It's the only way to save Europe, Islam is the final redpill, look beyond the Jewish lies Sup Forums.
It's the only way to save Europe, Islam is the final redpill, look beyond the Jewish lies Sup Forums
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>posting a drawing of the Prophet (PBUH)
no lol
preach my brother!
allah ackbar!
Who said that was a picture of the Prophet (PBUH)?
Pls explain how Islam is "The final redpill"
More like this, don't you think?
>Masculine men and feminine women
>No alcohol or degenerate drugs
>No faggots
>Hates Jews
>Best Holidays
>Arabic is best language
>Temporary Hell
>Mosques are 10x more beautiful than the average church
>better food
>Condems sluts and promiscuity
How could it not be the final redpill?
Fuck off
>saving European culture and heritage by making Europeans submit to a semitic culture and religion
It worked before right guys?
> Best Holidays
How is Ramadan a good Holiday?
Arabic is best language?
Define "best" because the quran is like 1500 years old and people still can't get the interpretations correct.
> Better food
That's more cultural than religious. I think Spanish, Italian, South Asian and Japanese food food is the shit. Middle Eastern cuisine is Okay at best in comparison.
fuck off
You forgot to mention
>Shitty music
>Perpetuation of scientific illiteracy
>Honor killings
And much more. Kill yourself, you fucking shitskin
Europe is bad because of islam.
There's a reason why muslim countries are largely unsuccessful and full of dumb goatfuckers with little contribution to the global society whereas white countries are the richest and most successful, and contribute the most to the development of society.
Fucking 9 year old Aisha is the future? Seriously?
The middle eastern country with the best food has the most christians.
Holy shit, that pic.
Meanwhile the reality is exactly the opposite with Muslims drowning by the thousands, and EU countries fishing them out of the Mediterranean.
Written by a Muslim, what could you expect?
>Masculine men
Just hairy and smelly , with a shitty rapey personality waging jihad on non-believers
>Feminine women
HAHAHAHAHHAH what models? maybe , the average muslim women usualy arabs are fat ugly and dumb ... try harder faggot
>No faggots
Depends on how you look at it , fucking boy children in the ass is also faggotry, and faggots aren't that bad when they are behaved , unlike Mohammad that fucks goats and children...
>Hates Jews
Why are jews bad? Isreali jews are quite good , they're just fucked up people because of the abuse from other nations from which they had a tendency to fuck them up... understandable but as a people we should never hate. Dislike maybe... but hate, too negative.
>Best Holidays
Go read so history books , also subjective as fuck... first of all you cannot enjoy wine which has been proven to make your life better.
>Arabic is best language
Subjective , try harder there are plently of languages that sound better , feel , better and convey more with less.
Sadly Arabic sounds like pork swine , which really explains why you don't eat pork...
>Temporary hell
Implying there is a hell , we can debate Hell as much as you want , but Hell is irelevant. Whats the porpuse of punishment when there is nothing to gain from the tourment , imagine having a place where time/resorcers and other things are spend just to keep people...
On earth it makes sense like a prison, especially when there is something to gain or to maintain social decency but when you are a GOD , punishing non-belivers makes no sense , nothing to gain ... except maybe pleasure from seeing those that didn't listen in pain
But that would mean the people on the otherside who watches are masochis and so is god
Says you, Mosques are quite blend , borrying , and simple , the best Mosques are ex-churches.
>Better food
Cultural thing , not a religios thing... you cannot claim turkish or persian food as your own , most Turkish/persian dishes predate islam , they've only been changed
>Condems sluts and promiscuity
Are you even trying?
Bretty much every religion condems sluts and promiscuity , nothing new. The only diffrence you stone , kill , murder at the first sign of anything without trial , without justice... just senseless killing most of the times.
To conclude you are brainless , slaves to your leaders and what you think is GOD... just slave wondering around thinking he is something when in actuality , he is nothing... There is no light at the tunnel and you are just a indotrinated sheep that follows blindly.
Your religion speaks of peace with other muslims , yet it says war, murder and enslavement for non-believers.
Your religion has no free will , you are blind and you must do. Often times you fall prey to mub mentality and go destory.
Your religion never build anything , you just took over and shat upon everything ... look at the middle east once filled with great nations,empires,kingsdoms, that atually build today just ruins... ruins everywhere which you happily remove and destory to hide the fact that you are worthless.
And again as for Faggots there are plently of faggots in your religion , it's just more disgusting then others to talk about
>European culture
> Islam
pick one