.
Suburbanite cucks with wives who got off the carosel are not what we aspire to
They are also (((successful))) because they played the Jews nepotistic social games, which not everyone is allowed to play
cute boys are nice
>why don't whites do this
>why don't whites do that
>why do whites do things this way
Because we are busy doing something we do since 3000 years : exploiting our brains to create science, art and usefull shits
And before you know it, those suburbanite cucks with money make up the GOP establishment , the country club republicans fucking us all over, lying and starting wars,open borders and offshoring jobs, the doner class
You gotta admit that for generations working out was a elementary thing.
The rise of weak father figures led to this situation.
I've given up on trying to find a partner, i'm MGTOW whether i like it or not.
And then they all freak the fuck out when we support trump, and return the the Jew mob and media propagandizing blacks and white women, sjw multiculturalism , socialism
Whites have a larger spectrum of sizes, Blacks are either obese as fuck or extra fit, not man in between. The cause of course is Prison.
> useful shits
You can't really use human manure as fertilizer or anything, so...
And they hire agitative propagandists like op to come to places like pol and post cuck threads and porn and other retarded "do whites x" " why are whites not/do y". Ect every single fucking day
I've been working out a lot lately.
Sucks though because I'm going down to South America for New Years and I just smashed my hand up pretty badly this week. Won't really be able to lift much this month and I'm going to feel small and weak at the beach.
That's funny when blacks are statically more obese than whites in the us
Most people back then were lower classes and had hard jobs, they didn't need to work out. They also didn't do science or anything, only a few % of the population did.
Just walk or jog during your stay in South America. What are you doing there anyways?
Education has failed Americans
Old working class is retiring, automation is replacing them
White girls and non whites have privilege in education, scholarships and internships
And the education system degenerates many white males who grew up in the suburbs
And now out if school and off their parent they have nothing but their phones and freedom of speech
Education has failed Americans
Old working class is retiring, automation is replacing them
White girls and non whites have privilege in education, scholarships and internships
And the education system degenerates many white males who grew up in the suburbs
And now out of school and off their parents finances they have nothing but their phones and freedom of speech
But.... but.... I'm preparing for the racewar! :(
It's forum sliding trying to hide the fact that the CIA and Obama are trying to legitimize the election and blame Russia.
statistically wrong, also lifting has become really fucking popular among the youth lately
t. /fit/izen
Having studied history this sounds like Russia 1917 and Tunisia 2011
Scary, but accurate
Well maybe they can open their minds since they are so open to working with listening and considering the shittiest people on the planet over the legitimate grievances of their own people they swore to protect and defend , not after the fact something went wrong under the queen bitch mafiosa they still turn a blind eye to
What a bunch of hypocrites
That's what a gun is for you fucking nog.
These aren't real people. Again note
>1 post by this ID
Not in this thread perhaps
You need to be strong for potential combat.
Guns don't help you run to cover or operate themselves.
Strength helps you do things faster and a split second could decide whether it's you or the other guy who goes down.
You know blacks are the most obese population in the US , right?
Black American women are the most obese population ON THE PLANET.
>the only ones who have time
Implying you can't find 12 free minutes in a WEEK.
>yes goy, buy my book, everyone is just lying to you about what it takes, just 15-20 minutes a day
let's say whites value intelligence more than physical strength. In retarded cultures you're either strong or dead; in civilized cultures you're either smart or a wagecuck