Why are they trying to blame the Russians for the hacking?

Why are they trying to blame the Russians for the hacking?

How would they even know it was them?

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If there is a hacking anywhere in the world, 80% odds says a Russian did it. It's just what they do.

First question is irrelevant.

Second question can be answered by logs.

I beg to differ. That's what those squinty eyes rice patty eating fuckers do.

Chinese hack only whom their government tells them to hack.
In Russia, it's a sport.

jeez, they only want you to believe it was russians for their purposes.
have you read 1984?
wake up sheeple!

Anti-NATO man likes anti-NATO man

> Help me with my cartography homework plz Donald, I want to redraw Europe.

Sure, that why I'm the president

> Yeah that's right!

>i've never been to russia or cis countries

They are just too prideful to accept it was a 400lbs NEET hacker living in their moms basement fueled by tendies and autism.

The US has been systematically eliminating all non ally governments in the middle east. The end goal is Iran, which both Israel and Saudi Arabia want destroyed.
Syria is left standing in their way, and also happens to be an ally of Russia.

The administration has been trying to grow anti Russian sentiment in the US so they'd have public support for hostilities against Russian forces in Syria.
They have been trying to lay the groundwork for WWIII.

Now that Trump is going to take over it won't be happening, and they're still butthurt about it.

>Trump claims theres voter fraud
>Obama laughs at him and says its impossible
>Hillary loses
>Now they're trying to claim Russia made Trump win through voter fraud

Typical shitlib behavior.

Trump is an unwitting Russian puppet.

>inb4 contrarian Putin-loving bootlickers

Because they do you fucking traitor. Letting the Russians pick your president for you. That's the ultimate cuckoldry

When Trump will be president, all the hacking will have been done by the chinese.

Fact is, noone can know for certain who hacked who. The only measurement is looking for certain code and hacking styles, and bind them to interests of certain countries.

But really, they can't know, so they just throw mud at a country that they want to villainify.

>Now they're trying to claim Russia made Trump win through voter fraud

If you had actually read the news, you'd know that's not what happened.

Instead, Russia selectively leaked DNC and Hillary campaign emails (while holding back hacked RNC emails), and put out tons of fake pro-Trump news, in order to dupe the American electorate into voting for Trump.

let's be honest it was either russia or china, and russia actually has motive

Obama knows that Trump is a dangerous man who wants war with Russia. Him being a racist, sexist, homophobe and islamophobe aside. Obama will do anything to stop him so Hillary can take over. She is by far more competent and honest than Trump.

China, on the other hand, would have motive to help Hillary. Trump made it abundantly clear how much he dislikes China.

You certainly are a good little brain washed goyim.
Stories about Russia being behind Wikileaks releases are "fake news" that Hillary's campaign started. There isn't a single shred of truth there.
Russia isn't behind the DNC being exposed as the lying, corrupt, filth that they are.

DNC staffers leaked those documents, and one of them was assassinated for it. Claiming that Wikileaks is in anyway compromised or controlled by Russia is pathetic, and shows you have no critical thinking skills whatsoever. You quite literally are brain washed.

>Everything that supports Hillary is the bible truth!
>Anything even remotely pro Trump is fake news!
>I'll just ignore all of the total fabrications put out by the Hillary campaign!

>You certainly are a good little brain washed goyim.

Hey, it's your guy who's an AIPAC/Likud puppet and will do anything to publicly kiss Netanyahu's ass.

>Trump wants war with Russia
u drunk?

Brainwashed ameritards. They really teach you in burgerland how russians want to take over your floating island, and idiots actually belive it.

Non-Jewish Trump supporters are literally cucked goyim.

>actually believing Hillary isn't bought and paid for by Israel and Saudi Arabia like every other president in recent history
>when the money shes taken from the Saudis is public fact
>and her relationship with Bibi is well documented going back years

Yep, you are literally brain washed.
I didn't vote for Trump by the way. I didn't vote at all.

A ты нe вepишь им?

This isn't Counter Strike fag

No. A fucking php-monkey in the USA earns something around 90K USD a year, it's about 450K RUR a month. Who the fuck will stay in that shithole helping Putin with Russian salaries.

