Daily reminder that Hillary Rodham Clinton officially has a 98% chance of winning the election and is embarrassing Drumpf in all the polls. I can't fucking WAIT to see you neckbeards burst into tears on election night when you lose. I'll remember it for the rest of my life.

Say it with me!

you trumpkins are delusional

this board will be ours


deal with it virgins

Drumpf BTFO
Now listen, I'm a Trump supporter too, always have been.
But let's be real here, he's going to lose.
It's so obvious he's going to lose that I'm not even wasting my time to vote on Election Day.

post more clinton pepes
I didn't save as many as should have back then

it's over drumpfkins

All reputable sources (Huffpo, XOjane) put Hillary at a 99.999999999653799% chance of winning.

How can Drumphghbois EVEN compete?!?

Can't wait for drumpftards' tears.

you tried so hard ..

The election is just a formality at this point lmao. Trumplets are in for the most embarrassing loss in history.
Pathetic fucking conspiritards rofl.

why do these weak memes still trigger me a month after victory?

Who here can't wait for election night to witness the drumpftard tears?

>All these defective Hillbots

Haaa. A good old nostalgia feel. I think I will miss the CTR.

I'm with her

Me, sister! I literally have a front-row seat reserved at Hillary HQ in NYC on election night! I'm going to be right in front of her when she wins!

what's sad is watching you guys cry over a billionaire who doesn't care about you. a losing billionaire. once madame wins, you'll leave the dark side

post more CTR pepe memes.

I need a good laugh.

RAWR ! ! !





shoo away








you're a month too late lol




You're not Russian, bro.

do you think people would do that?
>do you?
>tell lies on the internet?

why do liberal girls always look like aliens? I've noticed this irl - there's always something off about their appearance

I am, dear burger.



Prove it.


It's because you're the only one posting from supposedly russia. All those false flags are yours, bro.

The female version of Kek is a snake. Those shitposters were so uneducated. They probably offended Kek when they made those images and further enraged Kek and caused Kek to double Keks efforts.

Пoшёл нa хyй, пидopac зaмopcкий!
Кoмy ты нaхyй нyжeн чтoбы тeбe чтo-либo дoкaзывaть.


Noticed this aswell.

This might be the saddest one. I never saw it during the height of CTR's career on pol so they probably knew it was so bad and never reposted it.


Those memes are most ironic now.

Perhaps if you'd post say, a picture of your room, or perhaps a nearby candy wrapper with some russian on it or something, then I'd believe you.

A тo!





In the Greco-Roman period, Kek's male form was depicted as a frog-headed man, and the female form as a serpent-headed woman, as were all four dualistic concepts in the Ogdoad.

Aww, how cute. Hill shills trying to meme like the masters when it's already way too late and we got a huge headstart

hey hows the recount results in michigan going, hill shills?? ANSWER ME

I apologize for my countrymen, he thinks he's being sneaky


Shill is still a thing?




they also got no digits


Answer me about Michigan, hill shill


let's try then

>tfw I triggered autsts into believing I am CTR




I'm convinced that there doesn't even exist a timeline with Hillary winning. She is that cursed and unlikeable.

Drumpftards still think they are going to win.

I am a Trump supporter myself, just like triggering you autists.

Daily reminder that you officially have no functioning brain cells for believing what you post daily.


Yeah but you're not russian.

I hope I'm still seeing these memes in the 2040 election.

Come back to Reality, Libs

Yes, I am jewish.
Give me my shekels!

>I was only pretending to be retarded.
I admit, you are good at deception, Rasputin.

>only pretending to be retarded

>right after looking up Michigan recount results

Kek doesn't like being depicted in such a fashion.




He speaks through me.

Bc the retards posting them actually believe them




Next goes not pepes



last post, the clinton foundation has heavy ties with COINTELPRO, and The Church of Scientology has a heavy hand in what's going on in the DC area.