Which button would you press Sup Forums?

Which button would you press Sup Forums?
>You can only press one
>You have to press one
>You cannot change the rules stated or make exceptions other than the ones listed

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They all are worthless. Where is "purge all non-christians" button?

Red button. 100%

red is the only ideal one

Orange, I like Japan but I'd sacrifice it to save to world from the African population boom.

need one to get rid of all slavs

Red leaves out conquest

A Decent option but it wouldn't solve all problems. Also, Blue implies red.

A better option than red but law can always be changed (and so does the definition of a criminal) so it's not that solid.

I don't care about fags, they're merely a tool.

Also a good option but I don't mind them if they stay in their countries.

The best option. Without the (((left))) minorities would not would not be a problem.


I'll push the button which will give me a home and a citizenship in the UK.

Gotta go orange man, we can always get rid rid of the remaining faggots and leftists and criminals, red pill some women so we can still have fun and not have to fag out like romans. Yeah definitely orange

Blue would get rid of most niggers, Arabs and Jews. Not even a question.

Orange. Was there ever any doubt?

Orange. Shame about the East Asians though.

These are all terrible

Orange it is for me. So sorry Japan.

Why isn't there a button to kill all far right politicians and Sup Forumstards?

Why is red an option when blue does the same but better?

Only western slavs remain in that scenario.


newpol detected

Orange. Sorry to be Italians and Irish, but it's for the greater good.

i'd press yellow, orange, and purple as fast as possible


>worshipping a 3 headed hydra mangod (trinity)

Christendom is for degenerates

Grey is the obvious choice

Dudes world

Orange, without doubt.

Orange so long as it takes the jews too

They're all suboptimal, but I suppose purple is the best one in the long run.

blue no doubt

Orange is the only way

''white'' isn't a race, but if you mean Caucasian, then I'd press the orange.

But Red and Purple are good options.

I'll go for purple. All the leftists are dead, and we go full National Conservatism

Grey Button

Reason: Without women the leftist movement has no traction because numales won't be trying to get in their pants. Because of this muslims will be deported quickly and effectively.

The cost of the robots will probably be put high enough that 3rd nations won't be able to afford them 8n turn causing a population stabilisation of those areas.

This will lead to a new age of custom waifus that will not cheat or steal from you and usher in a peace never before seen in human history.

Try to prove me wrong


Every other issue will be resolved in time after pressing purple.

Without women, there's be no competition amongst the male species.

We'll just turn into a faggot civilisation where we all rape and steal from each other.

We'd be back in the dark ages.

Meanwhile, if all men disappeared, then the world of women will take them back to pre-civilisation, which is even worse. They'll probably just die out.

>choosing purple
Hello nu/pol/

blue implies red but the non whites can stay in their own countries and provide goods for others basically. They can also still immigrate legally

hi r_thedonald!

because you can still rely on legal immigration if you don't mind some non-whites or have them go back to their own countries but still create goods to trade and so on

purple button best button


this is the correct answer. liberalism is the disease and the rest are symptoms

Go away evil dogger.

Orange button is best button.

Seriously, all other problems literality vanish overnight if 4/5th of the world is suddenly devoid of human life.

Socialists could start socialist states in Africa and we would give them a proper bonus to fuck off.

Replace socialist with LBGTQQ+ etc etc and we get all-white, politically nationalist states all over the world.

You obviously have no friends. Bros compete about shit all the time.

The idea of fame and glory as well as selfish desire will always produce competition.

niggers wouldn't be niggers if liberalism didn't exist?

none, I don't want to get rid of the people who are different, or disagree with me, the world would be a boring shit hole with little advancements

Lets go for the Button that brings about world peace instead - and maybe add in a special note that Hillary, Bill, and Media shills spend their days being raped by African American men in Prison, and I'm good.

UK? What are you a faggot?

Purple. You need to eradicate the source of the problem.

nigger wouldnt be treated as a protected class with purple


>muhh world peace
what do you think this is a fucking miss america contest?

If you pick Orange, you solve a lot of problems but introduce new ones. As the entire world lay un colonized, I can only imagine the kind of trouble that would cause. We would no longer be friends, soon to be drafted to kill each other. Also we lose Japan.


The only morally acceptable button is red...all the others are wanton murder


Sorry to the few non-white countries I like, but it's for the greater good.

