Nazis BTFO! You want to call the fire marshals to shutdown our DIY art spaces???...

Nazis BTFO! You want to call the fire marshals to shutdown our DIY art spaces???? We will make sure you NEVER DATE AGAIN!!! ANTIFA!!!!

Do they not realize thats preferable to whites seeing as we take up a huge slice of the population? lol


They're just asking for an ass kicking

Lol, nigger woman are so disgusting they have to make propaganda to get people to start fucking them.

White people are the most beautiful people on the planet and all the shitskins suffer from severe jealousy.

You know, if we were really smart we could post these things all around the country. Obviously in mostly white neighborhoods. It will wake the normies up real fast.

Smash the antifa anarcho-communist scum

White liberals will be a dying breed soon enough.

you should get an instant death penalty for messing with white milfs

I'm fine with it. It's an anti-miscegenation message after all.

This. The best way to redpill lefties is to show the worst of them.

Fuckin' Antifa. I really wish they'd start something here in the USA. They're all vegan transsexual anemic skinny femboys.

white men are becoming the new "forbidden fruit"

>father: don't date white boys
>daughter: why?
>father: because they colonized the entire world and enslaved everybody
>daughter: that sounds hot!

This is probably aimed at non white women. Beta little antifa jew getting cucked by chad all the time.

More often than not, you do. The law comes down doubly hard in violent crimes against parents, law enforcement officials and free masons, at least here in Texas.

>in Washington
Enjoy the bullets. We carry here.


damn, thats a nice magic the gathering collection.

>white genocide isn't a thing

Antifa is shooting themselves in the foot with this one.

I don't get it.
Is it telling niggers not to date whites?
Is it telling whites to date niggers instead of whites?
Is it telling whites not to date at all?

>antifa faggots


We should be encouraging posters like these because it makes white men look like bad boys and women love to do taboo shit.

>"art spaces"

Holy fuck, you guys actually go to shitty hovels and pretend to be "artists"?

Please die in more fires

> dating American """""""women""""""

>scared of antifa faggots
We'll blow ya the fuck out, m8.

because everybody wants a future that looks like northern africa

whites are the superior race,always have been.always will be.go back to your cuck shed OP

Yay! Now we can be like niggers in the old days. Women will flock to the forbidden dick, and the brownies will try to start fights with whites.
What a glorious day.










206 here. Will infiltrate and report safespace as firehazard. Hail victory.

hail the day of the reeeeeeeeee

I should infiltrate antifa here. I already know their retarded beliefs and can echo them about as well as any antifa member.

The hard part would be doing it with a straight face.

I see recizm on this picture.

I already have...
t. Portland


I encourage all Sup Forumstards to join ANTIFA, Soros funded organzations, RevCom etc...

Remember the lesson of 2016:
We're the jews now

>if only whites were removed, homophobia and sexism would cease to exist

looks like lucy liu

you're a step behind friend

The whole nation's having a stroke, the left side of it's face is slumped bad.

How do you get Antifa to break into your house? I'd like to stand my ground against them but I'm not the right guy to start the 4th Reich, which is probably a requirement to aggro their entire organization at once.

I could infiltrate antifa, if i was a skinny manlet junkie.

That's racist. Antifa is a racist group.

I really want to out-jew the jew. If I had more free time, I'd join and doxx every single antifaggot. Fuck, it's one of the few scenarios where I'd interact with police willingly. Every time they mention violence, property crime, or some LARPing cuck wants to talk violent rebelution, hand the tape over to the cops with a home address.

>Emerald City
Damn, the wizard of Oz is a lot more messed up than I realized.

>have friends infiltrate antifa
>friends tell antifa that your address is a neo nazi fascist training house
>friends tell antifa that they have intel that it will be empty on a certain date at 2 am
>friends get most annoying antifa to go break in and vandalize/steal
>equips them with crowbars (important)
>your car is parked down the road
>you are in your house with lights off next to your laptop and your rifle/shotgun
>laptop is on standby with a redtube cuck porn video paused and nothing at all on the laptop that can incriminate you
>electronic hearing protection (get peltors) is on
>wait until they are all the way inside then start gunning them down
>while waiting, massage your dick to full mast
>crowbars are deadly weapons they were coming right at you!
>bang bang bang
>remove peltors, stow away
>bring laptop out of standby
>tell cops and first responders that you were having a late night wank to porn (laptop) and these people broke in
>the last thing the antifas saw was a naked man with a rock hard boner
>cops will find your story so awkward that it must be real

i am a cop and if a home invasion victim told me he was naked and watching porn when it happened, i'd feel like he was being very open & honest with me

Where was this? Probably crapitol shill

>tfw slogens like this and after alection butthurt either radicalize both whites and non-whites or both whites and non-whites get enough of thisradical lefty shit

This, but it is good. We need to do more of this.