I am going to become Christian as a way to preserve western culture and civilization.
What is the most uncucked version of Christianity?
I am going to become Christian as a way to preserve western culture and civilization.
What is the most uncucked version of Christianity?
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Of course a Brit would say that
I feel like I would have to be born into this
Why don't suit your armor and get a holy AR-M4?
As a roman catholic (born and raised), no, as a proud and strong christian, I advise you choose orthodoxy, trust me
Non Denominational
non protestant
Because everybody who runs to orthodoxy during troubled times and doesn't ride the tiger and act as a good example contrary to the current situation is a faggot.
>Pope kisses refugee feet
>Welp, that action of man just ruined 2k years of theology, time to leave
I hate these people
I was raised catholic, but I don't believe that things invented by man can truly represent god, therefore I have been against organized religion for most of my life
There is no uncucked version of Christianity. It is inherently cucky.
>According to the vitae, Boniface had never relinquished his hope of converting the Frisians, and in 754 he set out with a retinue for Frisia. He baptized a great number and summoned a general meeting for confirmation at a place not far from Dokkum, between Franeker and Groningen. Instead of his converts, however, a group of armed robbers appeared who slew the aged archbishop. The vitae mention that Boniface persuaded his (armed) comrades to lay down their arms: "Cease fighting. Lay down your arms, for we are told in Scripture not to render evil for good but to overcome evil by good."[23]
>I feel like I would have to be born into this
Not at all. I'm a convert. It's pretty cool.
Well, I guess you're reborn into it, what with baptism and all.
Reminder you don't do that all the time. Only when it works. Because believe it or not, it works at times.
Attila didn't sack the vatican (well the old church before it was replaced in the renaissance) because the pope went out to meet him on the battlefield completely unarmed
>get attacked by pagan bandits
>convince your own men to lay down arms while defending their own lives
>get murdered
hmmmm yeah it worked all right
If the west had a version of the mongols, I would definitely become one of those, but we have to use the resources we have
Frisia became Christian didn't it?
then it worked just fine.
id be happy to bet my own life that was due to inevitable continent-wide change and not some cucky archbishop getting himself killed.
Christian identity.
Roman Catholicism (sedevacantist position)
Protestant--->Calvinist--->Christian Reconstructionism, Rousas Rushdoony has tackled practically every issue under the sun and he has a homeschool curriculum. If you're intellectually-gifted go here.
Widescale change starts with individuals. The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.
What is that?
this is the only cuckstianity i respect
Depends on what you mean by uncucked.
I go to a non-denominational church that's mainly evangelical/Presbyterian protestant. My pastor said he was voting for Trump right before the election.
Depends on the church really, you have to check them out for yourself.
Also the church doesn't have to be completely redpilled for you to go there and benefit from it. You could always complete the process.
Catholicism is shit-tier Christianity, just above Mormonism in terms of heresy
Sedevacantists believe the throne of Peter is currently unoccupied.
Probably Orthodoxy. Protestantism and Catholicism have both changed ideologies so much that they are a far cry of what they were when Marthin Luther and the original pope's created.
die faggot
Catholicism no do doubt as it is most similar to our old pagan ways. youtube.com
My own beliefs are actually closer to that of asatru, but that will never take in the US and has no potential to preserve western civilization
>What is the most uncucked version of Christianity?
My ass.
>the bible isn't open to interpretation unless it supports my beliefs!
Don't listen to these faggots.
Become a Mormon and here's why.
>extremely close knit group
>best potlucks of any church
>accepts asians (see potlucks)
>hate black people
>hate gays
>girls turn into total whores by 15
>free bus rides
>will pay your rent/bills if you get fired
>have entire factories churning out survival supplies for 100 years
>you will never be alone
>even they don't really believe that book of mormon shit
>best campsites in the US are private Mormon land
>best fishing/camping/boating (see above)
>ever met a broke ass Mormon? You sure haven't. They are all lawyers and doctors and dentists and scientists and shit.
