Tell me, user

You have 50 seconds to tell me why you aren't doing the following:

>Working out 3-4 times a week
>Reading at least 1 book a week
>Studying and becoming either a STEM profession, doctor, lawyer, or military officer
>doing at least 10 hours of community service a week
>Going to church every sunday, and giving alms.

Want society to be red pilled? Society needs red pilled contributors.

I'm currently working on a small pamphlet on what I think it takes to be what I'm calling a "Keystone Citizen". You're going down the right road.

1)probably could start working out
2)started reading last week, about 23% of the way through 360 pages (non fiction, novels are for women)
3)not certain enough to go into debt for a meme degree yet
4)community service is for high school students and niggers
5)church is for cucks


hows it going eric

Whats with the picture? Is she supposed to be good looking? Looks like a ferret in cartoon heels

unless you're reading children's books how the hell can you read one book a week?

You're a fucking idiot.

300 page book, 45 pages an hour. Can Leafs not read? that's about 1 hour a day, 2 hours absolute max if slow. Teddy Roosevelt read one book every morning before breakfast as he was a speed reader.

>Working out 3-4 times a week
I work 80 hours a week to tired to work out after a 12 hour shift.
>Reading at least 1 book a week
Would you like me to do that while I am sleeping or working?
>Studying and becoming either a STEM profession, doctor, lawyer, or military officer
Already did eight years in the military and got a AS in Network administration which have done fuck all for me.
>doing at least 10 hours of community service a week
Again when I am working or when I am sleeping?
>Going to church every sunday, and giving alms.
No good excuse for this other than I get one day off so I don't have much motivation to get up early and go to church on the one day I am not working like a slave for the peanuts people throw me.

believe it or not, there are people on here who actually need to make a living.

>being a slave to the green jew

sorry I'm not teddy roosevelt. What's the point in speed reading if you don't absorb anything you read? I'd rather read one book in a long period and truly absorb and understand the message than read 10 books quickly just to stroke my ego

I also need time to reread things and take notes

Better than living on the brink of starvation and mooching off people or worse yet being a drain on society like a nigger and mooching of the government.

because I'd prefer not to do any of those things

>Working out 3-4 times a week
I'm fat and I can't do it that much because I get tired or my knees hurt, gonna start swimming though and lose weight this year.
>Reading at least 1 book a week
Reading books is for fags
>Studying and becoming either a STEM profession, doctor, lawyer, or military officer
Education is a meme, connections is the only way to get a good job
>doing at least 10 hours of community service a week
Sounds gay, don't know what it is but I assume it's working for free and I'm not doing that shit.
>Going to church every sunday, and giving alms.
Nah, I'd rather play vidya or do something else than pray to a god that might not exist and give money to HIV/AIDS ridden niggers down in Africa.

I read harry potter part V in 3 days when I was a kid, and it was the longest of series with 800pages. I still remember the picture on the blue cover, which is odd considering my shitty picture memory.

I do all of that, but I'm studying at at a conservative Lutheran seminary rather than STEM. Someone has to run the churches for you to meet qt3.14 Christian wives at.

1. Do that already
2. I don't read as much as I used to. But I do read a decent amount. 2 or 3 a month I'd say
3. Engineer
4. This community is awful, I do not want to have any ties to it.
5. No excuse other than I don't want to sit there and listen to what I could just read. Plus again i don't really like this community.

That's my WIFE you sonofa bitch...

Your wife looks like a ferret in cartoon heels

cause I am lazy shit

I was smart enough to pass school without studying so I have no habit of working

You're so pathetic. Even a lot of cows aren't quite this bovine.

>>doing at least 10 hours of community service a week
>>Going to church every sunday, and giving alms.

Yes goyim, work for free for the (((community))) and give up your wealth.

why can't i be a blue collar worker

not going to church because I'm not a brainwashed christian burger.

>Working out 3-4 times a week
5 times almost every week
>Reading at least 1 book a week
I ain't got money for that and I like my books physically
>Studying and becoming either a STEM profession, doctor, lawyer, or military officer
>doing at least 10 hours of community service a week
>Going to church every sunday, and giving alms.
There is no Chuch in the Bible, it is a Jewish lie to divide us Christians.

