Sup Forums, what is best way to destroy United States? Remember Italy is poor what do I?
Destroy USA
Collect Sandniggers at African Coast, ship them to the USA.
emigrate, you filthy terùn
Please only contribution from no 3rd world trash
you probably from South, you don't even know Italian
Come to Mexico & become a drug dealer.
impara l'inglese terrone di merda. Dovevano gasarvi insieme agli ebrei.
Giudicando dalla mano mezza negra o sei un terrone on un rumeno-albanese sottosviluppato
Here you go. Million Dollar Extreme's new book.
How is your brother doing?
its already destroyed
You're best chance was the mafia. Sorry, Papa John but the best you can do is try to club us to death with bread sticks. Make sure you bring the marinara, because that's the only thing that will be red at the crime scene.
I mean your :p
import asian women and black men
force breed till the white race in america dies
than all the hapa asians move back to korea china japan
america is left with a bunch of niggers
the end
Are you using a proxy paco?
It's already destroyed
>Giudicando dalla mano mezza negra
Quello che stavo per dire
OP è algerino
The problem with the USA is that it is always chaos
US has already killed itself.
Wagasha wa mou shindeiru.
Become an USA cop and shot niggers.
Continue to watch.
Watashi wa you pleb
Trump is likely to fuck the USA up more than any Italian ever could.
Claim that pizza and pasta dishes are cultural appropriation.
The left would start a civil war with one another over this.