Why do you guys hate me for being gay?
Why do you guys hate me for being gay?
Because Sup Forumsacks are closeted fags and resent not being able to come out themselves.
might as well try to suggest that i hate downies or kids with flippers instead of hands. but to suggest any of you are normal is fucking ridiculous.
>has entire board to himself
>seeks to spread discourse and memes of faggotry to Sup Forums and every other board on Sup Forums
I don't, but if anything would make me hate gays, it's you complaining about it.
nat soc doesn't hate gays just pride parade tutu wearing types
Go away, degenerate shit.
the acts of 2 consenting adults in private space i will never have anything to do with triggers me
I think we're normal desu.
You guys should stop believing in stupid shit which claims that homosexuality is a choice or a disease.
I don't. I'm a trap
Despite having just as much freedoms, and in certain court cases much more, you constantly complain for representation.
You want people to pay for your way of life and support you against their will. when i say you, i mean your movement. They are constantly fighting the imaginary boggyman that hasnt existed in years.
That and you lump yourselves in with LGBT:
No one has cared about Lesbians, the only ones who complain appear to be fat bulldykes
Why the fuck is this even here? this is a along with the rest of your freakshow is a fetish.
Transgender males and females have been able to marry for years. i am not paying for some crack head doctor to cut off your balls and inject you with estrogen. you wanna do it? do it on your own dime.
There is a very small minority who hates you for being gay, and they are mostly muslims/niggers and insane church goers.
I hate that gays need to constantly remind you that they're gay.
Heh... sweden. Don't you have some cucking to do?
But that's not all it is, is it? Plenty of heteros like to do fucked up things in the bedroom I'll never hear about, and rightly so, but it doesn't affect their entire personality and they don't spend their life trying to normalise their sexual fetish (though that too is increasingly a problem).
i don't hate you for being gay i hate you for being an obnoxious piece of shit
Keep it in a private space then
I don't hate you fuck off
because all gay people are child molesters = ruiners of the next generation
even if theyre killing and eating each other?
I hate that you won't shut the fuck up about being gay, nobody cares.
>just as much freedom
Like what?
Being unable to hold hands in public because of risk getting spat on or beaten up?
Why do you guys hate me for being a pedophile?
I don't hate you but you don't deserve to live.
Leviticus 18:22
we dont desu
You let the democrats play you like a fucking fiddle every election and are promoting the downfall of society. Your kind also single handedly fucked all of California.
What's not to hate?
This right here.
It seems that for a lot of faggots being gay becomes their culture.
I don't care about it. Neither do so care about what you want to do in the privacy of your own home.
I'd be a lot more tolerant if you'd even for once could stop dragging sucking dick in every last available conversation
Because you make threads like this. You're literally nothing if not for your deviant sexuality. You're building your entire existence around a neurological malfunction. You are, in all your essence, a glitch that can't be patched.
... So you ask me, what is there to empathise with?
Because you're gay.
Then why do straight men become poofters in prison? Homosexuality is nothing but a disgusting deviancy.
Why do gays want to destroy the traditional family so much?
no. all the gay hate and jew hate is just a meme. i've sucked some dicks myself, even though i did it ironically
Post ass
On how many layers of irony were you on
post ass
Being a gay warrior is redpilled as fuck.
I don't.
Sorry, you must have confused us with Muslims.
Go give your ministry to them, no one here gives enough of a shit about you to even look twice at two guys holding hands.
Or would it be islamiphobic to ask them to stop stoning gays?
Because niggers are some the most latent homosexuals. They get super angry about faggotry outside the prison because they're secretly faggots.
Fixed your image
op was net een dag te laat
gisteren was het grappiger geweest
Omdat get paarse vrijdag was?
We don't, we're gay too.
Why do you constantly make this thread over, and over again?
Oh right because your father didn't give you enough attention now you seek male attention from every faggot you can find, and from complete strangers on the internet.
Go away faggot Nederbro.
i don't hate you, i tolerate you, but i don't accept you. also fuck those degenerate pride parades
>Why do you guys hate me for being gay?
Nobody hates you, fag.
It's simply against the rules.
> Leviticus 18:22
"You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination."
I don't hate you personally, I hate what you've done to society.
I don't hate you
I don't hate gay people
I hate Liberals who want to push their views and opinions on me and others, but don't want to be tolerant of the views they don't like
Fucking Hypocrites.
Also I'm not white, I'm a conservative, I voted for Trump and I have been called a Race-Traitor by my family and disowned over it. This is fucking ridiculous that America has become this way.
>dgw je gisteren al dei flikkerpropaganda moest zien
voelt kut
Moest je maar niet in Nederland wonen, Ahmed.
>a 11 yo with a 21 yo
>a jew with a christian girl
just stop making this thread everyday. ffs
Not just niggers. Many long-term prisoners become faggots in prison. It's a choice, at best a mental illness.
I agree though, most niggers have a gay side.
I don't, just go suck dicks to your heart's content!
Nah man they'll sit there and get mad if someone does anything remotely get mad, i've seen plenty of videos where a white boy will scare away a nigger by pullin down his pants. But then niggers will gangbang girls every fucking day and not think its a little bit gay.
Because your to cute 4 me ;)
what have gay people ever done to you?