How these NEET faggots have food in the fridge and more than one pair of clothes is beyond me.

just because a jew might benefit or take advantage doesn't make a behavior bad you degenerate

coz I am lazy. And organized religion is a scam.

But what have does things to do with red pills?

1. Need to do this,
2. Yep, or at least the equivalent across all my courses
3. The law school meme...
4. Not doing this anymore sadly.
5. I regularly volunteer at church but don't have income to give.

You should try listening to a recorded sermon at least once a week.

>Going to church

and just like that, you lost me.

No, but it makes you a fucking moron for playing along with it for the sake of "muh values".

But you keep being you, I'm sure Mr. Rosenblatt is very proud of you.

Every neet should be forced into hard labor camps and fed bread and water until they die or pay back every penny of wasted government money.

because i'd rather spend all my free time watching anime

you are a FUCKFACE trying to make everyone think like parasitic selfish jews. white people will get joy from giving to the people around them. i hope you get gassed.

Because I have a trade, full-time job and I'm not a christcuck.

Sunday worship is actually satanic bro, look it up...

>speed reading and not close reading

speed readers are faggots

Or you could just not be a retarded leaf and learn by reading it once instead of having to re-read green eggs and ham to understand the basic point.

>Working out 3-4 times a week

I have a gym subscription but i have time only on weekands.

>Reading at least 1 book a week
I have time to read only on buses and trains.

>Studying and becoming either a STEM profession, doctor, lawyer, or military officer

I have an IT sysadmin proffession i got from my military service and am currently learning to become a java programmer

>>doing at least 10 hours of community service a week
I served 3 years in the fucking military. Give me a break.
>>Going to church every sunday, and giving alms.
I'm not a christian but i go to the synagogue once or twice a year on holidays

1) Check
2) Check
3) Check (biomedical science)
4) 5 years in the military, should hold me over for a few years
5) Church is indeed for cucks

1)Nutrition is fucked up senpai
2) already doing that
3) EE
4) Like what?
5) already doing that

Easy. I'm not a neet contributing nothing to society and economy.

Sorry Avi, but I'm not the one telling people to work for free and give their money to pastor Dave's retirement fund.

You can LARP a white nationalist all you want but you're not fooling anyone.

In all serious, if you have time to do all of this shit, you need to get off of your ass and get a job.

>not getting paid to work out
Bc I realized people appreciate you lifting heavy things/carrying heavy things/labor for them and most of the time pay you.
>reading had anything to do with critical >thinking
Philosophy is for people who don't work, and still pay money to work at a gym
Pursuing science degree. Good thing 50% of stem are female
>give time to community while also >supporting the community monetarily
Why the fuck am i paying sales tax, state and federal tax then? Do away with t
Most of that and ill gladly make my community better you fucking jew. Also, love seeing all the niggers not contribute tax or do fucking anything ever.
Unless you need to source local talent church is a waste of time when you could be working or learning.

why are you on Sup Forums? shouldn't you be building a shelter for the nig spawns?

I work part time as a developer, study mathematics at university (getting good grades), and I'm trying to read a lot of books. But fuck man, lately I've been feeling so low energy. I spend an enormous amount of time on here, it takes me more and more effort to focus on stuff. How do I fix myself?

>Working out 3-4 times a week
Browsing Sup Forums for 30 minutes before hitting the gym
>Reading at least 1 book a week
Currently reading Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. Would recommend
>Studying and becoming either a STEM profession, doctor, lawyer, or military officer
Seventh semester as an electrical engineer. Graduating next December.
>doing at least 10 hours of community service a week + Going to church every sunday, and giving alms.
I volunteer to direct my local catholic church's men's choir.

Feels good knowing I'm helping Western Society

Spend less time here and more time doing other shit.

Seriously, close your fucking browser and go for a run or something.

If you're fat, best thing that you can do is to look in to your diet. Exercise comes after.

I don't eat that much crap to be honest, it's just that I've never bothered working out because I find it boring. I've just decided to do it now because it is getting annoying to find clothes my size that actually look good and I don't feel like being a fat blob anymore. I only eat candy/snacks twice a week so it's not really that big of a deal.