>Second question can be answered by logs.
basically this. honestly how can people on Sup Forums be so clueless that they don't have a vague grasp of computer forensics? this is like expressing disbelief at genetic testing. maybe you didn't learn about it in high school, but it's a whole thing that scientists have gone and become experts in.

It's all media stuff, they're just trying to distract themselves from how BTFO Democrats got.

It's an easy all powerful boogeyman that you can blame all your problems on. Cold war tensions are still hot.

because they know when trump gets in, he has the backing of patriots in the fbi and theyre going to investigate all the crooks and child molesters all over our government and the whole system is going to explode. its to be expected theyd try this, their lives are on the line.

lol ok

There's a lot at stake.

>Trump wins
>Trump is friendly with Putin
>Putin has a blank check to do whatever he wants on the eastern hemisphere
>Ukraine is now a Russian territory

I mean really, Russia could annex every country around it and unite all the countries that were part of the former USSR. Clinton would never allow that to happen. So the question is, why wouldn't Russia want to get involved in the election?

>Second question can be answered by logs.

Logs? Seriously?

"Hackers" do not expose their ip or location. Logs would never know which country the attack came from.
With all of the pen testing I have done, I have always bounced my ip through a Russian proxy for the last hop.

>Instead, Russia selectively leaked DNC and Hillary campaign emails (while holding back hacked RNC emails), and put out tons of fake pro-Trump news, in order to dupe the American electorate into voting for Trump.

russia didnt leak anything, people within the fbi and dnc did. they killed one of them off named seth rich, wikileaks themselves offered a reward for info about his murder.

Isn't russia military very crippled right now and they rely on rusted and obsolete military technology and planes and tanks from the soviet era?

>Who the fuck will stay in that shithole helping Putin with Russian salaries.
Someone who will be well paid by the oligarchs or mafia?

by getting the NSA to ha-- i mean determine legally that that is the case

Pol is thataway.

>Instead, Russia selectively leaked DNC and Hillary campaign emails
While CNN gave Hillary questions in advance.

Russia didn't even need to leak anything,
USA does a good enough job as self-sabotage.

They have netflow data for the entire planet, and in some cases full packet captures into multi-day ring buffers.

That way you can track packets entering and leaving a computer node -- and trace the "behind 12 proxies" to the source.

Not sayin' it is true, though.

>russia didnt leak anything, people within the fbi and dnc did.

Got any evidence for that or is it just more wishful thinking pulled out of your/Alex Jones's fat ass?

Good enough to take over Crimea


Who is to say none of the Republican primary candidates also had a media insider to give him debate questions in advance?

All we know is what the Russians have decided we should know.

Not sure if you are trolling or genuine retarded?

it's amazing how certain neophytes are that their countermeasures are sufficient. it's like the dunning-kruger effect is everywhere

yea i have evidence: wikileaks themselves offered money for info about his murder and insinuated he was a source. now wheres your evidence about the russian boogeyman? your side is the one going around asking to be believed after all.

future pizzeria shooter ITT

That never happened.

>basically this. honestly how can people on Sup Forums be so clueless that they don't have a vague grasp of computer forensics?
Because most everyone with an opinion about it are political ideologues or conspiracy theorists who believe in all sorts of things regardless of research or forensics.

evidence for your claim? oh you have none. bt we do have full evidence the dnc rigged the elections, the debates, and even that bernie was in on it. too bad for you :)

Hello, CTR.


considering that you don't seem to know how to use an adverb or whether your post was a statement or a question, it might be more helpful for you to reflect on the possible merit of posts you don't immediately agree with or understand. it's probably more likely that you just don't understand than anything else is.

So retarded it is.

>not the hacker Sup Forums

>now wheres your evidence about the russian boogeyman

Literally everything that the American intel community has reported since the middle of this year. Are you going to say they're all in Hillary's pocket too, now?

it's not a great tactic to self-diagnose, user, but start from there and get help, buddy

>It's all media stuff, they're just trying to distract themselves from how BTFO Democrats got.
Being in this much denial

oh wow thats some good evidence you got there CTR

I was not the one who posted retarded statment exposing own complete ignorance of the subject and making idiot of myself. But keep posting.

lol okay, buddy

Whatever you say, Evgeniy/Mordechai.

