is this how we genocide the jewish race?
Is this how we genocide the jewish race?
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first step is stoping the circumcision for the goyims. Since forever jew's pogrom have been done the same way :"schlomo panties down now, ho you are mutilated worshiper of Lucifer, into the oven".
It's why jewishs doctors pushed so hard the circumcision amongst non jewish children in US : to avoid the next pogrom in USA (there is also a second reason who is even more important, but the point is really long to explain).
I wonder if he ever wakes up and looks in the mirror then thinks:
I don't get it either he could do so much better. It's like Jeb Bush I guess. He's basically American Royalty and still married some ugly Mexican turd. Guess that's what happens when you grow up cucked.
>I wonder if he ever wakes up and looks in the mirror then thinks:
It's very difficult to find a good looking woman. If he spent the time, he might find a gold digger and lose his fortune. It's a lose-lose situation
Is that fat chinky gook a man woman or Beast ?
You know no one thinks like this except you retards, right?
How can you be a millionaire and not have at least an 8/10 gf?
He should spend his money on building the best sex robots instead of curing diseases that kill mostly niggers
He's taking one for the team.
Jews are subverting China next. They gotta start the new generation of Jewish Chinese to have a voice for subversion there.
The reason so many jews are shacking up with asians is for this. They have a community sense and foresight that escape most other people.
>wears uncomfortable sandals
Fucking hell, he must be retarded.
they were dating before he even made facebook, so at least she's loyal
dating someone after getting rich would probably make you insecure as fuck as you never know if they just want your money
I said it before ill say it again.
To really shoah the jews, they have to die just for being a jew.
Let me clarify
To make that happen, but get no backlash after, one needs to scientifically find WHY jews are different form other goyim.
Then a smart goy needs to find a gene in a jew that makes the jew a jew.
Step 2 is to make an airborne virus that attacks those with that gene.
Step 3 is to make jews want to preserve that gene, to make themselves want to be more jew, to amplify the gene, to make it stronger and to amplify the genetic difference between other goyim.
That would take about 60 to 70 years, hopefully less, IF and only if a goy with that agenda has power of some sorts in the jew media to help that happen, to make the jews want to marry ONLY other jews with proven jewery, for more amplified jew kids, to preserve and strengthen the jew gene.
Then, when the new jews with the more prominent jew gene have inherited the power of older jews who are now the joos that people blame the worldly troubles for, agents release the virus in Jerusalim, Tel Aviv, Jew York, London, Jewish Oblast in Russia, everywhere where the Jew elite resides, then we watch and eat popcorn as the jews are dying of plague or fever trying to quarantine the infected but the goyim are not affected.
Forget all the shoahs they suffered since Moses, this would be their last one, the true one.
All their wealth then should be confiscated by madmen who will be targets of other goyim that will fight them for it, spreading all the jew gold across the world, everywhere where the strongest can take it, where it belongs.
Other steps if needed at all will be made in the future.
Thats the only way.
I for one cant grow a plant properly, let alone find genes or mutate viruses, i cant do jack shit about it.
But someone can, and someone will.
Call it the goy protocol
He is a billionaire. To put that amount of money in perpective, he could afford to have jewish-asian breeding grounds all around the world with paid mothers and sperm donors. Why would he do this to himself when he could be fucking some hot chick?
This makes a lot more sense. She basically won the lottery and he is rightfully scared to go out hunting and lose half his shit.
It's funny because he looks like a jewish version of this guy I went to school with. He ended up with some Asian who left him after she got citizenship
>jew with billions of dollars
>is fucking a 4/10 chink
8/10 to 10/10 Chinee girls are rare, but with that money he could've bought all of them to create his Jew breeding center.
He married a gook smart enough to know that she has more value and influence staying with him and having access to his money and power, rather than divorcing him and spending the rest of her days as a rich, miserable, and lonely gook. And he knows that.
stop perpetuating this holy bullcrap meme
no such thing as gene for religion, no such thing as jewish race
I guess that's half of it, but they were also dating for years before facebook was even a thing
would you break up with a girl that was loyal to you and won't fuck you over just so you can get someone hotter because you became rich?
lowell is the biggets shithole i have ever visited, why you would wear a shirt bearing the name of that putrid shithole is beyond me.
It's the next step of the Jewish domination plan, they will mix with Asians as to create a new breed of Jews that will be able to blend into Asian society, allowing them to eventually coming to dominate these nations as well. It's what they once did in Europe, mixing with us as so to be capable of work undisturbed towards their goals. Which is also why until as recent as Nazi Germany Jews were forced to wear special items of clothing in order to let people recognize them, typically this was a conical hat.
The truth is, there is no Jewish race to begin with. The Jews have been mixing with whites for many generations. Jewish is an IDENTITY, but not a race. You can become a Jew purely through conversion to their religion.
>the askenazi ethnicity doesn't exist
>jewish cultural nepotism and harmful attitudes towarss out-groups don't exist
>a successful man standing next to a useless women.
why? she's not even hot.
Do you not see the bigger picture here?
White civilization is dying.
A lot of rich Jews are interbreeding with Asians.
Their offspring will be able to successfully infiltrate Asian societies, and they'll take over Asia exactly like they took over the West.
Once Whites die off, these parasitic Jews will go after countries like Japan.
Will their kids be called Chews?
shlomo detected
Honestly I wouldn't
>tfw no gf
He probably has her to show up at public events and stuff, and has tons of big titted aryan house slaves that no one ever sees. Or more likely his handlers permit him access to hot wimmens as a reward when he performs acceptably.
If whites are truly as weak as you say they are, then what do we have to be upset about? If what you're saying is true then the Jews are simply running a superior program. And they should be commended for it.
Isn't the whole reason we want to preserve the white race that we are supposedly superior? We're superior, but a tiny group of Jews can somehow demolish us? Doesn't that literally make them superior and us laughable?
wow. horee sheeeit
Call them Chymies? Kikenese?
millionaire, the guy is a billionaire... he's worth 50.7 billion to be exact
hotter when i become rich.
>Concerned Jewish people sometimes refer to assimilation (along with abortion within the Jewish community) as a type of Holocaust. This is because assimilation is the leading cause for the shrinkage of almost all Jewish populations in Western countries since World War II
>The Jewish community will not be recognizable in 25 to 30 years.[4] 50% of American Jews marry a non-Jew.[5] Better education is associated with lower levels of intermarriage because Jews with a higher education level encounter a marriage market with more Jews.[6]
>would you break up with a girl that was loyal to you
how was she loyal? HE was loyal, she got lucky.
I ain't rich, but I think I understand rich people's disdain for new money when I look at Zuckerberg.
>be a couple worth billions
>you both look and dress like shit
I'm not saying that you should wear a tuxedo to the grocery store, but put some fucking effort into it. Get into the gym occasionally.
Exact opposite. They have absolutely nothing to prove to you or anyone. They can wear whatever they want in current life.
god i hate that little faggot kike
This is actually a good plan.
We should convince the juice that asian pussy is good for cut cock.
After that, open boarders for Israel.