Jew appreciation thread jews have highest iq, make most money, most trustworthy and loyal, they are very conservative and their women look the best
Jew appreciation thread jews have highest iq, make most money, most trustworthy and loyal...
>Puerto Rican
>Central American
Those are geographic terms dipshit, not racial ones you fucking retard
Maybe jews aren't so smart
Jew here, AMA
>sample size
I shot your mom in the face with one of my samples of considerable size.
>tfw not jew but have more in common with them than Sup Forums because of my high IQ
How does it feel to be master race
they're so smart that they're going to get themselves killed thanks to the muslim giant they awoke.
>sub-sample size of 33
pick one and only one kikeleystein, maybe don't pick a liberal arts major next time
Some days I wish I had been born a Jew so I could get the gold and control the world.
>their women look the best
It would be stupid to have bigger sample size because they already saw that jews aew so inteliqent
The jews in this sample were imposters. They are Greeks and Roman honkies pretending to be Jews. Also White "Jews" are ugly with their hook noses and their acne ridden skin. The real black jews are the superior jews in terms of appearance, athleticism, and coolness.
Anything with a sample size less than 50 isn't worth paying attention to imo...
>most trustworthy
Atleast be realistic with your appreciation of the perkele,
How so?
Shut it mongol. These Crackers are not the children of the covenant. They are the white devils who are evil racists trying to keep the real jews down.
Im not finnish im just visiting this shitty country
Will find genetic map that proves these Ashkenazis, and Sephardim are more genetically like Romans/Greeks than like Middle-eastern Jews and Black Jews.
2% and almost half of the americas richest
That explains a lot...Now remake this thread from your home country, shekelberg. Tell me how that goes :^)
You got to wait some time
Fuck off, nobody is this dumb
If they are so intelligent then why do they still believe the holocaust?
Mizrahi Jews are closer to sephardim and ashkenazim genetically than they are to the beta israel. As are the samaritan people.
First you open a thread shilling for Islam, then another for Judaism. Why?
I'd also appreciate not using a Finnish IP for this shit.