Literally can't argue this.
Literally can't argue this
Other urls found in this thread:
>of color
For God's sake why don't you read the fucking Bible?
>haha stupid Christians let me tell you about that book I've never read
>executed because he stood up against the jews
>caring about dead jews
He was killed by jews.
Havnt seen anyone use esquire in their name since bill s preston.
He was but he was killed by jews
>wrongfully charged
"No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again."
>of color
so jews
It sounds like Elisabeth never fucking read John 3:16.
Jesus willingly sacrificed himself. It was all part of the plan. He wasn't a victim.
Can't you fucking Americans read a fucking book about your own god damn religion?
Pilate said let the Jewish people decide because he found him innocent. He didn't want the blood of Christ on his hands.
>impregnate own mother
>give birth to myself
>grow up
>travel around and tell you about myself
>sacrifice myself to myself to save you from myself
seems legit
Nah Jesus was just a kike.
>implying jesus was a real person
checkmate atheists
A man of color killed by men of color. Some things never change.
>Rome was unjust
Nice try Gaul
So every nigger who gets shot up now is Jesus to them.
>the Father's hypostasis is the Son's hypostasis
lel no
>of color
i can make up stories too if i don't have to present any evidence to support my claims
>christianity is an american religion
fucking retard
>Jesus willingly sacrificed himself. It was all part of the plan. He wasn't a victim.
So it was really "they expect one of us on that cross, brother"?
Interesting approach to being humiliated by that other yank's post.
>wrongfully charged
>by jews
I like how she conveniently left that part out :^)
And, like when it happens here, humanity ends up gaining from it.
how ignorant, our jesus was born of shepherds in a manger out in the stables with the barnyard crew. #MerryChristmas :)
Yes and? I don't get what is trying to say. Be thankful for Jesus and remember this time of year is about his birth and eventual sacrifice? Amen. Good looking out lady.
He clearly means the girl that did the post, not the religion.
Jesus was a right winger going against the libtards of the time. The liberals were the Jews and they killed him for speaking out against their opinions.
Jesus was killed by liberals.
>of color
>militarized state
Rome didn't care, jews got upset that the savior had come and was going to prevent them from making shekels.
The romans didn't care about Jesus, they just did it to appease the jews for some reason.
>man of color
according to their logic this is a man of color while pasta niggers are white
Thats because u are a retard, also
>1 post by this ID
>white people abused JESUS TOO!!!!
>totally wasn't and isn't Jews
TIL Jesus was born without arms
Reminder, liberals once objected to Rami Malek playing an Egyptian god in Night at the Museum, while he himself is Egyptian. Now he's lauded as the "unconventional POC hero".
>of color
He was only executed because Jews demanded it.
Oy vey!
I had a good laugh from this article
“jesus had red complexion, curly hair and a broad chest.” Bukhari 4:55:648
Now note, this is not even a Bible description but an Islamic one.
The rival religion basically admits Jesus was a swole Ginger and therefore not part of their cool arab/brown clique.
Funny how much you can learn just by merely reading what was written, not only by one side but by all sides. You get a very clear picture of old world politics.
The bible was written over 500 years before Muhammed was born, how would they know what he looks like?
They also said mo was a rosy ginger, your point?
So is nobody going to point out that Jesus wasn't even real and most of his legacy was just taken from Mithra, even December 25th is Mithra's birthday, not popsicle stick man's.
>man of color
Tanned jews are now considered colored?
He was a Mediterranean Jew, genetically he's basically Italian.
>red complexion
How many pale gingers do you know with red complexions? Lmao
You just read red hair didn't you? Stupid Semite.
wtf i hate my jesus now
It's Gee-Sus
Not the nigger version pronounced, Hey-Zeus
you dont realize what red complexion means do you?
Gingers turn "red" the fastest in sun. They have the most red/pink undertones to their skin.
Coincidentally, dark skinned people or "POC" have no red/pink undertones to their complexion.
>people didn't exist during those 500 years
>they couldn't possibly pass down knowledge
no, its only our modern generation that is too prideful to learn from the older generations.
We are the anomaly, not them.
jesus was a liberal cuck
no? read the bible instead of being edgy on image boards
this is fake right
>of color
>just to add dramatism
she can burn in hell for all i care
Jokes on her, Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus
But whereas Jews were not the reason Rome became militarized, blacks are the reason American police have become militarized.
>a militarized state
that's a big cross
>unjust military state
You mean a bunch of bitter jelly san hedrin kikes who weren't happy about being questioned
But keep being a
>good goy
faggot b8 OP
>he thinks the Romans killed jesus
>black people Unironically believe they are Jesus
You can't make this up
Yeshua was a Middle-Eastern Orthodox Jewish sandnigger.
Sup Forums is full of fucking retards.
They were all the same "color" anyway, He came to die and be resurrected. He was the ONLY innocent one
The book by the jews is false. We all know he got crucified for being a shitty carpenter. Who has not hired a carpenter that did a shitty job and you just wanna crucifie him for it. The book is filled with lies. Jesus was a god damn hippie and no one likes hippies. Not jews, not romans and specially not jesus after "peace and love" phase he had failed hard.
Was Jesus Irish?
i did , well not the whole thing but parts .
Yeshua wouldn't even have been his name retard.
>Jew/sandnigger causes shit
>romans nail him to a cross
>other Jews/sandniggers claim they saw him ressurected
>white europeans send telepathic messages to this Jew 2000 years later
I mean... everyone else there was dark of complexion as well lol
>of color
Don't these people believe that the modern conception of race began with the transatlantic slave trade?
>the executioner kills the man and not the people who decided his death.
>the bible isn't real hahahaha
>the bible is real hahahaha
these people have never analyzed a book in their life and the bible is probably the last one you wanna start with because it's like 1000s of books smashed into fucking one.
that's not even the point of the story
Romans had no choice my white friend. The top kikes wanted him dead. It was either kill someone who to them was a nobody or deal with a potential revolution.
My mom told me i was jewish but that i should be christian indtead. Fuck that bitch jesus sucked. Old testament is so much more sensible.
And after self identifying as a jew i quickly learned their habbits. You learn to hate jesus when every fucking goyim tries to convert you. I feel more american then jewish i dont even believe in god.
But i belive in jesus allright. Fucking kike.
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
How can you continue to fall for such weak baits?!
They like having extra titles
>wow that is a nice castle you have there. But what is this dust i see on the window sill.
Fuck off.
remember to sage this shit bait
>wrongfully charged
I mean, it was completely lawful that they put him on the cross. It's not like they randomly did it
kek excellently put
shes right tho
Jews wouldnt worship someone raising the dead. White people venerated one of his apostles for surviving a snake bite. Acts 28.
no, christ spoke against corruption of his word and law. Not the law itself.
not like OP is wrong though
White people literally whitewashed Jesus over the centuries. Say it with me white people: WE WUZ JEZUS
He was still wrongly charged!
>Militarized state
>"Muh Romans killed Jesus"
She forgot he was also (((((a Jew))))).
Jew and Gentile killed Jesus.
As did Christians.
He died for all our sins.
Lamb or God, You take away the sins of the world. Have mercy on us.