With no non-whites, most of the problems will be solved by itself.

>World Peace meme

The can be no peace. Muslims will always be against Westernization and niggers will always find something to nig about.

How about modifying it to where Muslims and Nigs are confined to the middle east and Africa? Thats the closest you will get to peace

Purple solves all other problems.


make a black button that creates worldwide communism and makes me an elite party member.

The only way to achieve peace is to eradicate all signs of left wing degeneracy

>no corpses

I press Red and then enact yellow and purple (hanging burning etc having fun with it) while thining out non whites that are degenerate (and then sending the rest out of western countries

Imagibe the amount of faggotry in the following two years
You better rev up the gas chambers really fast if you push it

Where is the button to get rid of capitalists, fascists and non-socialistic anarchists? These are all worthless.

Purple is the choice of Reddit faggots

Spot the faggot

Yeah because rampant fucking plague sure is exciting



Just because of the sex-bots.


>Yeah because rampant fucking plague sure is exciting
It would punish the countries/communities accepting and enabling the concerned ones.

And that would be good propaganda, like illegals/criminals/non-whites = DISEASE

The moment you push orange everyone would be at eachothers throats.

Human beings need adversity, there needs to be winners and losers.

Why the fuck would you skip the great race war

I'd choose Red if I were kind, but in my heart of hearts I'd smash that purple button just to get the train rolling.


But orange is red + more

Grey, because I'm a bitter virgin

Blue is superior to red because it includes red.

Purple is superior to yellow and orange because it depowers both groups.

Grey would also to a lesser effect what what purple does (since men are further to the right) and grey (further right you are, you'll usually become harsher on crime and care more for blood and soil.) you also get an extreme boost in technological growth.

(Assuming there will no longer ever be any women) Grey is my option because it causes the world to shift towards the right perpetually, which resolves all other problems.

most probably what Death stranding is about


>I have never heard of mass graves

What do you think we do after we make the example




I figured it was implied that world peace is achieved by something along these lines, like all radical muslims, radical Libs, etc would be stuck in a Bubble city - then we could make TV shows out of their lives, eventually those people will Kill or Rape eachother to death, I would watch that show.

Red button of course

torn between red and purple

>chosing an option that will allow whites to slaughter millions of non humans because women wont be protesting MUH FEELINGS with their boy accessories

Who is the true faggot?

No button to purge all the jews????

Grey ... for a better future.

>no strawpoll in OP
Orange no doubt

but that's a pointless warning because there wouldn't be any non whites to warn about anymore?

and it will kill a lot of innocents/non-whites and create a huge burden. If you want to punish countries for their mistakes fair enough, but personally i'd rather just move forward unhindered

not saying it couldn't be done, but why would you want a huge national works project and disease to break out for 'fun'?

The grey button of course.

Purple. Then we can realize Orange with our own hands.

Orange, if you push orange it will also be pushing red, and it will be like pushing 3/4 blue and 1/2 purple

Wait, fuck, I thought it was all leftists. Politicians are too easily replaceable. I'd pick Orange then.

thats purple :^)

Why would anyone pick red? Blue just kills all "illegal" immigrants as well as other criminals anyway.

Orange would be the obvious choice if it spared asians. Really these are all shit options. I guess purple...

Look at all those french jewish. They''re about to vote for Lepen the jewish jew working for Israël and Goldman Sachs

and 8/9ths of grey :^)

there's a button for non-whites, are you blind?

fuck me that was dumb, good idea


if I press the blue button Hillary would be our president.

Press all the buttons

Are you stupid?
Donald Trump is not a leftist, but he just put the jews in command.

Grey. Literally all our problems have started because of women.

>there's a button for non-whites, are you blind?
Most jews are white you stupid alt-right you disgust me.

Bring me a bottle of your finest vodka, a signed photograph of Putin, and pay me £50 a week and I'll put you up in my spare room for as long as you like.

I put the option for illegals only in for people who
>didn't want to kill
>believe in nationalism for all races, not just whites
>want to be able to use the cheaper labour from other countries
>still want a large pool of human resources to derive people from - if they don't mind picking up some non-whites to be in their nations

i mean, it's not like it's 100% non-sensical, not what i'd pick though

Orange without a doubt in my mind. The world will keep on spinning, and while it'd be hard for us at first, we would get everything running again.