>fake news
cmon you can do better than that

Fair enough. It could be a one-time deal with international pros.

>Why are they trying to blame the Russians for the hacking?
They're still in denial that Hillary lost. They believed all their stupid polls that said Hillary had a 99% chance of winning because they samples Democrats as half the electorate. Hillary lost so it must be the Russians that caused it.

DNC whistleblowers and the FBI are exposing the child molester "spirit" party cult within the government by releasing their own emails and they are scared shitless. I can't wait until President Trump gives the go ahead to put all of them on trial for treason.

I second this. I'm not a pentester because I'm no white chicken shit hat. I do things my way.

But I usually use Tor over a stolen WiFi to connect to a compromised machine, and SSH tunnel from that to one of many compromised servers.

Even still, my exploit system and initial reverse connect shells aren't the same as the other servers C2.

Logs only reveal my initial exploit server which I know will be caught. No fucking point.

wait are there still people here who think the child molester shit was real? how do you people drive cars and dress yourselves and stuff?

Open any news website and check who's gonna be in Trump's government. 70% lobbyists and the rest is a bunch of neocon generals and jews.

>10 cents per post to cover up the child sex trafficking within the DNC

>voter fraud

if you think the last hop is the only thing a nation state can investigate, i think you're getting ahead of yourself with the whole white hat/black hat thing. you're more of a pink fedora.

Prove it's not real ;^)

That's why I used quotes

as hard as it is to believe, i'm genuinely worried about the state of people who don't realize pizzagate was the fever dream of some john nash wannabes.

prove you can dress yourself without your parents or a nurse helping you

>open up fake news who said hillary had a 95% chance of winning
no thanks. ill just wait for trump himself to list the people and why he picked them.


yes we all know how worried your boss Soros is, he is paying you to post after all.

proofs faggot

they are just butthurt losers (democrats, cia and mainstream media)


They lost the election and are butthurt

Trump is gonna put an end to CIA proxy wars in other countries

>Mainstream Media
They lost the election and are butthurt

>Who is to say none of the Republican primary candidates also had a media insider to give him debate questions in advance?

common sense. anyone with even the slightest shred of intellect could easily see which way the scales were being tipped

Which is why I took precautions before the last hop dipshit. I take precaution on all 7 layers.

Keep being an illiterate.

>Hey Putin let's hack the us and be really really not stealthy about it by doing it out of russia because we totally don't have the funds to send a bunch of people to some shithole to do it from there.

Hillary won by over 2.5 million votes (and counting). Suck shit, Trump Chump.

These fuckers don't know what layers are.
The more time I spend on g the more I realize how tech illiterate they are.

Because Russians are mostly white males, and white males are evil.
Just like the white males who voted for Trump.

If Democrats and liberals weren't so obsessed with insulting, degrading, and generally waging a Jihad against white males, Trump would never have won.
But they couldn't help themselves to stop insulting white males, and the white males decided "enough is enough, have my middle finger you fucking shits, i'm voting for Trump and this is my way of throwing a brick out the window".
And now they are still waging a war of hate against the white males, and they are still gonna continue losing since condescending self-righteous hate is all they are capable of.

that doesn't mean shit because we're not a democracy you fucking retard

being friendly with putin doesn't mean sucking his cock you idiot

and yes you are right clinton would never allow that to happen she would just go and start ww3 but that would be ok as long as we don't even concider to act like civilized people towards other stateleaders

Nice consolation prize.




Because they fucking did it. I voted for trump but it's naive to believe the election wasn't influenced by russia.

But you are a democracy you stupid fuck.
You are a democratic UNION. You are not a democratic nation-state, but a democratic UNION.
The electorate ensures that MINORITY STATES ARE REPRESENTED.

That's by any and all definitions, DEMOCRACY WITHIN A UNION.

If you don't like it, then you have to change the name of the country from USA to something else, and make it a nation-state, and rearrange all the borders and political divisions.


just as it is influenced by that random fag on youtube
it's irrelevant as long as nothing illegal happened

>rearrange all the borders and political divisions.

Nah, Republicans already did that after 2012.

>what is a constitutional republic

You sure are doing a good job convincing anyone to vote your way user.
Oh wait!

Slavs are considered white now? Things sure have changed.