>Working out 3-4 times a week
try 0 because good genetics
>Reading at least 1 book a week
I read a book worth of Sup Forums a week
>Studying and becoming either a STEM profession, doctor, lawyer, or military officer
I'll try in a couple years maybe once I feel good and ready.
>doing at least 10 hours of community service a week
10? Maybe 1 is bearable. Still, none.
>Going to church every sunday, and giving alms.
What's wrong with Saturday?

>STEM field

This is how the kikes control you

I'm 33, have a 10 hour a day job and in a relationship.

>>Going to church every sunday, and giving alms.
ew ew ew ew
religitards please go


>Working out 3-4 times a week
>Reading at least 1 book a week
I read book quite often and plus I'm constantly reading the bullshit you cunts post
>Studying and becoming either a STEM
profession, doctor, lawyer, or military officer
I plan on joining the airforce.
>doing at least 10 hours of community service
a week
Why the fuck would I do that?
>Going to church every sunday, and giving alms.
Why the fuck would I do that?

>Want society to be redpilled?
>Here, do these bluepilled things.
No further comment.

>>Working out 3-4 times a week
>>Reading at least 1 book a week
I read literally 10 hours+ a day browsing the net or imageboards.
>>Studying and becoming either a STEM profession, doctor, lawyer, or military officer
in pharmacy school
>>doing at least 10 hours of community service a week
>>Going to church every sunday, and giving alms.
smelly dumb christcuck

I work out
reading atlas shrugged, doubt I can finish it in a week.
STEM is bullshit, you don't have to have an 8 year degree to prove your worth as a person,
don't have time for community service, considering I have a job and am in a vocal jazz group.
I'm fine with either going to hell or finding out God doesn't exist

What about audio books user?

>>Working out 3-4 times a week
I am trying.
>>Reading at least 1 book a week
I am trying (a bit more succesfull)
>>Studying and becoming either a STEM profession, doctor, lawyer, or military officer
I am.
>>doing at least 10 hours of community service a week
I am not working to help some human trash.
>>Going to church every sunday, and giving alms.
Too much anxiety

i lift weights 3-4 a week
ive been in college so all that college reading
im in accounting, something like 60% of all ceos majored in accounting
fuck community service all im "servicing is blacks and hispanics
i dont go to church but i am religious

Because I AM studying to become a STEM professor and between classes, teaching, and research that's 80+ hours of my week gone.

Taking out time for basics like eating, sleeping, bathing, etc? That's another 60+ hours a week. During a good week I get MAYBE four hours a day to myself.

Now, I COULD spend that four hours a day running laps, pumping iron, and ladling out soup at the homeless shelter.

OR I could relax, watch a little TV, go out and grab a beer with some friends, and do a little shitposting on Sup Forums and not go COMPLETELY FUCKING INSANE.

Everything except last two. No (((Community))) servies. I don't serve the invaders. The church is degernarated beyond believe, i don't come at sunday to hear a cuckservativ priest telling me we need more degerneracy and decline.

>Working out 3-4 times a week
Only twice at the moment as recovering from an injury
>Reading at least 1 book a week
Reading isnt a race. Some books can be read and understood in a week, others require time and re-reading passages to fully digest.
>Studying and becoming either a STEM profession, doctor, lawyer, or military officer
Already done
>doing at least 10 hours of community service a week
Not always possible, but Im part of a mentorship program for local kids when Im at home.
>Going to church every sunday, and giving alms.
Christianity is degenerate and a waste of time

I'm a Grade SSS Autismo.

>I already work out more than that

>I try to, but sometimes there are better things to do

>I'm living a comfy life as a carpenter

>I'm in habitat for humanity and I also help kids in the city who want to pursue carpentry

>I'm not religious

I'm doing pretty great

>not being married by 20
>not having a child by 25
Quit being such a fucking manchild OP

That's a fucking joke NOTHING in university qualifies you to be doing 80 hours a week unless you are retarded.

Holy shit, how much time consuming would it be to get married at 20 and then have a child at 25

this guy knows

>working out 3-4 times a week
im pretty sure being in the Jägers is constant workout...
>reading at least 1 book a week
i have 2.5 hours of free time every day, so how about no? + fuck books
>Studying and becoming either a STEM profession, doctor, lawyer, or military officer
aint an officer, just an NCO.
>doing at least 10 hours of community service a week
arent i doing it 24/7?
>Going to church every sunday, and giving alms.