Current studies suggest that it's more so a glitch in the part of one's brain which controls attraction. A release of chemicals upon seeing what [that part thinks] is the opposite sex, thus encouraging procreation.
It is a desync between the actual physiology of one's biological sex, and the attraction-centre in one's brain.
One part is irreversibly (despite miraculous, scientific progress) being born either male or female, and having a centre in one's brain which controls sexual attraction, desire, impulses, etc.
I only hate you if you don't like this. Assuming you're a bottom.
Because you're a degenerate that likes cock more then he likes god country race etc, you are a piece of shit that should be set on fire for fun
Go watch common filth, find christ and be saved, or wait for the day of the rope where I get to take out my pent of feelings of hatred for western liberal society out on you, your fellow faggots, thots, bitches (that took my money) and subhumans
>implicerend dat ik geen zelf hatende flikker ben
je hebt het tegen de verkeerde persoon maat
ik hou gewoon van memen
It all in your head OP. Gays think they are special and think that everyone must hate them.
Just because someone doesn't approve of your behavior doesn't mean they hate you. Sodomy is just gross so keep your disgusting sexual preferences to yourself.
If someone fucks a dead dog in a private space is that ok?
I mean it doesn't affect anyone?
those prank in the hood videos by Cock TV are fake. If a white boy pulls down his pants in the hood he's getting raped like a little white girl or shot like a white boy with his pants down.
Why are all Dutch men either gay or into Asian women?
I don't. I like dicks too.
You're an attention-whoring faggot for making this thread at all, though.
Either way they're faggots
>calling others degenerate while talking about burning people for fun
>he thinks that genocide and mass murder are going to be clean
Yeah no
I'm a bottom.
pretty sure the Pig would rather be fucked than become a Merican McBreakfast Sammich
Also the Pig can't really consent, the whole thing is "Two Consenting Adults" private is only there so you don't have to see what they are doing.
Can't teach people to see beyond their view point, but I can encourage it.
sorry to burst your bubble but there's not going to be a "day of the rope"
I don't hate gay people.
I just hate how some people choose to wave it around like it's an accomplishment or something.
You don't see people running around with hetero or CIS pride shirts do you?
Out of curiosity, if we are willing to kill pigs for food and we consider that ok, what makes it not OK to fuck the pig, in terms of negative morality?
How do we actually "wave it around"?
Because all we want is equal treatment.
I'm fine with that then.
Sorry, just got the wrong impression at first.
By the logical stand point
"Murder is worse than Rape"
Because Rape victims can survive to lead good lives, but Murder victims have a 0% survival rate.
So yeah Raping a pig is not as bad as murdering them and their family and then feasting on their delicious cooked flesh.
I guess.... it's just a social construct, and if alt reality does exist, somewhere we Fuck Pigs and Eat Muslims.
What a wonderful thought.
I don't hate you. But you do have a mental disorder that you are refusing to recognize as not normal and cooperating with bad people who are trying to engineer society into accepting and even celebrating as normal. This is dangerous for civilization and humanity as a species because it alters the correct understanding that the reproductive faculties and drives were selected for by nature for the purpose of propagating the species and if these drives and faculties are not understood as the glue that holds families together, civilization will fall apart. This is why acceptance of homosexuality has always gone hand in hand with decadence and the fall of once great civilizations throughout history.
Now to address your personal situation. Homosexuality arises because the part of your brain that recognizes a potential reproductive partner and then initiates the program of behavior that makes the reproductive act happen was not formed properly and therefore your brain is muscles sifting individuals of your gender as potential reproductive partners. Your mistake is trusting that your brain is not providing you with false information. You know from experience that the brain is sometimes wrong but you are refusing to accept that it is wrong about this thing and you are doubling down on it by embracing gayness as an identity instead of rising above your primitive animal urges and acting as a rational human being.
Assuming you're white, I hate that you're contributing to the decline of the white race.
We must secure the existence of our people, and a future for white children.
>Faggot dutch kid, probably a brabant nigger trying to get attention.
well you have it. What did you want to tell us.
A lot of closet gays here.
>muscles sifting
Nobody here hates you faggot. Still does not change the fact that you are mentally ill though. But look at it this way: most Sup Forumsacks believe you are the good kind of mentally ill. The kind which can grow a nice pair of tits and buttocks by having HRT, turning into a qt tranny.
back to your hugbox
Tranny is worse.
/lgbt/ is Sup Forums's best ally.
Sup Forums and /lgbt/ are bros desu
/lgbt/ is a liberal shit whole filled with mentally ill trannies. I can't discuss anything seriously because I'll be banned from the board. I am a Sup Forumslock who happens to be gay and want my tight hole pounded.
You need to go back.
Many gays have womanly attributes which makes them prone to becoming SJWs and whining.
I don't.
I hate fairies who define their identity solely by how many cocks they can gargle.
All I want is a traditional family but with two dads. I would raise children around Mom and Aunts, and Grandmother if she makes it, so they are exposed to female role models.
but don't you like these beautiful white skin, blonde hair and blue eyes?
cuz of this
I have no issues with fags as long as you and your partner admit to yourselves that fags are more likely to be sex offenders and should not be allowed to adopt even the most ghetto of children.