>they'll pay for your school
Orthodoxy is true Christianity.
You don't have to be born into it just join a church and get baptized.
The Orthodox church blesses Russian warheads.
Our entire purpose is to say 'fuck you' to the papacy.
Given today's heathen pope, I've never been more proud.
Amish obviously.
Dont be a pussy. Do it OP.
Fundamental baptist, KJV only, preferably independent
- not run by pedophiles
- no homo/woman preachers like in methodism
- no magic underwear and spirit children
- no secret ceremonies copied from freemasonry
- not founded by fake post-NT prophets
- most biblical sect
eh... define uncucked version of a religion that tells you how to live your life?
No, but seriously - go with Judaism. Anything from the old scriptures - all about hell if you do wrong and avenging wrongdoings eye for an eye.
Why, it's not wrong is it. Exactly what Christians are like. Take the kike worshiping back to the desert where it belongs. It's not European and will never be.
This honestly sounds pretty good
But not the weird progressive kind that is killing the Church from within.
Literal heresy.
Christianity is the most uncucked version of Christianity. There is no Church in the Bible and thus different versions of it are Jewish plot to divide and conquer us.
Non-denominational. I am a christain.
The only thing that pisses me off about it, is that some of the beta males fucking dress like fag hipsters and have man buns. Little soft white hands. Makes me cringe. God meant for the man to be strong and dominant not a little bitch beta.
>not Paganism
If you're gonna worship a kike on a stick at least pick Orthodoxy
Judaism is old news. No modern Jew follows OT law. Why even bother since it'll get you sent to hell anyway?
Roman Paganism of course. What Christianity was designed to (and did) destroy.
>no church in the bible
You've never read it have you?
Catholic. Bad pope at the moment, but it is the true form of Christianity, with tradition that stretchs back to Rome.
Actually the non SJW sect of the Presbyterians have always seemed pretty ideal to me. Litergical but not ritualistic and more intellectual than the baptists.
The Catholics are too ritualized in my opinion the protestants are right about that. Now the baptists have a pretty strict interpretation of the text but are rife with "peckerwood" notions, and they put a premium on ignorance, but they are fairly honest about the text. A Christian should believe that the text is the living Word of God, and you aren't really doing it right if you think it has faults or certain parts don't count, or that it is just a guidebook. There is also a reasonable realm of interpretation in all honesty that modern sects frequently go beyond in order to make the text fit with the secular worldview of the time. Some things can be interpreted different ways by reasonable people- some cannot. The methodists for example are a social club loosely joined together by Protestant ritual- the faith and adherence to the text aren't required.
Most folks on /pol wouldn't like the Christian message anyways because it tells us that things will get really bad, and that you will have to endure exactly the sort of ridicule that you are seeing rise up right now. The text foretells that it will happen, and on this board I think the unifying attitude is *resistance* to the groups pushing those attitudes against traditional belief (not necessarily Christianity.)
But at any rate, the Bible is an amazing document no matter how you look at it, and its fulfilling to people. Even if you don't believe it, it should be required reading just on the basis that it's themes are the most pervasive in European literature and art. For our best art, literature, and general culture the Bible is basically our Rosetta Stone. (Up until now at least- though I'd argue we don't have any real art music or culture to speak of these days).
Westboro baptist church
Hahah, enjoy kissing the Pope's feet mate.
We are sovereign in every way.
butthurt mohammed detected
The head of your church is a woman.
Eastern Orthodox
All others are heresies and/or totally cucked.
Dutch Calvinist.
Not an argument.
That's only because she was in line to the throne.
It will soon be our King who is Defender of the Faith.
Fucking right. You know that's badass son
The fact remains that a woman is in charge of your church now, and could be again.
1 Timothy 2:12.
Ancient Greeks are the true western culture faggot.
Catholicism or orthodox, the rest are butthurted fags from the 16th century or American cults that deny science.
>inb4 pope licks Muslim feet
Jesus would do the same thing, but if you want you can say #NotMyPope!