Alright here goes

>I'm already a good weight and size
>I do
>Plan on joining the army in some form after I finish university
>No time so give to charity instead
>Don't believe in the god of the bible

I'm in my third year, I just finished quals so I've moved on to doing work on my dissertation. My department doesn't get enough funding for me to get paid as an RA full-time, so that means I'm also teaching labs for the undergraduate courses for non-majors.

That means, in a typical semester, I'm taking 3-4 doctoral level classes, teaching four labs with 80-100 students between them, grading weekly lab reports and quizzes for all of them, doing 4-6 hours of office hours for my students every week, AND doing literary review, derivations, and computational work in preparation for the experiments I'm setting up for my dissertation.

That shit adds up.

But tell you what, you go ahead and you work on your own physics PhD and then we can compare workloads, how's that sound?

Because I'm on the god forsaken/pol/ learning about space merchants that want to invade place my underwear covers.

I have too much homework; hopefully I'll be able to do it over the break.

>community service
Same as above. I do a little bit of community service, but not 10 hours a week. Most of the community service around here is handing gibs to niggers anyways.

Not religious.

Cant do any of that shit because am currently doing the Engineering shit

I'm a fat fuck with no time and no motivation

I read enough pol a week for it to count a book.

I am

I do 2 hours a week helping schools teach STEM.

Church is for Christians, the new Jews.

>I don't eat that much crap to be honest
>Is still overweight
Calories in calories out motherfucker you're not a special snowflake with a slow metabolism or some kind of disorder. You're just not eating below your required intake no matter how much you say you "don't eat crap"

>I read enough pol a week to count for a book

because i'd rather sit around sharting while your mom licks the shit off my balls and begs for my hard dick in her ass

This is not redpilled. This is being a robot.

How fat are you? Please talk in normal human units. No pounds.

>Books are for fags
>education is s meme.

Enjoy failure and stupidity.

You can but make sure you are self taught in advance sciences.

1. i am
2. i am
3. i am
4. sorry pal
5. maybe if i could find a qt3.14 gf there


>Working out 3-4 times a week
I work out 2-3 times a week

>Reading at least 1 book a week
I'm busy reading course and work material

>Studying and becoming either a STEM profession, doctor, lawyer, or military officer


>doing at least 10 hours of community service a week

Fuck community service I'm not an inmate and my taxes are already more than enough

>Going to church every sunday, and giving alms.
I already pay high as fuck taxes, I go to church during easter and Christmas, I don't see why I should be there every sunday

OP is a fag as usual

I recently got a new job, full time, so my schedule to work out has been fucked up. Mom recently died and 'm fighting depression like never before.

I always find myself doing chores or trying to maintain a house with my pops and fellow faggots living here.

I'm almost finished with my assoiets in information technology.

I help people through my job.

Haven't been to a church for a while.

>Working out 3-4 times a week
I am.

>Reading at least 1 book a week
I am.

>Studying and becoming either a STEM profession, doctor, lawyer, or military officer
I'm studying economics.

>doing at least 10 hours of community service a week
I'm not a commie, sorry.

>Going to church every sunday, and giving alms.
I am.

Eh, thought it was a "fair enough" post. What's your fucking problem?

Whats wrong with her nose? It looks like someone cut it off.

Because I don't want to do most of those things.

>Working out 3-4 times a week
try 6 times a week you faggot

>Reading at least 1 book a week
it takes a week for you to finish a book? im sorry im not a retard, i read 3 books a week

>Studying and becoming either a STEM profession, doctor, lawyer, or military officer
the stem meme? only homos do this. majored in business logistics and quality control. raking money the easy way

>doing at least 10 hours of community service a week
why would i even do this?

>Going to church every sunday, and giving alms.
i am my own church. the catholic church is a cesspool or corruption that would make jesus vomit. I can praise jesus in my own home, he knows i love him and he loves me back. fuck the church

>Working out 3-4 times a week
I do
>Reading at least 1 book a week
I try
>Studying and becoming either a STEM profession, doctor, lawyer, or military officer
>doing at least 10 hours of community service a week
>Going to church every sunday, and giving alms.
Not religious.

Yeah let me pay you with rocks retard.

Because fuck you.