How much longer can we put up with this shit? It's literally like a fuckin ad from the DNC with sheboons, blacklivesmatter, hijabs, and other Jew bullshit.
If I could boycott MicroJew i would
How much longer can we put up with this shit? It's literally like a fuckin ad from the DNC with sheboons, blacklivesmatter, hijabs, and other Jew bullshit.
If I could boycott MicroJew i would
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>tfw you will use windows 7 for the rest of your life
That inane...
What do you expect since their indian owner took over. They've been pushing for work visas that hand work over to indians meanwhile there's a perfectly viable workforce in the US.
What's awful isn't that instead of selling the product by maybe, explaining features or something..they're saying "buy our products beause we like lgbt and blm!".
Windows 10 is the worst ever. Lookat Sup Forums ever since.
>What do you expect since their indian owner took over. They've been pushing for work visas that hand work over to indians meanwhile there's a perfectly viable workforce in the US.
I have a lot of friends in the tech sector in Seattle. MS is run by a lot of independent little fiefdoms, but what I've heard is that most of them refuse to hire white men. I also hear that Nadella is trying to make the org more top down, and the old timers are not fucking having it.
I'm kinda hoping a lot of them just say fuck it, split off to a new company, and make cool shit again.
They are celebrating Trump's Presidency. What's the problem?
That's depressing. Where are the gov't protections for *that* kind of racism? Conspicuously nowhere. Shit like this is why Trump got elected.
Why is delusional leftists cucks getting BTFO so fucking funny?
They exist and apply, and if a company is retarded enough, they'll eventually get slapped down for it. Rumor mill is that a class action lawsuit might happen against twitter for firing only white men. I have no idea if that's true though.
Anyway, it's still illegal to discriminate against whites and men. They just need to start suing, and threatening to sue. Make the HR drones as scared of you as they are of minorities.
>Anyway, it's still illegal to discriminate against whites and men. They just need to start suing, and threatening to sue. Make the HR drones as scared of you as they are of minorities.
Will never happen. The colleges have pushed the 'you can't be racist against white people' meme so hard and everyone ate it up.
If whites and men start getting legally aggressive, it'll put an end to that shit in a hurry. The courts don't tolerate that shit, trust me.
bill gates is literally insane
I think your confidence is misplaced. Here is an example where a higher scoring white female college student was not admitted in favor of a lower scoring mexican. They took it all the way to supreme court and lost, with a justice saying "Diversity justifies some intrusion on the Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection.."
In this case, the highest court in the US literally ruled in favor of racism and got away with it. The DoJ is against us, not with us.
>spending billions of dollars to make shitty outdoor toilets smell nice when all you need is to buy 5$ worth of cleaning products and just clean the damn loo
The link. I could only find the washington post quickly.
>Third time's a fucking charm..
This. Why's it too much to ask they clean after themselves? Why is "teaching them to suck less" always off the table with broke countries?
Yeah, I'm familiar with that. But the law treats "fire all whites" and "don't hire any whites" and "hire whites only as an absolute last resort" as being separate things. Only the last one is legal in this country.
I agree that their ruling was insane though. Ginsburg justified it by saying "well we won't even need this in 20 years anyway, so why are you white people so mad? :^)" Disgusting.
Still on it myself
7 is God's number
Praise Kek
Have you guys ever considered that maybe this pandering is because it is the modern trend and they are just trying to make a quick buck off of it, and that it isn't Jews? Don't get me wrong, Jews are the problem, but not everybody is influenced by Jews.
I downloaded 10 a year ago. Should I go back to 7?
You had a choice between muh gaymes and not being cucked, user. Why did you not listen?
hahahahahahahahahahahaha haaaaaaaaaaa hahahahahahahaha