''Catholic Lite—same rituals, half the guilt."
Good luck user in your choice to preserve Christianity in the west world.
>1 Timothy 2:12.
Loyalty is not in the woman, but to the throne.
An American would never understand this. Unless in terms of the flag.
Timothy 2:12:
do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man she must be quiet.
Best of luck, friend.
No you are wrong. Before Christianism there wasn't something called Western Civilization. What united Europeans was religion. Christendom gave life to a common body to all europeans.
Matthew 23:9
Anglicanism is really the Brexit equivalent of Christianity.
>the ones who defined the word heresy
>somehow heretics
Irrelevant to the line of current discussion. Don't try to mask your inadequacies by focusing on the perceived flaws of others.
Christianity is the way forward and mine and your only hope.
Hitler even fought to preserve Christianity: source
There are many sects of Christianity and to choose one is tough. I think that christian Identity is the correct interpretation of Christianity.
From Google:
Christian Identity is a religious ideology popular in extreme right-wing circles. Adherents believe that whites of European descent can be traced back to the "Lost Tribes of Israel." Many consider Jews to be the Satanic offspring of Eve and the Serpent, while non-whites are "mud peoples" created before Adam and Eve.
Who are the Gentiles by Bertrand Comparet
Have you not seen the fucking Vatican? The place is a huge paedo monopoly using God as its front for corruption.
>Comparing a heretic attitude taken by a horny king to Brexit
You are not making a good point here
>This fucking guy thinks the only reason for the Acts of Supremacy coming into being were so King Henry VIII could fuck.
>Brazilian education.
I can assure you that there were indeed many more reasons than his desire for a male heir, religious taxation from the Pope being one of those -the same as the EU does now.
You don't know shit about English history.
Too much ritual for my taste, and the pope is too deified. True, the protestants have developed some negative qualities but they were right to reject the excesses of Catholicism. Its more of a cult in my opinion because it relies so heavily on grand structure, history, ritual, and symbolism in order to make an impression on people rather than the text itself.
Read the King James, it'll speak true to you.
Anglicanism is present all over the world, even in 12 Japanese cities.
But the text itself is only a part of the church. You're expecting muslim behavior from Christians.
>Pulling xenophobic card
I'm gonna call the English Department of Homeland Diversity you wanker.
Obviously Orthodoxy
Also read The Book of Common Prayer, it's redpilled no-excess no-paedo, no gold or symbolic bullshit.
>bad pope at the moment
I hate Muslims to, but Jesus would do the same thing. It's not the Christians that need conversion, but the sinners, Muslims etc. Who needs a doctor most? An healthy dude or a sick man? Think about this. Christianity isn't about muh DEUS VULT or muh holy war. It's about peace and following the good path and loving everybody like Jesus loved us. Unless you're a saint nobody can do this, but we can do our best.
I like the HCSB the best to be honest.
Jesus didn't heal those who cursed him. He told us "Do not give what is holy to dogs; and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under foot and turn and maul you."
Just because the people there are pedos that doesn't mean the ideology of the church is wrong. Two completely different things.
Then choose Anglicanism my friend.
Independent Baptist
I can't post the links because 4 chan keeps telling me my post is spam, but there are links entitled if you google 'church of England on jews'
>(Jerusalem Post)Jews angry over Church of England anti-Israelism
>(Why does the Church of England hold Jews in contempt?
Jews hate us, we hate them. What does that tell you?
Anyone wondering about the differences between Protestants and Catholics should research the reformation and Martin Luther.
Universalism. The most cucked version of Christianity is evangelism. my parents church. It's filled with globalist and multicultural propaganda.
I would say Roman Catholic but the fucking Pope is a globalist pawn.
Catholic, but you need to find an FSSP or SSPX mass to attend, not the novus ordo (the sacraments are pivotal). Also, you need to read Chesterton, Belloc, Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Russel Kirk et al to become acquainted with the modern struggle. It's a fucking shit fight man; put on the armor of God and be ready